TOUCHED BY ANGELS. Copyright 1993 by Eileen Elias Freeman. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
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Impossible to put down....Engrossing and inspiring. The true stories are compelling and well told, and demonstrate the astounding ways angels intervene in our lives....A meaty book long on substance.
Rosemary Guiley, Fate
Contains true-life accounts that are nothing short of miraculous.
Lincoln Journal & Star (NE)
A well-informed mix of traditional lore, Eileens own earnest quest for the truth, and a number of other peoples personal accounts. It offers useful guidelines to help readers determine whether or not theyve encountered angels.
Alma Daniel, author of Ask Your Angels
Every page of TOUCHED BY ANGELS is warm and delicious reading....Eileens solid nine-point checklist offers real help to those wishing to test spiritual encounters, and make sure they are heaven-sent.
Joan Wester Anderson, author of Where Angels Walk: TrueStories of Heavenly Visitors
Fascinating glimpses of something miraculous, seemingly divine intervention into peoples lives.
Library Journal
An uplifting collection of traditional lore and eyewitness accounts...heartening evidence that heavenly beings are at work.
The Literary Guild magazine
To my parents, Helen and Alex Freeman,
who always said Id be a writer.
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to serve
those who are to inherit salvation?
Letter to the Hebrews 1:14
To say that 1992 was a watershed year for general awareness of angels and their work in the world today may sound dramatic, but I believe its true. For the past two hundred years or so, the angels of God have been increasingly visible in their deeds and actions as powerful forces of good for the human race. In the past fifty years, they have stepped up their work in our midst; and in the past decade our awareness of angelic activity has increased beyond anything I believe this world has ever seen. Not only are people by the thousands reporting that their lives have been recently touched by angels, but many others have gained the courage to speak of life-transforming events dating back decades earlier, when an angelic encounter changed the course of their destiny.
In 1992, led, as I believe, by my own guardian angel, whom I call Enniss, I started The AngelWatch Network
, a clearinghouse for all information about angels and what they are doing in todays world. I began a bimonthly magazine to keep interested individualsangelwatchers, as I call themup to date about angels in the news and in peoples lives, and I sought out publicity in the media, to focus attention on the presence and work of angels in our midst.
The angels saw to it that I was successful. Letters and cards poured in by the hundreds, begging for information and sharing their own. Some days my phone rang off the hook with angelwatchers. I answered the inquiries as well as time and budget allowed. And every time I thought there was no more time, the angels would find it for me. Whenever the money for more printing got low, a flood of new subscriptions or speaking engagements would right the balance. When a story in the media had run its course, another reporter would call out of the blue for another story, and more interest would be generated. The angels even managed to direct mail marked The Angel Lady of Mt. Side NY to my correct P.O. Box 1362 in Mountainside, New Jersey. The signs of their activity were obvious. Even writers who called for interviews said that for the first time in their careers, everyone they needed to interview was available and willing the first time around, and that their stories practically wrote themselves.
Clearly, the ancient servants of God and humanity have a mission, a God-given plan to help us grow in wisdom and love, not just so that we will survive as a race, but so we will be able to grow into what we were always intended to beperfected beings capable of incredible energies and immense, transforming love.
Touched by Angels is about that angelic mission and about some of the people who have become a part of it in an unusual way, men and women linked together by a common threadan angelic encounter that changed their lives forever. It presents some very special true stories of people who have actually encountered angels and been touched by their message and whose lives were altered forever as a result. And it describes in some detail how these encounters happen, and how we can tell them apart from our own personal desire for such an encounter or our wishful thinking and imagination.
The people whose stories are told in this book are real. In most cases they have decided to use their real names and cities; in one (Robin Diettrick) I was asked to use a pseudonym, and I agreed, because her story was so inspirational. She was concerned that identifying her might subject her family (her husband is still in the military) to publicity that they didnt want, with the possibility of unforeseen consequences. (I understood this quite wellafter I made a television appearance on The Jerry Springer Show in December of 1992, the company for which I had worked fired me. I had held a very visible position in the company, and it viewed my public interest in and discussion of angels as too uncorporate [read just plain weird] to be tolerated.)
If you have been touched by an angel, I would be especially pleased to hear from you. By sharing the wonderful evidences in our lives of Gods love for us, we help make this world a more beautiful, more love-filled place for usand our angelsto live.
Eileen Elias Freeman
The AngelWatch Network
P.O. Box 1362
Mountainside, New Jersey
Acknowledgment is such a silly wordas though I could just acknowledge grace from heaven, the love and support of my family and friends, the special help of my own angels, who are glad this book is finally written, and of my parents, Helen and Alex Freeman, who see me now with the eyes of God.