Pushing The Happiness Button
Using Psychology To Be Happy Even When Youre Not
By Michael S. Widmore
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Spiritual Evolution
If you count on or practice a religion, then you might think that continuing to be positive is part of a spiritual growth path. Quite a few religions teach this fundamental premise, that we need to stay positive and also rely on our creator regardless of just how bad things actually are. Likewise if you do not have spiritual beliefs, possibly you feel something within your conscience that prompts you to be more of a positive person?
You Are Your Thoughts
Exactly what are you but your thoughts? What do you wish to be? Your ideas have a lot more effect than to you recognize, in addition to ascertaining who you are, how others react to you, what comes into your life, and how you will be kept in mind when you are no longer here in this world. Make sure your thoughts and attitudes support your interpretation of who you are!
The Best Strategies To Do It
Deciding you WANT to do this is the crucial first step, in addition can lead you towards seeking ways that will help you down the line. An excellent 2nd step is to start to acknowledge when you are not completely feeling positive, and pause to reflect on whether you would in fact like to continue doing this or not. Getting your mind out of autopilot puts you back in command, which is vital to altering your perspective.
The Other Side (Negativity)
If you've ever been around someone who is persistently miserable you'll find that they have a working method for making their experience unpleasant for themselves.
They utilize a strategy that makes them unpleasant. Additionally, if the rewards of being miserable are enough anyone can learn to keep on making decisions that contribute to your suffering.
The Benefits of Misery
Believe it or not there are advantages to feeling bad. A few of these advantages include:
- Righteousness. If you are miserable as a result of something beyond your control you could hold it up as a banner or a scapegoat for your miserable life.
- Blame. As long as your misery is something external to you then you may easily blame it all on your issues instead of actually taking responsibility of your mistakes.
- Familiarity. Occasional suffering may seem as the only thing that is routinely familiar. Eliminating it would certainly mean releasing yourself into the unfamiliar neck of the woods and may imply new things about yourself that you had actually never ever considered before.
- Make obscure and unreasonable assumptions and objectives.
By making a goal or assumption unreasonable you'll make it impossible to succeed. By making them obscure you wont have to recognize exactly if you accomplished them or failed flat in your nose. In other words you always have a way out, and a way to save face from yourself.
- Think the worst.
For any type of event that happens you have a million means of thinking about it. Going for the worst possible interpretation is a defect that sooner or later should get fixed.
- Clinging to previous hurt
Progress can be quickly hindered when you make use of past pain that is actually slowing you down. These can take the form of lingering on why your life has been so horrible and even by saying "We've never ever done it that way before. So why start now?".
Why You May Want To Quit Being Miserable
- Without a doubt, anguish is the number one cause of suicide. If you want to live you want to get rid of your anguish.
- You will have even more control over your life if you stop all the suffering generating processes and take responsibility of your life.
How Do You Quit Making Unpleasant Decisions
- Set reasonable goals you can actually accomplish.
- Know when your emotions are trying to influence you away from your objectives and your focus.
- Agree to take responsibility for your life and your emotions.
Exactly what you will need to give up when you stop making unpleasant choices
- You will need to give up on the idea that your suffering makes you one of a kind. The fact is suffering is average in addition to boring to many people. We've all experienced it. Exactly what is extraordinary and truly special is an individual who makes no justifications and excuses for their life.
- You will need to give up blame. This suggests stopping the condemning of anyone or anything. It means to stop criticizing yourself.
While each one of this could appear vary callus in addition to cold it's vital to point out that this is not a formula by which you can evaluate other people, except yourself. Bad things do happen to good people too. On the other hand, if you find someone who is constantly miserable and complaining, it's generally a good idea to keep your distance from them lest they contaminate you with their suffering and negativities.
Stop Putting Your Life on hold
Are you in control of your life?
Stop waiting for life to happen, and start living right now! The only distinction between you and those getting what they want, is that they kept on moving even when every part of their being just wanted to quit!
Concentrate on the who, not the what
If you find that you've been stuck in an objective for a while, attempt reiterating it in "who am I" terms as opposed to "just what I want" terms. As an example, rather than saying "I intend to lose 30 pounds.", say "I am somebody which looks after herself by being in shape. Focus on what you want to be and transform yourself from the inside out to become that person! Ask yourself not what you need to do, but WHO do you need to be on the inside to be that type of person?
Did you know that a full 80 % of your problems come from 20 % of your life events? Identify what that 20 % is that's having an effect on so much of your life, and start improving them pronto!
Appointing Value
Assign a real value to your time, to your energy, to your efforts. Recognize that for every item you say Yes to, you have actually said No to other things.
Develop plans
Routines show up everywhere. By automating routine events in your life, you are left with less stress and more energy to face life. If something constantly recurs? Consider automating or making protocols and routines to handle them consistently, easily.
Accept Controllability Or Lack Thereof
You cannot control world politics, but you can vote. You cant regulate terrorism, yet you can be prepared in your own residence. Understanding what you can control and also exercising that, and being ok with things in life that you can not, will give you a sense of peace.
Tension and frustration will be reduced as you choose rather than being pushed around by forces in the world. You'll experience a greater sense of self acceptance and life will become less complicated and easier.
Stop waiting, Start living today!
Doing Exactly What You Love
For many people, work and pleasure are viewed separate, with work being a task that has to be done to pay the expenses. Take a minute to see if it is time to start anew and do something you love, something that includes the pleasure factor back right into your working life?
Work has to mean something to you; or else you will not be prepared to put in the effort to accomplish exactly what you desire. Get creative and think through exactly how you could possibly make money doing what you love. "Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life!" -Confucius
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