Gods Law of Attraction
Revealing the mystery and benefits of your souls prosperity
2015 Patricia King
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other without the prior written permission of the author.
Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (NIV) taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) taken from Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked AMP taken from Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation.
Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from King James Version. Public Domain
Published and distributed by:
XP Publishing
XP Ministries
PO Box 1017
Maricopa, AZ 85139
For worldwide distribution.
ISBN: 978-1-621661-69-6
eISBN: 978-1-621661-75-7
E ndorsements
What comprises the soul of a person? Is your soul prospering? Does your emotional state draw or repel people, favor and provision? Learn from spiritual pioneer, entrepreneur and states-woman, Patricia King, about this and much more. This book is highly recommended if you wish to succeed in any area of life and ministry!
Dr. James W. Goll
Founder of Encounters Network, Prayer Storm
GET eSchool and International Best-Selling Author
Our world today is hungry for truth. Many people are looking for a way to experience a life of blessings and well-being. While there are multitudes of authors who will promise you success, very few of them hold the keys to a prosperous soul. My dear friend, Patricia King, exemplifies how to live well in her newest book, Gods Law of Attraction. She paints a Spirit-inspired picture of a healthy soul as she explains how to maintain a vibrant lifestyle grounded in Gods purposes and blessings. Patricia unpacks powerful truths of Gods Word that will radically change the way you live. This book will take you into the overflow of Gods goodness, as His kingdom realities are revealed in your life!
Dr. Che Ahn
Founding Apostle of H.I.M. Apostolic Network
Something attracted you to this book. Patricia King walks in an atmosphere that attracts the activity of heaven and that activity attracts people who are hungry for God. You are now part of that experience. Read this book and learn for yourself how to catalyze the power that both attracts and generates divine appointments. As Patricia says in this book, like attracts like, so its highly likely that you are called to walk in the same divine law she is experiencing. The New Age movement was excited years ago over a book called The Secret, but Gods Law Of Attraction is the book that should have been read. Its significantly deeper and more practical.
Dr. Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning Group
In order to attract the life of God, you have to be willing to see it first. It is all a matter of focus. Patricia King invites you to change the way you see in life, so that you can change the outcomes you obtain by faith. Gods Law Of Attraction is filled with practical nuggets that will ground you in the Scriptures and offer you a pathway to well-being and wholeness in Christ.
Dr. Mark J. Chironna, MA, PhD
Founder of Mark Chironna Ministries
As you read this book stop! Be sure to meditate on the quotes, summaries and activation plan at the end of each chapter. This is a powerful learning technique that will serve to inform and transform your mind. Learn how to activate the power that is available as you master the principles of Gods Law of Attraction.
Dr. Clarice Fluitt
Author, Motivation Speaker, Transformational Life Coach
In her new book, Gods Law of Attraction, Patricia King provides many simple but powerful guidelines for drawing unto yourself the life, relationships, finances and future you so earnestly desire. Follow these guidelines and the activations at the end of each chapter and you too will experience how Gods Law of Attraction puts every good thing He made within your grasp!
Dr. Joan Hunter
Patricia brings a unique and powerful insight to my favorite subject soul prosperity. By resisting stinking thinking and keeping our mind focused on Gods goodness and His promises, we become a magnet for blessings to be attracted to our lives. As I have put these powerful precepts to work, I have experienced demonic assignments immediately breaking off, as well as a flow of the presence and provision of God. Let this wonderful book guide you into a life of peace, promises and prosperity of soul.
Katie Souza
Founder of Katie Souza Ministries
Patricia King does it again by practically and scripturally unpacking a spiritual principle that will revolutionize your entire life! Gods Law of Attraction is a book that youll want to share with others around you as you begin to discover the power thats contained within its pages. I believe that youll begin to experience new favor, blessing and extraordinary miracles as you receive lifechanging insight from this wonder-filled book. I know youll enjoy it as much as I did!
Joshua Mills
Best-Selling Author, 31 Days to a Miracle Mindset
Patricia Kings new book, Gods Law of Attraction, unlocks Bible truths that will help you succeed, flourish and thrive in every area of your life body, soul and spirit. But dont think of it as simply a key it is much more than that. This book is a divine secret revealed, a spiritual accelerator that will zoom you past life-long blockages and hindrances and quicken you into increased manifestations of faith, favor, provision, joy, peace, power and every good thing you have been given in Christ. When you grab hold of the scriptural revelations, kingdom principles, powerful prayers and activations that Patricia shares, get ready! You wont just be going to a new level, youll be opening a new realm of divine abundance and dominion authority that you can walk in all the days of your life!
Robert Hotchkin
XP Ministries
Table of Contents
I dedicate this book to all who are hungry to live in the fullness of Gods truth and blessing in their lives.
Patricia King
The Secret
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever.
Deuteronomy 29:29 (NIV)
The Secret
I n 2006, a book entitled The Secret became very popular around the world, following the production of a film by the same name. It was during a difficult time in author Rhonda Byrnes life that she became aware of The Secret and discovered, through her research, that many world-renowned figures such as Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, and Einstein, as well as many modern-day scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs and successful leaders had also discovered The Secret. The more she studied, the more she realized that The Secret had been around for a long time and that many people had not only discovered it but, by intentionally applying it to their lives, had experienced great success as a result.