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Copyright 2015 by Rhys Thomas
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Thomas, Rhys (Alexander Rhys), 1960
Discover your purpose : how to use the 5 life purpose profiles to unlock your hidden potential and live the life you were meant to live / Rhys Thomas.
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-698-15473-5
1. Self actualization (Psychology) 2. Self-realization. 3. Personality assessment. 4. Conduct of life. 5. Success. I. Title.
BF637.S4T4964 2015
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To my students, who have all become my teachers.
F or the past fifteen years, Ive been helping people to find their life purpose, so they can figure out and attain what they really want in their life. As founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, Ive polled thousands of my clients and students, and found that what most people want comes down to three basic desires: financial freedom through a career they love and can be proud of, fulfilling relationships both personally and in business, and abundant energy and well-being for a lifetime of enjoying it all.
Is that something you want in your life? This book is about how you can have what you really want, whether its all three of those basic goals, or whether just one or two are really important to you. In the following chapters, you will be shown the concrete tools you can use to bring about your personal desires in those areas by learning about your unique life purpose and starting to live the life you know you deserve.
Getting what you really want in your life is easier than it might appear. The biggest barrier is not knowing your life purpose or how to discover, nurture, and express your special calling in life. Once you know who you are and what your unique purpose is in life, a door opens, and you step through it fearlessly to pursue your dreams and goals, fueled by an endless source of energy to do it.
Who you are is your life purpose. This truth is a discovery you make as you learn about yourself and others in the Rhys Method Life Purpose Profile System. Then, when you act in alignment with who you are, you not only give your greatest gift to the world, but you achieve success in your career, are fulfilled by your relationships, and get access to extraordinary well-being and energy.
Knowing your unique life purpose qualityas revealed through each of the five Life Purpose Profiles described in this bookand letting that quality inform your lifecan transform you from a technician doing a job to a master with deep knowledge of your craft. Having a true calling in life can separate a Gandhi, a Martin Luther King Jr., or a Mother Teresa from someone who toils to tediously build a cathedral brick by brick, never seeing the magnificent cathedral that results from their efforts.
You discovering your spectacular, defining core quality is what the Rhys Method Life Purpose Profile System and this book are all about. It is that self-knowledge that students in my school acquire, because knowing who you are is the key to healing mastery. To heal others you must heal yourself first, and, in the broadest terms, healing means becoming whole.
The three basic steps I teach for anyone to have what they want in life are simple. First, get clear on what your life purpose isnot the one that others think you are supposed to live but the one that is yours by birth, your souls choice. Second, acquire the courage to step toward your lifes calling and not fall into old unconscious patterns that stop you. And third, tap into the energy available to act fearlessly in alignment with that calling every day, until you break your habits of procrastination and start living your life motivated by a deep sense of calling and mission.
How do you do this? You can use the Life Purpose Profiles as tools to attain inner direction, fearless courage, and limitless energy for yourself. The path of the Profiles is also about your ability to understand and relate to others, and to help them get what they want in life. As you cultivate your own unique abilities, you become someone who can motivate and inspire others, not just in your own language but in theirs, too. I am sure that if you are reading these pages, you would love to own the market in your business or be the spouse and parent of the year to your family. With my system, that is entirely possible.
I have worked with thousands of heart-centered and successful people who have already studied many systems and looked under many rocks to find their true calling but still feel that something is missing. Like they did, you may be wondering if there is more to life. I have been sharing the more with clients and students through my work and seminars, and in the Rhys Thomas Institute over the last fifteen years. The success and expansion of my school have been fueled directly by the use of the Life Purpose Profile System that you are about to learn in this book. The transformation that has happened for thousands can and will happen for you.
When people discover their deepest sense of purpose, they gain an extraordinary source of power. Success in marriage and business becomes totally attainable. And successful people innately know how to inspire, motivate, and influence other people, giving them more courage and more energy, and helping them to break limiting patterns and beliefs to live an extraordinary life. The Life Purpose Profile Program in this book gives you a highly effective transformational tool that will make you an indispensable resource in whatever field you are in.