2019 Alex Seeley
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ISBN 978-0-7852-1613-1 (eBook)
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To my Mother.
Thank you for never losing the fire.
You have shown me firsthand what it means
to keep going and to never give up. To always
speak truth in love no matter the cost.
I honor you and love you so very much.
It takes a village to move a book from being an idea to actually resting on the shelf; therefore, I think it is only fitting to take a minute and thank those who were in my village and who made this book happen.
First, I want to thank my husband, Henry. He is my greatest champion in life. Thank you for being the voice of encouragement. Every time I said I cant, you said I can. Thank you for your continual support and the way you always release me to do what is in my heart. Also, thank you for the way you have led our family for the past two decades. You are my hero and the love of my life.
Thank you to my beautiful children, Holly and Taylor. Thank you for letting Mumma write these pages even when it meant eating takeout. I love you both more than anything in the whole world. Youre my favorites.
A huge thank you needs to go to my beautiful friend Shelly GriffinI honestly dont think I would have gotten this book over the line if it werent for you. Thank you for your constant encouragement, your brilliant mind, your incredible patience, and your loyal friendship. Thank you for the way you serve and lead at the same time. Your friendship has meant more to me than you will ever know.
Thank you to Mia Dunnavant for being someone who always goes above and beyond. Thank you for all the love you have shown us as a family since the day we landed on US soil. You will always have a very special place in my heart. Your life is a true testament to Gods beautiful story being outworked in you.
Danny Gokey, thank you for being who you are. You constantly show us how to serve and honor others. Your faithful example speaks volumes to those who are watching. Thank you for sharing your story.
Cameron Shadinger, thank you for being my Elisha. You have become a fierce warrior because you are an avid learner. Watching you navigate this journey with your family has been nothing short of stunning and beyond miraculous. I love how you speak so gently yet pray so fiercely. You are a sight to behold, and I am honored to have you in my life. Thank you for sharing your story.
Kara DiCarlo, to know you is to love you. From the moment I met you, I knew there was gold wrapped up inside you. Watching you grow into the mighty woman of God that you are has been so wonderful, and I look forward to seeing even more unfold. Thank you for sharing your vulnerable journey with others so that they may find hope and freedom.
To Debbie Wickwire, thank you for always challenging me to go higher by digging deeper. Forever grateful for your love and belief in me. You are a gift to this generation, and the generations still to come will be grateful for how you helped get such profound words into the hearts of so many.
Thank you Sam ONeal for your amazing editing skills. You are a brilliant writer, and you have helped my process be an incredible experience. It has been so great working with you.
Last but certainly not least, thank you JESUS for being the ultimate example of what it looks like to move in the opposite spirit. You are perfect.
I love people who are deep wellsthose who you know have been through some rough stuff and navigated things that would have at best muddied or polluted other wells. These are the heroes who did the hard work to keep their waters pure and untainted. When this type of care is taken, it is not long before their deep wells become fountains of refreshment and life for others.
Alex Seeley is just such a well.
I first met Alex over a decade ago in the far away Land of Oz. I immediately loved this fiery Italian woman. Even though she was in a season of hardship and transition, she paused to pour encouragement and imagery into me, a stranger. It was Alex who first called me Sarah Connorthe protagonist of the Terminator moviesduring a season in which I was intimidated by my own strength. Time passed. I watched as she and Henry left behind all they had known in Australia to come to the shores of America. She said they had won the citizenship lottery, but I think it was we Americans who actually won. They are a gift.