No Ordinary Marriage: Together for Gods Glory
Copyright 2012 by Timothy B. Savage
Published by Crossway
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Cover design: Connie Gabbert
First printing 2012
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Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible ( The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ), copyright 2001 by Crossway. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Trade paperback ISBN:978-1-4335-3033-3
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-3034-0
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-3035-7
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-3036-4
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Savage, Timothy B.
No ordinary marriage : together for God's glory / Tim Savage.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 978-1-4335-3033-3 (tp)
1. MarriageReligious aspectsChristianity. I. Title.
BV835.S28 2012 |
248.8'44dc23 | 2011049820 |
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DVera Cohn, Jeffrey Passel, Wendy Wong, and Gretchen Livingston, Barely Half of U. S. Adults Are MarriedA Record Low, Pew Research Center, accessed on January 9, 2012, |
The study by psychologist and professor Cindy Hazan of Cornell University was reported by John Harlow in True Love Is All Over in Thirty Months, The Sunday Times , July 25, 1999. |
Chapter 1: Introduction: A Binding Glory
The assessment of David Olson, professor in the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota, as quoted by Michael J. McManus Churches: Wedding Factories or Marriage Savers? National and International Religion Report 7 (1993): 1. |
Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (Tring, England: Lion, 1978), 352. |
Chapter 2: Something beyond Ourselves
Climbing Mount Everest Is Work for Supermen, New York Times , March 18, 1923. |
George Gallup Jr., in the foreword of a book by Michael J. McManus, Marriage Savers: Helping Your Friends and Family Avoid Divorce (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1993), 11. |
In Arnold Dallimore, Spurgeon: A New Biography (Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth, 1984), 61 (italics original). |
In Ibid., 149. |
Chapter 3: Cruciform Love
The observations of Armand M. Nicholi Jr., professor at Harvard Medical School and teaching psychiatrist in Massachusetts General Hospital, in a paper entitled, What Do We Know About Successful Families? (Plano, TX: Grad Resources Publishers, 1994). |
Chapter 4: Transformation
Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin (New York: Anchor, 1973) 47. |
Quoted by Charles Colson in Living in the New Dark Ages, Christianity Today , October 20, 1989, 33. |
Plato, Timaeus, trans. R. G. Bury (LCL, London: Heinemann, 1929), para. 91a, 249. |
Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals , vol. 2, bk. 3, trans. A. L. Peck (LCL, London: Heinemann, 1943), 175. |
Josephus, Against Apion , vol. 2, para. 201, trans. H. St. J. Thackeray (LCL, London: Heinemann, 1926), 373. |
William Barclay, Ephesians . (Akron: St. Andrews, 1957), 199200. |
Mohandas Gandhi, Gandhi: An Autobiography (London: Jonathan Cape, 1949), 155. |
The Koran , trans. N. J. Dawood (London: Penguin, 1956), 36061. |
John Stott, Issues Facing Christians Today (Basingstoke, UK: Marshall Morgan and Scott, 1984), 23539. |
Chapter 5: A Wifes Spirit
For the series of quotes see Roland H. Bainton, Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther (Tring, England: Lion, 1978), 288, 293, 302. |
C. H. Spurgeon, C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography Volume I: The Early Years 18341859 , compiled by Susannah Spurgeon and Joseph Harrald (Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth, 1962), 419. |
Ibid., 410. |
Chapter 6: A Husbands Love
Ecclesiasticus 25:26. |
Jonathan Edwards, On Sarah Pierpont, in The Works of Jonathan Edwards , ed. Perry Miller, John E. Smith, and Harry S. Stout, vol. 16 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957), 78990. |
Sarah Edwards, to Esther Burr, April 3, 1758, George Claghorn transcription, in the Franklin Trask Library, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, Massachusetts; quoted in George M. Marsden, Jonathan Edwards: A Life (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), 495. |
Chapter 7: Becoming One Flesh
George Whitefield, George Whitefields Journals (Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth, 1960), 47677. |
C. S. Lewis, The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, vol. 3, Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 19501963 (San Francisco: Harper, 2007), 8 November 1952. |
Chapter 8: Fusing Bodies
Dio Chrysostom, Discourses , trans. J. W. Cohoon and H. Lamar Crosby (LCL, London: Heinemann, 1932), 37.34. |
Malcolm Muggeridge, Jesus Rediscovered (New York: Doubleday, 1969), 78. |
Chapter 9: In Gods Church
C. H. Spurgeon, C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography Volume I: The Early Years 18341859 , compiled by Susannah Spurgeon and Joseph Harrald, (Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth, 1962), 414. |
Chapter 10: Neither Odds nor Ends
Sarah Edwards, to Esther Burr, April 3, 1758, George Claghorn transcription, in the Franklin Trask Library, Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Centre, Massachusetts; quoted in George M. Marsden, Jonathan Edwards: A Life (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), 495. |
Martin Marty, Martin Luther: A Life (London: Penguin, 2004), 188. |
C. H. Spurgeon, C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography Volume I: The Early Years 18341859 , compiled by Susannah Spurgeon and Joseph Harrald (Edinburgh, UK: Banner of Truth, 1962), 419. |
John Chrysostam quoted in Thomas Oden, Classical Pastoral Care IV: Crisis Ministries (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1994), 99. |
J. I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1990), 265. |