Living Beyond
Paul Hillman
Copyright 2021 by Paul Hillman.
ISBN: | Softcover | 978-1-6641-5855-9 |
eBook | 978-1-6641-5854-2 |
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Rev. date: 02/17/2021
With much gratitude, I wrote this book as motivational book to encourage and inspire those who are going through some difficult times in life. To my son and daughter, Joshua and Jessica, I would like to dedicate this book as an inspiration because of the love, strength, and courage that you both have shown me while I was going through my time of weakness, trials, and difficulties. You have both helped me understand the purpose of true love and that love never fails. You have helped me know that even in times of weakness and brokenness, love is stronger and can restore wholeness.
I would have never known about the strength that was already in me until I found myself at a place of weakness. However, you have both helped in lifting me up and giving me the strength to keep on going. I will always love you both. Continue being strong, and always believe that you both have what it takes to be successful. I also would like to take time to acknowledge your mom, who had invested so much in both of you. I am sure you both were her guiding light when times seemed too dark for her. I am very proud of her, and what a loving mother she has been to both of you.
To Grandma Elmon, thanks for the many kindnesses that you have shown me. I remember learning to drive in your car. I will never forget when, at the gas station, you told me to keep my cash while using your debit card to purchase gas. You then told me, Son, this car is yours. You have blessed me with two beautiful grandchildren.
I really thank God for that favor and for the family that God has placed in my life. I will forever be grateful. I thank God for all the people who will purchase and read this book. I also pray that it will be a blessing and will inspire you as you continue your journey in life.
Paul R. Hillman
If you are going to understand your purpose and the journey to your success, you should first expect some kind of challenge. You have to expect some trials and difficulties before seeing your dreams become your reality. This means you cannot just conform to the things that your natural eyes see. In addition, you cannot allow your feelings to overcome your emotions. You have to be willing to face the impossible before seeing the incredible. You should not expect to become successful by becoming comfortable. You must be willing to go above and beyond yourself. Its like running a marathon; if you are going to finish the race, your mind must be ready to go the distance. Along the way you will feel some cramps, some pain, fatigue, and sometimes feel like giving up. Every athlete or successful person has gone through a place in their journey where they felt like giving up. That is when you must be willing to dig deep and get beyond yourself.
Your self will tell you that you are hurting or that you are too tired to continue. Whenever the self gets in the way, you have no other source to rely on because you are now relying on yourself. Your focus should not be on yourself but on the race, which is ahead of you. Every athlete is designed to run their assigned lane. They dont have time to see you or to be worried about the past because they are only focused on the race ahead and the prize to be won. Do not get attracted to self-pity because self-pity will distract you from winning the race. If you fail in winning the race, you will also fail in winning the prize. Oftentimes it has been said that My biggest enemy is myself. If you fail to see your mistakes, then you will start blaming others. Could it be that sometimes ones failure in life happens because he or she fails or refuses to accept their own mistakes?
To control yourself, you have to learn to control your mind. Living beyond yourself means going above and beyond your imagination. It is the worlds desire for you to see yourself bound, to see yourself stagnant. You can be bound to yourself because of the ways with which you think about yourself. It is the worlds desire to create an image of you rather than see the perfect being that you were created as. If you choose to live in the worlds imagination of who you are, you will be forced to pierce yourself or inflict injury on yourself to fit the worlds image of you. If you try to live up to the worlds expectations, you will never see yourself be happy because there will always be another feature or another commercial of what you should look like.
The worlds desire is to see you as a package on a shelf. If you become the worlds package on a shelf, the world will then put a label on you. Its intention is to see you as a shoe, something that can be walked in. The next thing the world will do is put you in a Payless shoe store because its the worlds desire to see you and sell you as something cheap. You have to see yourself as something expensive. You are not a shoe, you cannot be walked upon. You were created to go over and to walk over____________ (you fill in the gap).
People who try to live up to the worlds expectation will never be happy with themselves. You cannot fit the worlds package because you were fearfully, perfectly, and wonderfully made (Psalms 39). This should let you know that you are already carrying the total package . You have to let the world know that you are not to be played with, not to be used, and you cannot be taken for granted. You are not a mistake, and you got what it takes.
The worlds imagination of who you are is intended for you to change yourself from the total package that you already are. You cannot allow yourself to fit in another persons body because you were fearfully, perfectly, and wonderfully made. You are perfect in the skin that you are in. No one can have your shape, your fingerprint, or your DNA. No one can ever pin you to someone elses crime because you carry your own fingerprint, meaning you are with your own blueprint. If you try to fit into the package of the world, you will be forced to carry a label that will change who you are in the package. However, because you are your own package, you cannot be labeled. If the world gets the chance to label you, it will then try to put a price tag on you because its intention is to see you as a slave or as a piece of material for sale. This means people will have the ability to purchase you, to use you, to wear you out, to abuse you, then refuse you. After finishing with you, the world will then see you as useless and worthless. You cannot afford to let the world label you, tag you, and put you on a shelf for sale. If the world gets the chance to handle you, its desire is to force people to judge you, to compare you, to match you, and to pick and choose over you. Living beyond yourself means seeing yourself as tag-less and with valuable meaning. You cannot be labeled as a material. You cannot be tagged because you are tag-less, which means you are not comparable. You cannot be tagged with a price because you are priceless, which means you cannot be sold like merchandise.
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