![73rd Regiment of Marines 272 274 275 Abaroo 121 Aboriginal people xi - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/148814/Images/cover.jpg)
73rd Regiment of Marines 272, 274, 275
Abaroo 121
Aboriginal people xi
Arabanoo, abduction of 11819, 121
attacks on settlers 117, 125, 126
avoidance of white people 117, 290
Bennelong 1212, 204
Blue Mountains crossing, impact on 290
Botany Bay arrival, on 79, 82
British House of Commons report 2902
colonisation, impact of 1345, 2902
disease, exposure to 113, 11921
dispossession of 113, 125, 130, 290
first contacts with white people 11416
marriage with convicts 22
negative reports about by First Fleeters 116
open war with whites 12630
Pemulwuy 1304
Port Phillip 196
raids on farms and livestock 113, 117, 125, 128, 129
reprisal attacks by 127
smallpox 11921
Sydney Cove arrival, on 81
Tench expeditions to catch 1312
thefts by whites from 119
Van Diemans Land 135
William Buckley and 199
Abrahams, Esther 138
early settlement 11112
initial 8990
Adams, John 8
Albemarle 219
mutiny attempt 21820
alcohol see also grog ration
attempts to reduce consumption 278
consumption rates 1534
King attempts to control trade 1767, 1834
local production 154, 162
military monopolisation of trade 154, 162, 174
restriction on importation 183
Rum Hospital monopoly 282, 283
trafficking in 154, 162, 174, 194
Alexander 26, 56, 20910
advance party 74
deaths on 49
escape from 51, 20910
mutiny, attempted 65
American Navy 42
Declaration of Independence 8
transportation to 5, 8, 13
War of Independence 89
abduction of 11819
death from small pox 121
Arden, Richard 14
Arthur, Lieutenant Governor George 199
artists 212
Assistant 252
Astrolabe 83, 87, 88, 190, 212
astrological studies 60
Atkins, Judge Advocate Richard 25860, 264, 276
Atlantic 123, 125
charting coastline 2, 71, 167, 169, 171, 172
circumnavigation by Flinders 173
circumnavigation by French 190
first visitors 12
naming 2, 173, 297
self-government 288
Australia Day 84
Baker, Corporal 47
Ball, Lieutenant Henry 118
Balmain, Chief Surgeon William 123
Macarthur, assessment of 164
Banks, Sir Joseph 911, 129, 134
Aboriginal people, description 115
background and career 12
Bligh as governor, recommendation 252
Botany Bay, assessment of 911, 12, 73
influence 11, 252
journals 73
New South Wales, involvement in 2523
Bankstown 167, 169
barracks 260, 281
first, construction of 111
Parramatta 158, 241
Barrallier, Francis 287, 288
Barrett, Thomas 61, 91
Barrington, George 34
Bass, George 166, 172
Blue Mountains, attempt to cross 1678, 286
disappearance 172
escaped convicts, finding 228
Georges River exploration 167
Port Hacking exploration 167
southern Australia exploration 1689
Van Diemans Land 16971
Bass Strait
discovery 171, 193
speculation of existence 16971
Bathurst 143, 289
Bathurst, Lord 285, 294, 295
Baudin, Nicolas 173, 1901
bche-de-mer 2
Bennelong 1212
trip to England 1234, 204
Bennelong Point 122
Bent, Judge Advocate Ellis 276
Bentham, Sir Samuel 161
Bigge, John Thomas 2956
Bishop, Captain Charles 170
Black Caesar, John 128, 21618
Blaxcell, Garnham 2823
Blaxland, George 260, 2879
Bligh, Betsy 250, 253, 272
Bligh, Mary 253, 254, 259, 261, 266
remarriage 2712
Bligh, Governor William 37, 141
account of coup 2634
arrest and overthrow 2614
background 249
Bounty, mutiny on 166, 248, 2501
complaints about 257
convicts, assessment of 255
death 272
departure from colony 2689
farewell dinner 2767
governor, appointment as 184, 252
Grose, assessment of 152
King, land grants from 254
King, land grants to 254
land grants to 254
Macarthur and 257, 25760, 2634
marines, assessment of 255
overthrow of 138, 141, 248, 2604
parliamentary inquiry into transportation 1489
post-colonial career 2712
post-coup 2667
remuneration as governor 253
Second Breadfruit Journey 152, 166, 252
bloodletting 53
Blue Mountains
Aboriginal people, impact of spread beyond 290
Bass, attempt to cross 1678
Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth 2879
crossing 260, 2859, 290
spread of settlement beyond 134
escapes by convicts, use of 222, 2279
Sydney shortage of 167
Borrowdale 26, 56, 97
Boston Tea Party 8
Boswell, James 227
botanical samples 12
Botany Bay ix, x, 1, 9
arrival of First Fleet 745, 77, 78
Bankss assessment of 911, 12, 73
decamping 834
decision to send convicts 1417
French ships, presence 878, 189
unsuitability for settlement 1, 73, 7880
Boulton, Rebecca 32
Bounty, mutiny on 166, 225
mutineers, fates of 2256
Boussole 83, 88, 190, 212
Bowen, John 192, 198, 199200, 201
Bowes Smyth, Arthur 3940, 56, 60, 66, 756
Botany Bay assessment 80
Bowyer, Ruth ix, x
Branciforte, Marquess of 4950
Branham, Mary 55
breadfruit 249, 251, 252
Brisbane, Sir Thomas 287
appointment as governor 296
Britannia 152, 153
British colonisation 2
Australia, of 1, 2, 1856
fears of French territorial ambitions 88, 173, 186, 188, 1902
impact on Aboriginal people 1345, 2902
Spanish view of 2046
British East India Company 2, 25, 80
The British Grenadiers 261, 263
British Museum 3, 12
British Science Museum 3
Brooker, Jonathon 144
Broom, Samuel 227
brothels, government-organised 22, 145
Brother 263
Broughton, Bishop William 1345
Brown, William 64
Brownrigg, Robert 174
Bruni dEntrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond
Joseph 171, 190
Bryant, Charlotte 634, 223, 226, 227
Bryant, Emanuel 223, 226
Bryant, Mary 634, 2223, 226, 227
Bryant, William 2223
escape attempt by 2226
Buckley, William 1989
Buffalo 110, 176
building work
early settlement 8990, 11112
Bullimore, Private Thomas 70
Burwell 110
bushfire 110
Black Caesar 128, 21618
Bustamante y Guerra, Jos 185, 2023, 2067
Calcutta 193, 194, 1956, 198, 242
Caley, George 129, 287
Callander, John Terra Australis Cognita 10
Calvert, General Harry 180
Camden, Lord 179, 253
Camp Cove 81
Campbell, Robert 264
Campbelltown 144
Canary Islands 4951
Cape Horn 94, 95
Cape of Good Hope 28, 57, 63, 94, 95
Cape Town 28, 656
First Fleet 669, 71
Sirius resupply visit 936
Cape York Peninsular 2
capital offences 4, 86, 87, 91, 238
carpenters 90
Castle Hill uprising 238, 23947
martial law 243, 247
punishments 2467
Castlereagh, Lord 262, 2634, 266, 269
Catchpole, Margaret 1413
Chappell, Ann 172
Charlotte 26, 38, 47, 63, 75, 223
charting coastline 2, 71, 167, 169, 171, 1723, 190
children 33
illegitimate and abandoned 137, 14750
orphan schools 147, 149
Christian, Fletcher 225, 250, 252
church first 90
civil magistrates
powers of transferred to marines 153
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