A Well-Rounded
Love Affair
More than between the Sheets
Danny & Rhoda Whitfield

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This book is dedicated in loving memory to my sister Abigail Denise McGhee Ferguson . She was a loving wife, mother, daughter, and sister. Throughout my life, she paved many roads for me; she was a great role model after whom I have patterned my life. For many of our childhood years, it was just the two of us, depended upon one another. As the older sister, she was charged with caring for me, but those times watching and following her precipitated my appreciating her as the person she was and the woman she b ecame.
As a child, I was her little shadow. As I grew up, I admired my sister even more. I was proud of her accomplishments; how she raised her children, maintained her profession, and sustained as the loving wife to my brother-in-law. She was all about her family whether it was immediate or extended. We could depend on her support at all times. It was nothing for her to drive from West Palm Beach to Tallahassee to see about her f amily.
Though she has left those of us that loved her, she has left us with many memories that will last forever. Although my sister has departed from earth to heaven, she continues to model life, even in her transition as her life remains the example for me to follow. Thus, it is with an overjoyed heart that we dedicate, with gratitude, this book to my sister, Abbie. She fulfilled her vows to her husband, family and friends, but more importantly, she fulfilled her ultimate vow set before her by God. She was married until death .and until death did she part from u s all.
The location for the wedding ceremony the menu for the reception the song for the couples first dance and, of course, the honeymoon! There is no doubt that these are all important decisions for a couple to make. However, so many couples spend more time planning their weddings than planning to ensure the lifetime of their marriages. More thought is given to those moments before saying I do than to the moments that will serve to preserve the sacred bond of mar riage.
Marriage is a sacred and powerful unity that is truly a gift from God. The Bible references marriage (or a derivation of the word) over thirty times. God gives us a clear blueprint of the relationship between husband and wife. Yet, we sometimes do not heed the Word of God to guide us in this subject area.
Todays generation tends to refer to research when speaking about all subject matters including marriage. The internet lends itself to accessing a myriad of information in an instant that allows the gathering of information to synthesize for research purposes. With that being said, it is important to note what research reports about marriage. Researchers are finding that marriage has a much greater impact in our lives than many have assumed. This is especially true in the area of adult health and well-being. Sociologist Linda Waite and researcher Maggie Gallagher explain, The evidence from four decades of research is surprisingly clear: a good marriage is both men and womens best bet for living a long and healthy life. Men and women who are in their first marriages, on average, enjoy significantly higher levels of physical and mental health than those who are either single, divorced, or living together. The research on this is very strong. We are reminded to always look to the Word of God for a clear blueprint of what we should do in all situations and matters, including mar riage.
As you read and reflect on the words in this powerful book, know that they were inspired by God. Read the book together and take the time to discuss each chapter. Use its content as a tool to marital wisdom and a way to demonstrate your commitment to our heavenly Father and to each other.
Enjoy the journeytog ether.
Michelle Gayle, Ph.D.
Waite, L. and Gallagher, M. (2000) The case for marriage: Why married people are happier, healthier or better off financially. New York: Dou bleday
As we reflect back over our childhood, we can remember a few things. But, the best memory of all is the example that our parents set for us. They taught us how to develop a healthy foundation in a marriage. Our father was a hard working Christian man, and a role model. Our mother was hard working as well, strong minded, and a great partner. Together, they built something that we can now look back on and use as an example for our own life and family. We could not be more proud of everything that they have become, and how they have honored their vows for all of these years. Even today, you can still see their love shining bright like a di amond.
If we had to pick a Scripture to describe our parents relationship, we would take you straight to Corinthians 13. It speaks of love and its characteristics. Our parents applied all of these traits to their union, kept God first, and were able to build something so beautiful. We are blessed to have them, and pray that their words can be an inspiration to someones life other than ours. We pray that God continues to bless them with many more years to come.
~The Whitfields Chi ldren~
Danielle and Jarred
We extend special thanks to Dr. Michelle Gayle for the insight in taking our daily marital nuggets and writing a book. We also would like to thank her for blessing us in the writing of the foreword for this book.
We thank Minister Faye Herring for her constant encouragement and support in fulfilling this charge from God on our lives and for the afte rword.
To Pastor Stanley Walker, Sr. for the continued word from God he has imparted into our lives over the past twenty years.
Further, we want to recognize some of our very close and praying friends, including Sis. Willette Wilkerson, Deacon Angus Thomas, Rev. Gerald McGill and Pastor Darrick McGhee for their contributions in the success of the book.
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