What people are saying about
Finding Your Moxie
WOW!!! I could not put this down. It is phenomenal. I love the way the stories are intertwined with the rest of the content. Every Woman will read this book and go, aha, Im not the only person who feels this way and I can make a change if I choose to. Brilliantly written and definitely a page-turner.
~Dr. Elaine Stevens, CRS, Author & Relationship
Expert, Founder - The Relationship Wellness Center
As a Residual Income Expert, Successful Network Marketer, and former Elite Trainer for over a decade with Robert Kiyosakis Rich Dad Education Program, I find that in her new book, Finding Your Moxie, Debra Fox could not be more spot on ! After reading the chapter College and Knowledge Are Not the Same Thing, I am even more confident that the message is timely, insightful, factual and powerful.
~Tracie Taylor, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker
This terrific read actually provides new and valuable insights. I hope it inspires people to think outside the box and make a positive impact on the world around them.
~Stacy Bandock, Business Manager Miss Rodeo America, Inc.
When faced with the tough situations of life, Debra Fox has the AMAZING ability to say and do what most people wished theyd said or donewith dignity! Finding Your Moxie is a must have for anyone who is desiring to kick lifes myths and lies to the curb. Not only will Debra dust you off and get you back up on your feet, shell inspire you to live your life to the fullest.
~Dawn Jones, Bestselling iTunes Author
of Top 7 Personality Challenges
Debra Fox is a force to be reckoned with, and she doesnt beat around the bush. Finding Your Moxie is a complete eye-opener for women trying to thrive in love and life, but struggling to keep up with the myths and lies surrounding success. In one easy read, Debra will teach you to stop playing by everyone elses rules, and become your own success story.
~Courtney Morris, LA Television Casting Producer
Debra Fox has a communication style that manages to smack you upside the head while giving you a great big hug. Shes the coach in your corner that youve always wanted. And needed. This gal has lived it alland now she tells it all.
~Jan Harrison, Chief Solutions Officer with
JHarrison Solutions, Former Executive with a
Major Healthcare Firm; Broadcast Journalist
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Distributed by Made For Success Publishing
Cover Design by DeeDee Heathman
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
Fox, Debra
Finding Your Moxie: Myths and Lies Successful Women Kick
to the Curb
p. cm.
eBook ISBN: 9781613398623
ISBN: 9781613398388
LCCN: 2015920971
For further information contact Made For Success Publishing +14255266480 or email
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O ver my lifetime I have been called a bitch with balls on more than one occasion. As far as I can remember, the comment was usually from men. As crass as that may sound to many, coming from men, I soon figured out it was usually meant to be a compliment.
I credit that attitude with my being able to achieve what I have in my life in spite of obstacles, and that attitude is the foundation of this book. Although I didnt feel that would be a good title for the book (primarily because women may view that as a negative thing), I wanted to express the same strength and attitude.
I chose the word Moxie for the title because I truly felt it represented me, the key to my success, my story, and my message. Some people may remember Moxie as one of the original soft drinks sold in the late 1920s. Today, Moxie has taken on another meaning.
Moxie {mok-see} (noun, American informal):
vigor; courage; know-how; spirit; aggressive energy; confidence; fearlessness; fortitude; determination; gumption, and just plain guts!
Ive spent my life being told, Youre too fat, Youre not big enough (in your industry), Youre not educated enough, Youre not successful enough, Youre not political enough, You dont ass-kiss enough, Youre not nice enough, and on and on. I spent the early part of my life feeling like an outcast, defeated by the opinions of others, beat down and ready to give up. Quite frankly, it was EXHAUSTING!
If you have Moxie, you wont let any setback stop you from trying again, because youre a determined person who doesnt give up easily.
Finding Your Moxie is a no-nonsense, matter-of-fact, straightforward, realistic look at your life and how to develop enough Moxie to overcome, plow through, stand up for and achieve whatever it is you set as your goals in your life.
Every day in my seminar rooms, classes and speaking engagements, I look out at the faces of women who are beaten down and fed up. Many of them have been led to believe that because of one thing or another, they simply wont be able to reach their goals, achieve success or be happy. They spend the majority of their lives surrounded by well-meaning people, marketing firms and advertising agencies who are committed to selling them a false bill of goods in the form of myths, lies, and half-truths.
In order to be successful, you MUST have a college degree.
In order to be successful, you MUST have the perfect smile.
In order to be successful, you MUST make a lot of money.
In order to be successful, you MUST look like a model.
In order to be successful, you MUST...you MUST...you
I think you get the picture.
And like me, I find that many of them feel defeated and are either ready to give up, or worse yet, have already given up.
So they settle. They settle into a routine; they settle for a job instead of a career; they settle for a second-hand life, and they may even settle for a life partner who really isnt the best partner for them.
As a result of my upbringing and a change in the world around me, I was suddenly surrounded by a world that was telling me I didnt have what it was going to take to be successful. Even in the late 1970s and early 1980s the prejudices were still strong against women in the workplace.
That isnt where it stopped. I grew up watching Cinderella and Snow White and falling into what later became known as the Cinderella Complex: believing that my prince charming would find me and we would get married and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, like many, my first boyfriend in high school dumped me for one of my closest friends. Im happy to say that they are still married today. At the time, however, I had just experienced my first in a long line of reality checks.
After receiving countless letters and emails, and having women approach me after seminars crying and telling me I changed their lives, I decided it was time to share my thoughts with the rest of the world.
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