The Power of Chakras is a practical, well-researched and thorough explication of the spiritual energy centers that are basis of all lasting inner transformation. The book provides an important alternative to popular presentations that are often superficial or inaccurate, offering the reader a knowledge that reflects the deepest, oldest and most wholesome methods of the Yoga tradition. For those interested in how to really work with the chakras, The Power of Chakras provides a wealth of information and inspiration.
Dr. David Frawley, Director, American Institute of Vedic Studies and author of Yoga and Ayurveda and Tantric Yoga
The ancient Indian yogic discipline recognizes that man is but an inseparable constituent of, and identical with, the larger and higher Self which is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. Only the realization of this identity is lacking in the ordinary human being. The yogis discovered that a limitless energy lay dormant in every human being, ready to be awakened. This dormant energy they labeled as Kundalini and likened it to a serpent lying coiled at the base of the spine, with its head turned downwards. The whole yogic discipline consists of the awakening of this Kundalini through regular practice of yoga, and directing it upwards. In due course, the Kundalini moves up the spinal cord wherein potent yet subtle energy centers, called the Chakras, lie in an inactive state. Each Chakra or energy center has specific characteristics and its activation confers specific powers on the yogi. As the successive Chakras get activated, they confer on the practitioner of yoga immense mental and spiritual energy so that eventually nothing remains impossible for him to achieve. Te Power of Chakras is a brilliant and comprehensive exposition of this system of Chakras by the author who has spent decades in her spiritual pursuits, learning the various concepts and techniques of yoga from direct contact with Indian masters of this discipline. Her depth of understanding of the intricate aspects of yoga springs from her prolonged and personal experience. The book is highly illustrated and makes an easy and absorbing reading.
Dr. K.S. Charak, M.D., Vedic Astrologer and author of Essentials of Medical Astrology and Elements of Vedic Astrology, and editor of the magazine Vedic Astrology
The Power of Chakras can familiarize you with the complex field of meditation, spiritual development, and yoga, but in no way claims to fully teach the techniques described. Therefore, personal instruction is recommended. Te Power of Chakras is not an independent guide for self-healing. Susan Shumsky is not a medical doctor and does not diagnose diseases or prescribe treatments. No medical claims are implied about any methods, exercises, or postures suggested in this book, even if specific benefits or healing of diseases or conditions is mentioned. The methods and suggestions in this book should be followed only with permission of a medical doctor or psychiatrist. Susan Shumsky, her agents, assignees, licensees, and authorized representatives, as well as Divine Revelation, Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, and New Page Books, make no claim or obligation and take no legal responsibility for the effectiveness, results, or benefits of reading this book, of using the methods described, or of contacting anyone listed in this book or at; deny all liability for any injuries or damages that you may incur; and are to be held harmless against any claim, liability, loss, or damage caused by or arising from following any suggestions made in this book, or from contacting anyone listed in this book or at
The Power of Chakras
Unlock Your 7 Energy Centers for Healing, Happiness, and Transformation
Copyright 2014 by Susan Shumsky
All rights reserved under the Pan-American and International Copyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, The Career Press.
Cover design by Lucia Rossman/Digi Dog Design
Images and illustrations by Susan Shumsky
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shumsky, Susan G.
The power of chakras: unlock your 7 energy centers for healing, happiness, and transformation / by Susan Shumsky, DD.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-60163-290-6 -- ISBN 978-1-60163-501-3 (ebook) 1. Chakras. I. Title.
BF1442.C53S546 2013
This book is dedicated to the beauteous kundalini, subtle and radiant as 10 million suns. To her lotus feet all worshippers bow, for she invents this mirage by her maya, and she absorbs it again by her all-consuming flame.
Many people have contributed to this book. Therefore, I want to give appreciation to those who have brought it to fruition. Foremost, I want to thank Jeff and Deborah Herman, who remain loyal friends as well as agents. I give gratitude to Mike Lewis, who originated the idea for the book. I am very thankful to Michael Pye and Laurie Kelly-Pye, who made the decision to bring out this new edition. Thanks to Adam Schwartz, Kirsten Dalley, Jeff Piasky, and everyone else at New Page Books, who have worked so diligently to bring this book to press.
I want to give special gratitude to Mary Ann and David Martin, who, with incredible generosity of Spirit, supported me through a very challenging time as I edited this book, and, with their unconditional love and infinite patience, greatly facilitated my healing.
I wish to give special thanks to those who have assisted my quest to explore kundalini and the chakras, including: Harold and Gladys McCoy, Janet DiGiovanna, Danny Rubenstein, Linda Hayden, PJ Worley, Rian Leichter, Bill Moser, Curt De Groat, Nimueh Rephael, George Fitzgerald, and many others. Most of all, I want to express appreciation to my spiritual mentors: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Amritananda Mayi, Babaji Raman Kumar Bachchan, Peter and Ann Meyer, the immortal Babaji, and all the inner teachers. Without these brilliant guiding lights, I would have no comprehension of subtle energies.
by Anodea Judith
The chakra system is an idea whose time has come. Or perhaps I should say come again, as chakras are elements of an ancient yogic system for spiritual evolution that has roots in the distant past. The revived interest in chakras today is a testament to the need for spiritual systems that map onto the body and encompass the full spectrum of human experience, from heaven to earth.
While its wonderful that so many people are now drawn to learn about the chakra system, the danger of such popularization is that the chakras can become trivialized. The word is bandied about in general conversation, without people understanding its original context as esoteric wisdom for seekers of higher states of consciousness. In my 40 years of working with the chakra system, I have seen chakra dog collars, chakra underwear, chakra chocolates, and of course the usual candles, mugs, cushions, yoga mats, t-shirts, hats, posters, and greeting cards. Ive even sold some of these items myself at my workshops!
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