The inspiration for and creation of this book came about from communication with souls - both on earth and in spirit who have touched me very deeply. In recounting these stories with the hope of healing others, I express my heartfelt appreciation to those who have contributed their time, energy and support to the material presented.
Divine Spirit I acknowledge your brilliant omnipresence in all that I am and do.
Clients who graciously and selflessly shared their stories, sessions and interviews I pray that your sessions with me have helped, in some way, to ease the pain of your grief and open your mind further to the encompassing truth of the Eternal Spirit.
The souls in spirit who inspired your loved ones through me with evidential messages of your continued survival, offering hope and healing may your immortal thoughts and words comfort and illuminate others in need of reassurance. The power of love heals all wounds.
My beloved spirit guides and teachers I am grateful for your gentle wisdom, knowledge, patience and love as my abilities have unfolded. Through difficult times when I wanted to quit, you have never given up on me or on humanity. Together we will touch many.
Alice L. Teeters your friendship, support and unconditional love are encouraging, priceless and irreplaceable.
My family and friends I thank you for your dedicated support that has sustained me through challenges and helped shape my life into one of service.
Phil Harris of the Open Mind bookstore I appreciate your long-time support of my work by sponsoring my message programs and workshops at your facility.
Carol Lee Espy, host of the Life Lounge program on KDKA radio, Pittsburgh I offer a sincere thank-you for the many opportunities youve given me to present mediumship to the public and touch people in need through your enlightening show.
To all who have come for sessions, message programs and workshops your presence and support mean more to me than you will ever know.
Carole J. Obley is an acclaimed spiritual medium who has delivered thousands of messages from the spirit world to people seeking confirmation of life after death and healing from grief. She has been featured in newspaper articles and speaks on radio and TV. In addition to maintaining a private practice near Pittsburgh, Pa., she travels nationally to present seminars and workshops on mediumship and spiritual development. She may be contacted through her website, .
O books
O is a symbol of the world, of oneness and unity. In
different cultures it also means the eye, symbolizing
knowledge and insight, and in Old English it means place
of love or home. O books explores the many paths of
understanding which different traditions have developed
down the ages, particularly those today that express
respect for the planet and all of life.
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Advanced Psychic Development
Becky Walsh
Serious as well as popular opinion of psychics and mediums is changing. No longer only gypsy fortune tellers or remote mystics, they are now part of mainstream culture. Here is the guide book for this new generation.
In learning to unlock and use our innate intuitive ability we can become better partners, parents, friends and work colleagues. We become better communicators, and better listeners-both verbal and non-verbal. Expanding psychic ability isnt just about becoming a psychic, whatever that means; its about reaching your potential, getting in-tune with yourself and being the best person you can be.
There are many psychic development books on the market, but the vast majority are aimed at beginners. This is the psychics bible, whether you want to tap your intuitive potential for everyday use or whether you are already a professional. The skills detailed in it can transfer to any relationship, any situation. These are not party tricks, they are life skills.
With Advanced Psychic Development, Becky Walsh has crafted a tutorial forglimpsing oneness from which anyone on a journey of self-discovery mightbenefit. Punctuated with delightful anecdotes of lives-in-progress and the real-world challenges we all face, this book is a reminder that each of us has thechoice to either honour or repress our most authentic human emotions andthat the antidote to fear is always love. Both reflective and practical, it serves asthe best friend you may have always wanted, inviting you to look in the rear-view mirror when you most wish to see the truth: happiness is a question ofperspective, lack is nothing more than a belief, and at the quantum level ofour existence everything is energy.
Max Eames, Psychotherapist and author of Wealth Mechanic
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The Art of Being Psychic
June-Elleni Laine
Psychic ability still remains a bit of a mystery to most, and yet we all have the potential to tap into the under-utilized areas of the brain in order to gain access to a world of creativity. Contacting the creative source and thinking outside the box of our own limitations in the style of artists as diverse as Da Vinci and Mozart up to Einstein and George Lucas of today, doesnt come easily. However, with the right tools, and a clear sense of purpose, we can develop our ability, learning to enter altered states at will, to produce art that exceeds our normal expectations.
This book shares the enjoyment of psychic art and removes the Myst from Mystic, leaving the I.C. moments. It offers a new perspective on selfawareness that has the power to liberate the artist within us all. Balancing intuition and logic, right and left-brain thinking, mind, body and spirit, will inevitably strengthen our connection to a source capable of producing much more than anything we already know.
A brilliant book for anyone wishing to develop their intuition, creativity andpsychic ability. It is truly wonderful, one of the best books on psychic devel-opment that I have read. Fascinating and thought provoking exercises aboundand open one up to an awareness of the right/left brain functions and how tobalance them. Readers are shown how to access their creative right brain and sotap into their intuitive knowledge and psychic ability, this in turn opens the doorto spirit communication. June-Elleni uses examples of her own spiritualawakening to encourage readers to explore their own potential. I have nohesitation in recommending this book, a must for every bookshelf.
Suzanna McInerney -former President, College of Psychic Studies, London
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Christys Journey
Peter Jenkins Watson
Christys Journey introduces readers to reincarnation through the real life story of Christy, who under hypnosis discovers twelve past lives, both male and female, from ancient Rome to Britain, France, Italy, Africa, and America, spending time between lives on the Other Side. The story was transcribed from the recordings of her hypnosis regression sessions with the author.
Her journey begins as a teenage harpist entertaining King Edward I of England. She travels with minstrels but finally settles down as a farmers wife. Christys other females were: the leader of a coven, a French missionary, a happy middle-class mother, and a rich but lonely American housewife. Her male lives were: an Italian teenager killed in a brawl, a French boy who died of the plague, an African boy murdered in a raid on his village, a stillborn fetus, a deaf baby who died in his cot, and an army conscript who committed suicide. Finally, 2,000 years ago, a successful sculptor in ancient Rome provides the climax of her life journey.