A Love & Write book
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Copyright text Kerrie Erwin, 2017
Copyright design Love & Write Publishing, 2017
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Edited by Gabiann Marin
Cover design by Farrah Careem
Typeset by Typeskill
ISBN 9781925564136
To thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
Believe me when I say, we are constantly receiving messages from heaven. These simple signals, miracles, and subtle signs are gifts and guidance for assistance in our daily lives.
No matter how difficult the road of life can be, with all the struggles and lows we encounter on a daily basis,
Have faith in the knowledge that we are never alone
As loving spirit is always with us, connected to our love, which is all consuming and eternal.
White Feather
A Message of Love
Signs or messages of love can come in many varied forms and different ways from our loved ones in the spirit world. There are no coincidences in life, only miracles and messages from spirit.
Sometimes in life spirit intervenes in our lives and takes control of our outcomes. The Higher Powers are always there, making sure we keep to those sacred contracts we signed as souls before heading to Earth.
Messages are repeated several times until we can hear them. By taking notice of these small reminders, we can create a much better life.
No matter where I am or wherever I go, people from all walks of life always ask me the same questions: what happens when you die, does the soul live on, will they ever see their loved one again and are they okay on the other side, as they are so loved, missed and cherished in their memories.
The afterlife is a rather compelling subject and a fascination to so many of us, as it is another intelligence, of uncharted and unclear waters in another dimension to us, just an arms length away.
As a working medium I have been very humbled to see spiritual evidence of the sheer effort of loved ones to send a sign that their dearest are not alone. The spirit world will often go to great lengths to get the message across. I know it is real and that spirit does exist, but in another dimension, just an arms length away and this is what makes the work I do so very exciting.
Over the years I have had many conversations with all types of spirit people from all walks of life and it still amazes me how much information they know about everything that is going on in our daily lives, sometimes down to the tiniest things.
I am filled with gratitude to know this as true as time and time again, loved ones in the spirit world will give proof of survival and messages of love that no one could possibly know. Even now, after working for so many years it always brings a tear to my eye when I am helping someone, as I always feel so honored and humbled when my clients are so grateful to move on with their own lives. Proof of survival is the greatest healing in the universe and everyone is always happy, relieved and at peace to know that they are loved unconditionally and being watched over by their loved one. This goes for the animal and bird kingdom as well.
If you think about it, death is a major transition and affects everything we ever knew and everyone we had the connection with energetically, on so many levels. There are no free passes in the game of life, as it is the final curtain call on the great stage for all our spiritual contracts, with a grand exit and unknown transition into the spirit world.
Some of us may go peacefully and others tragically, but no matter who we are, or what we believe, we have to go at some time in life, whether we like it or not.
Life as we know it is without a doubt an accelerated course for soul evolution. Soul development does occur there; however, the lessons are based more on the giving of service, learning about the many levels of existence, and exploring the multi-faceted methods for communicating across planes. I have heard through my mediumship work from many spirits that have crossed that the afterlife is a very enjoyable place, with amazing colours, incredible love experiences, and many spirits have said how light everything seems to be. This was clarified for me when many years ago, while working in a busy healing centre, I was patiently waiting for one of my clients to arrive for an appointment, when a book about the afterlife and life between life, caught my attention.
As soon as I picked it up, I could not put it down and knew this was a signpost for information I wanted, and needed to know, for my own work and development as a practising medium. It was real-life case studies about what happens when you die and travel with your guide to the afterlife. All I could think of when reading the case studies was how similar they were to my own near death experience (NDE) I had in my early 20s, which seemed highly confusing at the time.
After my own experience I became a lot clearer with my own intuitive knowledge and instinctively knew what my purpose and passion was in this lifetime. I also felt more connected to everything in my life, happier in myself and more importantly knew that what I had experienced in heaven was real. I already knew that I was here for spiritual service, but the other insights I discovered about my own immortal life as a soul were amazing.
As your 'energy' or 'vibration' increases so does your awareness. I have discovered through doing work on yourself, that you will no longer be attracted to people that drag you down, such as the poor MEs of the world, because you will be on your path and so many doors will open, making your life more creative and exciting. You will no longer have any time to be dragged down by so-called energy stealers who use your energy instead of their own, leaving you feeling drained.
You will feel energized and opportunities you only dreamed about will become a reality. Other doors may close because you will no longer be attracted to certain energies. People you may have been attracted to before will disappear or you will no longer want to be around them.
You may feel lonely for a while, but new people on your wavelength will come in to take their place. This is called The Law of Attraction.
As I constantly work on myself to be a better person in the world, I now allow myself to feel free and happy and wake up every day feeling blessed.
The other information I received in this session was my spiritual name, Saku, and insights to my own energy as an immortal soul. I also felt the call to share with you these insights to help you on your own important journey.