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Kennedy - Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding

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Kennedy Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding
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The Definitive Guide for 21st Century Bodybuilding!Plenty of bodybuilding books were written in the 1980s, but the world has changed since then. How can a new bodybuilder achieve success with outdated information? This book is filled with the most up-to-date information available, offering tons of inspirational photos of the top bodybuilders of today. Encylcopedia of Bodybuilding teaches you how to:-Make the most of the genes you were born with-Shape your body to perfect proportions-Build major mass in the shortest time-Use food and supplements as tools to carve out a superior physique-Chisel out definition with diet and cardio-Develop a posing routine that make you a winnerPlus, as a bonus:-Poster of a top bodybuilders anatomy-Get the MuscleMag International MASS system of training!.

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Copyright 2008 Robert Kennedy Publishing All rights reserved including the - photo 1

Copyright 2008 Robert Kennedy Publishing
All rights reserved,
including the right to reproduce this book or
portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

Published by Robert Kennedy Publishing
400 Matheson Blvd West
Mississauga, ON
L5R 3M1 Canada
Visit us at www.emusclemag.com

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding
Art Directors: Alex Waddell and Jason Branidis
Editor: Wendy Morley
Proofreader: Jacqui Hartley

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Kennedy, Robert, 1938-2012
The encyclopedia of bodybuilding: the complete A-Z book on muscle building / Robert Kennedy. -- 21st century ed.

Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-55210-130-8

1. Bodybuilding. I. Title.

GV546.5.K454 2008 613.7'13 C2008-904637-4


Distributed in Canada by
NBN (National Book Network)
67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 241
Toronto, ON
M6K 3E3

Distributed in USA by
NBN (National Book Network)
15200 NBN Way
Blue Ridge Summit, PA

Robert Kennedy Publishing Book Department
Art Director: Gabriella Caruso Marques
Managing Editor: Wendy Morley


The information in this book reflects the authors experiences and opinions and is not intended to replace medical advice.

Before beginning this or any other nutritional or exercise regimen, consult your physician to be sure it is appropriate for you. Ask for a physical stress test.

No matter how genetically gifted you are, it is unrealistic to expect to look like the pros in our magazine within a few months time. Muscles like that take years of hard work and proper nutrition to develop.

Editors of MuscleMag International

Table of Contents

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 2

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 3

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 4

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 5

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 6

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 7

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 8

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 9

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 10

Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding - photo 11

PREFACE H as it really bee - photo 12

PREFACE H as it really been 10 years since I published the first MuscleMag - photo 13

PREFACE H as it really been 10 years since I published the first MuscleMag - photo 14

PREFACE H as it really been 10 years since I published the first MuscleMag - photo 15


H as it really been 10 years since I published the first MuscleMag International Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding ? Perhaps Einstein was right after all time is relative. But one thing is for sure its been quite the 10 years!

It seemed that no sooner had the massive Brit, Dorian Yates, headed back to England with his sixth Mr. Olympia title when a relative unknown, Ronnie Coleman, started his record-tying run of eight Mr. Olympia wins. The big Texan was to continue the trend of ever-increasing physique size, carrying 290 pounds of ultra-striated beef into battle. With 2006 and 2007 winner Jay Cutler also tipping the scales in the 280+ pound range, the time seems near that the first 300 pounder will walk away with the sports most coveted title.

Besides the escalating size, another revolution to come about during this time was in the training styles of most bodybuilders. Although a few bodybuilders still follow the traditional high-volume style of training made popular by Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the 1970s, most now follow the shorter, more intense form of training advocated by Dorian Yates.

And speaking of bodybuildings most famous alumni, the lad from Austria has done quite well for himself since the first edition of this book. Not content to be the sports No. 1 star and worlds most successful actor, Arnold decided to throw his hat into the political arena. In typical Schwarzenegger fashion, he won the governorship of California in 2003. Many feel that with an amendment to the constitution (to allow those not born in the USA to run for the presidency) its only a matter of time before Arnold flexes his way into the Oval Office.

While the popularity of both Arnold and male bodybuilding continues to climb, the same cannot be said for the female side of the sport. After starting with such promise in the early 80s and reaching very respectable heights, thanks in part to the great Cory Everson in the late 80s, the sport took a nosedive in the 1990s. Although numerous theories have been put forward as to why, the most prevalent is that bodybuilding fans male and female are just not interested in female physiques that would have won the Mr. America 40 or 50 years ago. Even the sports top female title the Ms. Olympia is not immune, having nearly been canceled on numerous occasions.

As female bodybuilding began its tumble, the new sports of womens fitness and figure took off. Displaying physiques hard and athletic yet still feminine, fitness and figure contestants have far exceeded their female bodybuilding counterparts in both popularity and prize money. Unless theres a change in the judging standards, this trend will no doubt continue.

One area that hasnt changed over the last 10 years is the popularity of food supplements. Creatine and whey protein are still the biggest sellers, but nipping at their heels are a whole host of others including nitric oxide, glutamine and the latest generation of fat-burners.

Related to the topic of supplements is the topic of performance-enhancing drugs. While at one time there was a definite distinction between the two, the supplement companies muddied the water in the late 1990s by releasing a new category of supplements called pro hormones. As the name suggests, pro hormones are not drugs in the classical sense, but can be converted to anabolic substances by the body. When baseball superstar Mark McGwire got caught with the pro hormone androstenedione in his locker, sales went through the roof. It was short-lived, however, as the U.S. government quickly added pro hormones to its list of banned substances. Thanks to the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1991 and subsequent modifications, possession of either steroids or pro hormones is now a felony in most states.

Yes its been quite the 10 years. And thats why I felt it was time to overhaul an already great book and make it even better. How, you ask? Well for starters we give you new chapters. Each is jam-packed with the latest information on training, nutrition and recovery. And the chapters that feature the training routines of the top superstars are also brand new. You want to know how Jay Cutler built that incredible chest? Read on. Curious about how a 5'4" Lee Priest developed 22-inch arms? Its in here. Wonder how 280-pound Markus Ruhl created those yard-wide shoulders? Its just a few pages away. This book contains bodypart routines of just about every top bodybuilder competing today. And dont worry, I havent forgot about the champions of the past. Immediately following the training routines of the current generation of stars Ive included a chapter that looks at the workouts of such legends as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Dorian Yates, Lee Haney, Robby Robinson and Tom Platz.

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