Copyright 2019 by Dr. David Ting.
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5437-4889-5
Softcover 978-1-5437-4888-8
eBook 978-1-5437-4890-1
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I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all my students who have taught me so many lessons through the years.
My special appreciation goes out to my whole family for the invaluable suggestions and encouragement. You are shaping me, challenging me, assisting me, and participating in various ways that have helped me get to where I am today.
Im not forgetting my research team, Ms Angeline Lau, Mr Jonathan, Dr Grace, Dr Joyce, Dr Taylor, Mr Satbir Singh, Ms Jacquline Wong, and the group of experts who prefer to remain anonymous.
A special word of appreciation to Dr Kediosyou are a great teacher to me. Your corporate knowledge is amazing, and you have brought me to a higher level of achievement. I appreciate Mr Daniel Chow for your trust in me. Your great hunger for knowing the truth about the midbrain has propelled me to go all out till this day!
A big thank you to Mr Steve Yem and Ms Ayris Lim, who have given me invaluable inputs to upgrade my knowledge.
Let us join our hearts together and create a new trend in self-development to impact the next generation!
I seldom hear about the midbrain because there are very few articles written about it. Dr David Ting is one of the very few who is doing research and courses about the midbrain.
The outcomes from midbrain activation often make people sceptical because they seem magical and beyond understanding. For example, they include reading, walking, and even cycling with eyes closed. People whove experienced midbrain activation can distinguish colours on a flashcard by touching, listening, and smelling. Apart from the unconventional abilities, Dr Davids team were unable to give a logical explanation to satisfy the sceptics. However, through many years of research, they have finally come up with scientifically acceptable explanations. Though these phenomena are beyond the ordinary, it does not mean that it does not exist!
Using the television as an example, how is it possible for people to appear in a light box? After a period, television has become more common, and people no longer question it. Then the use of a remote control to adjust the channels of the television seemed like magic!
When the telephone was invented, many people felt it was unthinkable. People could talk to one another thousands of miles away! After a period, people invented the wireless telephone. More and more people appeared to be crazy, as they seemed to be talking to themselves while walking on the street.
What appears to be impossible and magical becomes part of everyday life today. The main reason is ignorance. People dare not believe due to a lack of information and scientific apparatus to test something new. In the same way, midbrain activation is at its early stage. There is a lack of information and a lack of scientific apparatus to test the phenomena from the midbrain.
The midbrain was not discovered by Dr David. He is gathering all the available information from the scientists to set up a structured system to activate the midbrain. It has been proven to be effective when the participants are in the right state of mind. The active midbrain has high-sensory (or supersensory) perception (HSP) and strong memory power.
I remember, from a discussion about midbrain activation over a meal this year (2018) with him, that it is important to have at least six months of continual follow-up to complete the process. Apart from activation, there is a need to deactivate the brain as well, and the golden age is between seven to eleven years old. Coincidently, my daughter is seven years old, and she is the first person in my family circle to benefit from this program. This is going to be the best gift for my daughter in her lifetime.
Dr David says he is passionate about imparting midbrain activation to more people so that all the children in the whole world may benefit from it. He hopes to begin in the Asia Pacific and expand to the other parts of the world. I feel that his passion is awesome and deserves our full respect.
Let me extend my sincere blessings. May everyone in the whole world be educated.
Dr Kedios Ooh
We constantly hear about the need to have a balance of IQ and EQ to be successful. The need to have a strong SQ (Sensory Quotient) has been completely forgotten! Humanity has suffered so much due to the inability to sense and predict the attacks from the natural world, such as earthquakes, floods, fires, and whirlwinds. We are unable to avoid disasters because everyone has forgotten that we are equipped with supersensory perceptions that are able to detect the changes in the atmosphere. We are handicapped or blinded because of our total dependence upon IQ and EQ for survival. We are likely to reject anyone who comes to us saying that there is an earthquake next week. We trust the meteorological department, which is equipped with modern equipment, to give us the weather forecast, rather than someone who senses it by using his or her brainpower. Are we willing to go beyond and think outside of the box?
From my observation about midbrain activation, I am very fascinated with the powerful results children can achieve from supersensory perceptions. I strongly believe that we cannot afford to miss the SQ and reject the subject of Midbrain Activation anymore. I have been awakened after seeing what children can perform when they have HSP (higher sensory perception.)
We need high SQ in our daily living if we want to improve our quality of life. We have scientists who launch new technologies to replace the old in view of improving the quality of products. We have HD (high-definition) screens, super HF (high-fidelity) sound effects, fixative fragrance for best quality perfume, and so on. We need to upgrade our SQ to know the differences of the improvements. While listening to a musical performance, those who have powerful auditory sensory perceptions benefitted because the music touched their hearts and brought about changes. While listening to a lecture, they could hear what had been said and benefitted from what had transpired.
We need midbrain activation just as much as we need to eat a balanced diet for healthy living. We need SQ, just as the blind person needs a pair of new eyes. While children will improve in their cognitive development, we need to improve ourselves to be the persons we want to be. We can sense the feelings of others so that we have empathy and become wiser in our dealings with people. We can improve our performance because we become more intuitive and have wisdom beyond human understanding.