The Glory Within: The Interior Life and the Power of Speaking in Tongues
Copyright 2012Corey Russell
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Daniel Paravisini: I want to thank you for running with me and getting down everything the Lord is releasing. I couldnt have done this without you. You have been a true Baruch to me.
Jane Harris: You are amazing. Your faithful diligence, servant heart, glad spirit, and ability to labor with me to bring forth this material is truly amazing. Thank you for everything.
I believe, without question, that the greatest need in this hour is the knowledge of God imparted into us through times of long and loving meditation in the Word. Corey Russell, in this book, awakens us to the hour we are living in, and then with profound clarity and authority equips us with a vision and tools to go deep in the Word of God. Corey is a faithful man of prayer and the Word, and this book comes out of countless hours in Gods presence. It is a must for those who want to go deeper in God.
Pastor at International House of Prayer, Kansas City
Author of Passion for Jesus and Growing in the Prophetic
The greatest necessity of the human heart is the ability to hear God. This is the foundation of personal transformation and corporate revival. Throughout redemptive history, God has sent His messengers to call for a return to the precepts of the Word, a return to hearingilluminating the way to experience abundant life in the Scriptures. Corey Russell's wisdom and practical insight flow from a life rooted in meditation, and his message concerning the need for fresh encounter in the Word of God has never been more relevant than it is today.
Associate Director, International House of Prayer,
Kansas City;
President of International House of Prayer University
Rarely have I read a book that I feel is so prophetically relevant. Ancient Paths: Rediscovering Delight in the Word of God is a clarion call back to the Word of God, to the Word who is God. Those who know their God, as He has revealed Himself through His Word, will emerge as the leaders and the lights in the hour of crisis our world is facing. I strongly urge everyone to read this book.
Author of Payers of the Bible
For those longing for a deeper life in the Word of God, Corey Russell offers one of the most passionate, comprehensive, and practical treatises in contemporary Christian literature on spiritually engaging Scripture. In an age when hearing Gods Word is all but lost, Mr. Russell systematically challenges us to face this crisis on a personal level. In doing so, he confronts our excuses and lethargy while at the same time exhorting us to join him on the humbling spiritual journey to find Jesus Christ in the pages of holy canon. This is a must read.
Associate Director, Forerunner School of Ministry
International House of Prayer University
The very first verse that Corey Russell highlights in this book is Jeremiah 6:10, and Gods pain over not being able to speak to anyone because their ears are uncircumcised. I can so identify with Jeremiah and his generation as I feel an even greater crisis mounting in the nations, and my own inability to connect and hear Him like I want. Im finding myself crying out to God like never before to hear, to perceive, and to connect with His heart. This longing has grown over decades, and has expressed itself in many ways (lots of broken cisterns, see Jer. 2:13), but the longer Im on this journey, the more Im realizing how simple, and yet profound the answer is. It sounds so clich, but the answer to our plight of deafness and my own gnawing pain to hear Him and to discern the hour correctly has been boiled down to one thing: long and loving meditation on the Word of God.
Nothing has changed my life like taking my Bible, closing my eyes, and singing and speaking those phrases back to God. Those words have changed me, convicted me, confronted me, resisted me, washed me, cleansed me, freed me, empowered me, delivered me, and have set me on a course for the rest of my life. When Gods words get in my mouth and I speak those words over my heart, Im changed. Its bit-by-bit, day-by-day, but I wake up 15 years later and begin to realize that Im a different person.
This is not a new discovery, but has been the consistent cry and experience of all of Gods friends throughout history. We are hearing so much in our day of the new move that will shake nations and bring in the revival (and I want it!), but Im truly coming to the conclusion that the only way forward for our generation is to go back, to go way back, and rediscover how our fathers of the faith found Him, and live accordingly in this hour. The title of this book, Ancient Paths, encapsulates this reality better than any phrase or verse I can think of.
Ive known and run alongside Corey Russell and his family at IHOP-KC for the last 12 years, and in that time Ive witnessed a man who embodies the pages of this book. He is a man whos gripped with the urgency of the hour, and gripped even more with a love affair with the Word of God. He has found a place of true joy, delight, and fascination in the Word, and after reading through this book, Im convinced that the very passion that he has will be imparted to you as you read it. Not only does he stir up within you a passion for the Word, but he also gives so many profound, practical ways to meditate and to connect with God through the Word. Corey has such an ability to equip this generation in the deeper life, and, without question, this book is a must if you seek to go there.
Misty Edwards
At the beginning of human history, in the Garden of Eden, God made it clear: Eat from this tree and you live; eat from that tree and you will die (see Gen. 2:15-17). His words to Adam and Eve were not suggestions or ideas; they were the difference between life and death. When God called Abram to leave his fathers house, his response determined whether or not he would experience eternal separation from God. His life was dependent on his response to the call of God (see Gen. 12:1-3). In the wilderness, God made it clear to the children of Israel that the only way to inherit the promises given to their forefather Abraham was through learning to live by every word that came from the mouth of God (see Deut. 8:3). The Word of God isnt casual and it isnt an option. It is everything.
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