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Copyright 2021 Sean Yaghotian. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 03/15/2021
ISBN: 978-1-6655-1423-1 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021901106
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Growing up, I had a strong desire for sports and fitness, as well as topics of meditation and mindfulness. I started my active journey with running and basketball, which I was passionate about. Furthermore, I had a more in-depth desire to activate my inner dimensions through meditation, yoga, and various other practices. Through sports, I quickly learned about the relationship between the mind and body, and that motivated me to continue my research.
Throughout my life, I have tried to understand and comprehend the connection between the mind and the physical body, as well as our spiritual dimensions; these concepts have been at the core of my journey up until this day. Human anatomy is multifaceted and complex, and with all the advancements in science and technology today, we are still evolving, and the more we go forward, the more we realize there is so much more to go. Just like in space, it is infinite and boundless.
Ever since I was a teenager, I always knew there had to be more to life than the cellular level that I had experienced. I always felt it was my mission to make a difference. Although my journey has not been easy through my struggles as a human along with many trials and failures, the one thing that has kept me going is my deeper desire to be more and to understand life the way God designed it for us.
Today, through my research in various studies as well as books like Mind and Body , I plan on deeply exploring human anatomy both physically, psychologically, as well as spiritually. I believe if these three dimensions are not in tuned with one another, one will not be able to experience self-awareness or the essence of life. My studies are focused on finding ways to modernize this process for all people, and Mind and Body will guide you along the way with me.
For me, exercise is more than just physi cal
its therape utic.
~Michelle Obama
Truer words have never been spoken. Fitness and exercise go beyond more than challenging the body; they challenge the mind. Also, if exercise is capable of changing your mind, mood, and attitude, then it can change your life.
Rarely, will you find an individual who devotes his life to exercising living a miserable life, and why is that? Is it more than just running a few blocks every day or visiting the gym regularly? Does it involve more than an intentional movement of body parts? Does it provide more than health and physical benefits? Yes! Youd be surprised if you knew all of distinct ways exercising could improve your body, relationship, and personality.
Are you a young person looking for motivation to work out to stay young and happy? Are you a mid-professional person working a corporate job and starting a family, not knowing how to balance both? Are you someone who wishes to build his or her personality in preparation for your present or future family or people surrounding you? Are you just seeking knowledge about how and why to exercise? Then you dont need to search any further for answers!
Almost everyone would love to exercise; we all want to have a perfect and attractive body while staying healthy. However, most people find it hard to consistently make a few miles run every morning or attend the gym every day. Several books have been written about fitness and how it helps the body; however, the therapeutic portion has been mostly left out of the benefits of exercising. What Mind and Muscle: Change Your Mind Change Your Body Change Your Life explains and teaches is far more than you would find on the local websites about fitness and exercise. By the time you finish reading this book, your mentality and perception about exercising will have changed.
In order to gain the most insight from this book, keep your mind open and flexible to accept new facts, ideas, and beliefs. Many people have gone down similar roads before, and they end up unchanged or undecided about who they want to be. You shouldnt end up that way; all you need is a mind that is ready to learn and progress. Strap on your headband and lace up your sneakersits quite a long journey, so lets get started!
Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfo lded.
~ Jess Lair
I t seems necessary to start the journey with a little background information and education about human habits to ensure a comprehensive understanding for later discussions. The decisions we make have a way of shaping our lives in the long run.
Humans are wired to learn and adapt. Unfortunately, we dont come with a ready-made personality or way of life; we have to live by the kind of education we get from our environment during childhood. Thats the major reason it is unexpected for someone who was raised in the east to think or reason exactly the way someone raised in the west would. Our childhood determines a lot about our adulthood. Basically, our family, life stages, environment, culture, conduct, diet, and all other determining factors we experience during childhood lead to our long-term habit as an adult.
Why is this early development very important? It is essential because it is connected to a lot of traits in our lives, such as our productivity, logical reasoning, sociability, cognitive skills, psychological behavior, biological performance, and so many other factors that can either make or mar us. This development leads us to a stage where we have to be concerned about our own health (both physical and mental), how we let our lives affect people around us, and the way our behavior is affecting society on a large scale.
Over 40% of U.S. adults are obese, and considering less than fifty years ago that number was one in every hundred people, the number has increased considerably in a short period of time. Apart from the U.S. being known to be one of the most vulnerable locations in the world with a substantial obesity problem compounded by culturally poor dietary habits, it is also known to have a decreasing state of happiness. In short, our state of physical health has a high impact on our state of mind, and vice versa.
As a society, we blame our health problems on a variety of institutions, such as the food industry, because they continue to manufacture products that promote obesity or are hazardous to our health. In addition, diverse cultural aspects motivate social irresponsibility and negligence. However, instead of blaming the presumed causes of this hostile situation, we should start focusing on finding a fix. Things are not getting any better in other parts of the world, which prompts the dire need for a general and natural ways of regulating and stabilizing the situation before it becomes a major health catastrophe.
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