Reason for Life
Positive Action with Moral Purpose
Dr. Jerry I. Jacobson
For All Who Wonder About The Source Of
Lifes Miraculous Journey.
Copyright 2012 Dr. Jerry I. Jacobson.
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ISBN: 978-1-4582-0271-0 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4582-0489-9 (e)
Abbott Press rev. date: 12/19/2019
I dedicate this volume to my children: Shere Dawn, Solomon Joseph, Jacqueline Victoria, Faith Mary Angela, and Maria Elizabeth.
And to the future generations of children who shall seek to understand the world and their place in it.
In memory of my father, Saul, who inspired my search by his quiet, gentle example of decency and common sense.
Oil on Canvas, 48x36, (2012)
Born on January 25, 1946 to Saul Lane and Mary, he was a precocious child showing signs of genius by age four as he read Darwins Origin Of Species and Gaylord Simpsons Up From the Ape . By the age of five he was reading Freud and Galileo, and at six he read Newtons Principia . Spurred on by his fathers case of laryngeal cancer, he began a lifelong study of Einstein before his seventh birthday. During these early childhood years he also showed remarkable artistic talent, influenced by his older brother, Hy. From age eight his pleasure was constructing electronic devices from scratch. At nine, his mothers love for music prompted him to take clarinet lessons, and by eleven he was playing Mozarts clarinet concerto with artistry. Then, it was time to play tenor saxophone, which he quickly mastered. By the age of thirteen he was already working professionally as a musician.
Testing showed a genius I.Q. at the age of thirteen, and his middle-school teacher told him he was capable of doing anything he wanted. And so he did: playing first clarinet with symphonic orchestras throughout his teenage years; leading jazz, pop and Latin bands, and demonstrating academic skills with flair in mathematics, physics, and biology. He entered the City University of New York at Brooklyn College, pre-med, to stay close to his aging father. He majored in philosophy, groping for intellectual skill in order to place scientific knowledge into a single perspective. Then, he entered Temple University Dental School, as he explained, To learn an allied profession outside the box of organized medicine and physics.
After taking up oil painting as a creative release, he joined the Army as a captain and served as an emergency oral surgeon at Lyster Army Hospital during the Vietnam era. While at Fort Rucker, he studied raja yoga to focus his attention upon the ultimate quest: To find a cure for cancer with the unified field equation. In 1970 his father died and the focus of lifes obsession intensified. From that point on his study of physics, i.e. the pursuit of the true vision of universal causation, and oil painting, creative writing in science, philosophy, and theology, was intense. Course work in physics and mathematics was extensive during his early adult years when he practiced clinical dentistry. He told no one of his search, while known to his friends and family as an artist, dentist, philosopher, writer and musician. In 1979 his life changed forever when he actually discovered the equation of unification.
Blue Duality
oil on linen, 60x48 (1977)
During the middle years of adulthood he traveled the world, wrote voluminously, painted his vision with an unequaled passion, spoke publicly of his discovery at scientific symposia, organized basic science research studies at universities throughout the world, published articles, books and patents and earned a Ph.D. in medicine with a concentration on biophysics from the Bundelkhand University in Jhansi, India. As a corporate executive, he continues the development of his discovery unselfishly sacrificing all for truth. And, his five children look to their father as example today, as do many other hopeful people, knowing Prof. Jacobson is dedicating his life for them, all of them.
Professor Jerry Jacobson is a man who believes in the potential of humanness. To him, genius is a word that refers to the uniqueness of the individual; that inherent capacity to wonder, and with a driving curiosity and unselfishness, to realize the inner vision endowed to all human life. Yet, few men have revealed so broad a capacity to master many disciplines, throughout history, and Prof. Jacobson has earned the right to be called a Renaissance Man. From corporate executive to inventor, clinician to medical researcher, from fine artist to theoretical physicist, musician to poet, creative writer to philosopher, and from composer to playwright- he has mastered and elevated each discipline with a creative drive and integrity seldom seen in this modern world of specialization.
His accomplishments include more than 200 scientific articles, 20 books of varied subject matter, numerous symposia presentations, 800 oil paintings, several thousand works of art in various media, 100 songs, hundreds of poems, essays and short stories, novels, plays, and more than 40 patents. But, the single achievement of his discovery of a new equation, Jacobson Resonance, revealing unification of all things in the universe, will no doubt provide the greatest practical benefit to humanity; applied to medical therapeutics, plasma physics, space travel and the regulation of the environment.
And, the numerous biographical listings do not reveal the profound impact his life will have upon future generations, because no words can explain the soul of a man dedicated to truth, brotherhood, and peace. His degrees, Ph.D., D.M.D., D.D.S, IOM, and B.A. do not infer what the striving of one free individual mind can endow for generations to come. Words fail, but the soul of a man is surely manifest by his deeds. Prof. Jacobson has come to search, to find and to teach the way of life for all. When asked what he is, Prof Jacobson replied, I remain an artist, philosopher of truth; to see our children cured from cancer, and other life-threatening illnesses, and to see the world derive its energy from controlled thermonuclear fusion power are the goals for my life and all of Gods children.
Artist Studio
500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century, (2009)
In Albert Einstein Genius Dedications;
American Biographical Institute,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA; p.l xxv
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