From Stress to Success
Emotionally Focused Transformation s
By Kim Jewell
Text c opyright 2012 Kim J Jewell
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to my amazing children, Michail, Katija and Curtis, for their patience, joy, heartache and unconditional love. They are my greatest teachers.
To Robert G. Smith f or putting together this incredible modality that has allowed s o many to break free from their personal prison s .
It is also dedicated to you, the reader, for having the courage to start your journey to wellness and wholeness by purchasing this book and jumping in.
It is my deepest wish that when you finish this book you take with you the missing piece of the puzzle that has kept you trapped and which can no longer hold you back.
Memories buried alive never die,
They just show up in bigger, uglier shoes .
Robert G. Smith
The way you talk about yourself and your life - your story - has a great deal to do with what shows up in your day-to-day experience.
Your thoughts create filters through which you view your life.
If you think of yourself as a victim, you filter all that happens to you through the lens of DDT (Dreaded Drama Triangle) and you find plenty of evidence to support that viewpoint.
Thats why the orientation you adopt is so important: it exerts a powerful inf luence on your life direction.
David Emerald
Table of Contents
The information found in this book, From Stress to Success with Faster Em otionally Focused Transformation (Faster EFT) is provided only as general information and is intended to be educational in its nature. All the ideas, techniques, instruction, information and advice addressed in this book are for the purposes of self-help and are to be used entirely at your own risk.
The i nformation contained in this book , including the introduction to Faster EFT, is not intended to suggest that Faster EF T can be used to diagnose, treat, cur e or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Faster EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Reading about or using the techniques in this book and using the Faster EFT techniques on yourself s hould not replace any form of health care from medical/psychological professionals. For long-standing or severe emotional medical physical or psychological problems one should seek advice from your medical practitioner or health professional.
Y ou , the reader, agree to accept and assume full responsibility to any and all risk s associated with reading thi s book and using Faster EFT as a result of it.
You understand that your choice to use Faster EFT is of your own free w i ll and not subject to any outside pressure.
You understand that if you choose to use Faster EFT, it is possible that emotional or unresolved issues may surface which could be received as negative side effects. Emotional issues may continue to surface after initially using Faster EFT, as an indicator that other issues may need to be addressed.
Whilst Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation (Faster EFT) has produced remarkable results ,the author, Kim Jewell does not guarantee any precise level of improvement in your physical, mental or emotional well-being where any specific outcome, issue, problem or illness are depend a nt on specific individuals and many other outside factors.
The testimonials or stories presented in the book do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction regarding the outcome of you as an individual using Faster EFT for any particular issue. While all materials and references of other resources are given in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness of any information in this book cannot be guaranteed.
The author Kim Jewell accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information provided in this book.
Kim Jewell does not accept any liability for any injury, illness, loss or damage incurred by the use of, reliance on, or participation in the techniques in this book.
If you are like me, you have read countless self-help books in the hope of finding that magic bullet. If on the other hand this is your first, Congratulations! This book is set out to help you understand why there is no magic bullet and that no one else can fix you, except YOU . T here is a modality out there that simplifies and creates lasting change, simply and eloquently without the years of talk therapy. It works for all of us, from all walks of life, cultures, races, and religious beliefs. It works on basic truths and allows each person the freedom from all that holds them back.
After years of working on myself, several psychologists, counsel l ors, self-help groups, thousands of dollars spent on self-help books, seminars, and gurus many left me feeling good, but none created lasting and tangible results...until I learned about the unconscious belief change techniques that I found when I literally stumbled across Faster EFT, a modality that has taken its concepts from other modalities and put them together in a way that is down to earth, simple and logical; it cuts through the years of talk therapy, will power, affirmations and delivers a unique and direct way to identify and change the unconscious beliefs that perpetuate stress and problems in our life.
As I watched the first couple of videos on You Tube, I found myself wondering how this guy Robert. G. Smith from Oklahoma had managed to create something that had taken me the better half of almost twenty- five years of self-help and constant seeking to come to a similar sort of understanding . Here he was speaking my language, stating everything that I had been learning over the last 25 years in a simple, easy to understand and effective system. It is in a form that all of us can understand, relate to and put to use in our daily life.
Of course, I plunged head first into the training provided by Robert Smith and immediately found that profound shifts were occurring in my life. Not earth - shattering revelations, but subtle changes that happened quietly and almost behind the scenes. Most of these shifts I personally hadnt noticed until someone pointed out how differently I was responding to situations and people that had in the past set off previously almost uncontrollable triggers and reactions. They were not the spontaneous healings that you often hear about with acclaimed self-help gurus but more along the lines of long-term shifts that feel as natural as never having had the problem in the first place.
Ever hear the quote You will never be able to love another until you love yourself first? I could never understand this, it baffled me for years and try as I may I could never understand how to unconditionally love myself. Intellectually I understood the concept, but I had never really understood how to let go of those unforgiveable things and events that had happened to me , n or had I been able to move past some self sabotaging behavior. It had not been for a lack of trying, I had worked on my issues for years, tried just about everything I could find and consequently had just reinforced all the old dysfunctional beliefs and issues that I had been trying to get rid of in the first place.
Faster EFT showed me that by letting go of all the distorted perceptions, belief patterns and taking whatever feelings were involved offline and installing new , healthy imprints . I would change and change I did ! The more I let go of the old perceptions and emotions the more I really started to love myself. Forgiveness doesnt mean you approve of what happened or that it should be covered up, i t means releasing the impact it ha s on yo u and finding the gift that was left behind, which is often not seen because the focus w as on looking at the negative.
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