NoMore Social Awkwardness
TheIntrovert's Social Skill Arsenal to Win People and Be IrresistibleCharming
Copyright 2015 Stuart Ash
Allrights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopying, recording, or by any other informationstorage or retrieval system.
Thisbook is intended as a reference only, not as medical advice.Information given here is designed to help you make informeddecisions about various areas of life. It is not intended as asubstitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by yourdoctor. If you suspect that you may have severe physical or mentalproblems please seek professional help first.
TheSocial Value Principle8
TheMindset of Social Confidence10
Howto Be Instantly Likable13
HowYou Fight the Fear of Rejection16
6Surefire Ways to Win People Easily20
5Conversation Techniques to Turn Boring into Sparkling25
4Big Flaws that Will Kill Your Likability31
5Effective Conversation Tricks Others Will Love You For34
9Fail-Proof Body Language Hacks that Communicate Massive SocialConfidence39
StorytellingSecrets in a Nutshell50
ReparteeLike a Showmaster How to Always Come Back with a Witty Line54
Howto Start Conversations From Thin Air56
Howto Start a Conversation Despite Fearing Rejection58
ItsOk to Not Being Liked59
SimpleExercises to Crush Your Social Anxiety60
YourTwo Week Exercise Plan For Massive Social Confidence64
Timeto Say Goodbye66
Haveyou ever found yourself in a social gathering surrounded byinteresting people, but you were too shy to open a conversation?
Areyou familiar with social paralysis whenever you are with people youdont know? And you find it impossible to connect with them even ifyour life would depend on it?
Haveyou ever been in the situation where you see a man or woman that isso cute that you would give one of your arms if you only could starta conversation?
Everneeded to experience the feeling of hopelessness that spread insideyou after you came home from a party were you couldnt overcomeyour shyness? An utterly devastating feeling that covers your soullike a dark cloud?
Ifyou said yes to some or all of these questions we both probably wentthrough some similar experiences. Im an introvert and I sufferedfrom shyness and social inability the biggest part of my life. And Isacrificed some of the best years of my life to the inability toovercome my social anxiety.
Though,we are not alone, feeling insecure in social situations iswide-spread psychological phenomenon.
Socialanxiety can manifest in several symptoms such as:
thefear of social encounters
avoidingsocial interactions even if they would be necessary (medicalconsultation, job interview)
becomingstifled in sudden emerging interaction
thefear of small talk and the tendency to avoid situation where smalltalk could arise
experiencingthe urge to connect to others, but feeling unable to overcome theanxiety
sufferingfrom lowered self-esteem
feelinghelpless and hopeless when it comes to socializing
thinkingto be inapt dealing with rejection
thefear of being judged by others
feelinghampered in ones social life
notknowing what to say
believingnot being able to hold a conversation
Howcan a lack of social skills ruin your life?
People,in general, are striving for social connection (not only you). Humansare without a doubt one of the most social species on earth. Wehunger for social connectedness. Making others like us is doubtlesslyone of the skills we all, at least secretly, long for. However, someof us seem to have it easy connecting with people while others seemto be inept of winning people. Some are social magnets that othersseem to be magically drawn to while others seem to be locked out ofthe playing field of social interactions. Of course, we all want tobelong to the first category of people who have a satisfying sociallife. Since you are interested in a book that covers shyness andsocial relationship advice you might belong to those who strugglewith connecting with others. And be sure you are not alone with thisissue.
Abouta 100 million people in the US report to feel lonely because they arenot able to build relationships with others. This trend is shown tobe on the rise since decades and loneliness might become the healthrisk factor of the future. Unfortunately, humans are not made forsocial isolation. We are a social species and we need social bondingalmost as much as we need nutrition. Research has shown thedisastrous effect loneliness has on humans. Chronic loneliness andthe feeling of being disconnected to others have detrimental effectson well-being, self-esteem, and self-worth. Further loneliness isassociated with depression, alcoholism, and suicide.
However,unfortunately, a lack of social relationships is even more harmful tous. Studies have found that suffering from loneliness is not solely aterrible feeling, but is rather dangerous for our physical health.Loneliness is associated with an early death and seems to be moreharmful to health than obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse.
Brainimaging studies showed that our brain responds to a social exclusionequivalent as for physical pain. Loneliness beats up our mind if youwill so. The human brain is designed for social bonding and respondssensitively to social exclusion and loneliness.
Dueto our evolutional history humans are not made to be unconnected toothers. Seeking social bonding is hard-wired in our minds and,therefore, social disconnection is a condition we are neither used tonor made for.
Inconclusion, the body of research regarding social connectednesspaints a clear picture that healthy relationships are a major key tohappiness and a fulfilling life. However, I guess you know all thison an intuitive level. Anyway, by being unable to connect withothers, you put your life satisfaction and health at stake.
Honestly,how will you live for the rest of your life when you never learn howto connect with people? Problems usually dont dissolve just bythemselves and this problem is probably going to get even worse.
Ok,enough negativity, I have no intention to scare you and I have somegood news for you. You can overcome shyness. Socializing and buildinga significant connection to others is a set of skills you can learnlike every other skill you have learned in your life.
Thisbook can help you if:
youfeel that shyness puts you in a cage of loneliness
thefear of getting rejected hinders you to connect with people
youare afraid of situations you know you have to talk to people youdont know
youfeel like a nervous wreck in interactions
youhave the feeling that nobody cares about what you have to say
youare angst-ridden when you think you run out of words inconversations
dontknow how to make people see you as the person you want them to see