I cannot think of a greater living example of the consistent ability to draw on the anointing of the Lord. T.D. Jakes is man without equal. There is much we can all learn from his words, his spirit and his passion in delivering the word of the Lord. Just watching him is a wonder in itself. The Presence of the Lord flows so freely from him as he teaches. He is simple, clear and honest in his delivery. Sometimes urgent, sometimes gentle, but always accurate and penetrating. He is a man whose inner focus is on the Lord Himself. Even in his most emotional presentation, you can also see the rest and peace in his eyes. The Holy Spirit will always move freely through those who have no other desire than to give the word of the Lord to hungry people. And make no mistake about it, God has much to say to His people. He has much He wants to communicate to the world around us. There is much to learn from the Bishops words, but also his method, his passion and his love of the Lord Jesus Himself.
I first met the Bishop at a small conference in the Pocono mountains where he was ministering. That was just before he wrote Woman Thou Art Loosed. We literally walked into each other that fateful afternoon in the basement area of the conference center where vendors were displaying their products. The moment I touched him I prophesied about a book churning in his heart. A few weeks later he called me and the rest, as they say, is history.
There are three criteria we use when determining the possibility of publishing a new author. We look at the person. his message and his ministry. In the Bishops case, all three were intricately wrapped with integrity, gentleness and truth. We are proud to offer this work to the world. He is a man who has allowed the Lord to mold him into a vessel He can use to change the lives of millions around the world. We are grateful to be a part of Gods plan for the life of Bishop T.D. Jakes.
A popular television commercial for a medical alert device featured an elderly woman who cried out, Help! Ive fallen, and I cant get up!
The woman wanted to get up but couldnt. Lacking the strength to get back on her feet, she needed help.
As Christians, we all fall from time to time. Life knocks us off balance, lays us low, and renders us weak and incapacitated through no fault of our own. Something inside of us wants to stand, but we dont have the mobility or freedom to act on what we have decided to do.
The cause of the fall is not as important as what we do while we are down. Like the woman in the commercial, we must put aside fear, pride, or embarrassment and learn not only how to ask for help but Whom to ask. After all, help is just a breath away.
Chapter 1
What Comes Before a Fall?
What Comes Before a Fall?
P ride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).
Pride comes before a fall. But what is pride? Pride is defined as being high-minded; showing ones self above others. Another definition states: Pride is a conceited sense of ones superiority. Pride has caused the fall of many great and gifted individuals.
Pride has caused the fall of many great and gifted individuals.
When Self is Your God
The first known instance of pride occurred before the creation of the earth. Lucifer, the head angel in charge of praise, decided he was going to be greater than God Himself.
How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides farthest of the north. I will be like the most High (Isaiah 14:12-14).
Driven by self-deception, prideful self-delusion, and self-importance, Lucifer considered himself better than God. This explains why most of his statements begin with the word I.
Lucifer, whose name at one time meant light-bearer, was cast down by God to earth, where he would be known as satan. No longer a praise leader or a majestic angel, instead he became one who roams to and fro on the earth like a lion looking for someone to devour.
Satans pride led to his downfall. Pride and selfishness go hand in hand. Usually where there is pride, there is also the prevailing spirit of selfishness. Selfishness is defined as loving ones self first.
Satan thought he could be better than God Himself. Of course he was wrong. satan was deceived. How he even conceived such a thought is beyond imagination. But pride blinds us to the truth and prevents the proud from viewing life realistically.
Pride blinds us to the truth and prevents the proud from viewing life realistically.
As we know, satan has never repented. Instead, he tries to deceive as many of Gods children as possible and drag them down to share in his dreadful fallen state.
A Dangerous Place
The prophet Daniel records the downfall of the great Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. One day, the king looked around at all he had accomplished and arrogantly stated: Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? (Daniel 4:30).
While he was still speaking these arrogant words, a voice from Heaven said, O King Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee (vs. 31). That same hour, the once-great king lost his mind and began to act like an animal, eating grass until his hairs were grown like eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws (vs. 33).