![Acknowledgments I thank my partner in life my wife Diane for sharing this - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/231560/images/Rile_9781594779800_epub_001_r1.jpg)
I thank my partner in life, my wife, Diane, for sharing this journey intolove with me. I thank her for expanding my understanding of the divinefeminine, of whats important to women, and for all the love, joy, andsexual passion we have together. She has been my greatest teacher.
My grateful appreciation goes to all the teachers on our path, especiallyLarry Collins, Dr. Stephen Chang, David and Ellen Ramsdale,Charles and Caroline Muir, Marty and Ruth and teachers of MoreUniversity, Elliot and Hollie Tanza, Betty Bethards, Neville Rowe, BillSpence, and De Raj.
I also wish to thank all those whose books or workshops havehelped us, especially Osho Rajneesh and Neslish and Satyo for theirheart-opening work. And those who assisted me at the beginning of mypersonal development workDaniel and Marcea Webber, John Kehoe,Martyn Jackson, Dr. Masahiro Oki, Masunaga Sensai, and Satyanandateachers.
Special thanks to the many students who have attended the seminarsDiane and I conduct. Your examples continue to inspire me toteach these secrets from the heart, knowing absolutely that they work for anyone who applies them. Thank you for your positive feedback andfor sharing your stories. Special thanks to Tim and to Nola, for her assistancewith the editing of the book, and to my agent, Ellen Ramsdale,for her invaluable work in securing our publisher.
I am grateful also to my mother, father, and brother for all theunconditional love Ive had. And finally blessings to our children,Soelae, Lisa, and Sam, for continually connecting me with my heart andreminding me of the value of love in my life.
Imagine having a partner who says that she couldnt possibly have a betterlover than you, that she cant wait for you to come home each day.Imagine being in a relationship that is exciting, sexy, and emotionallynurturing; being able to make love as long as you want, as many timesas you like, at any age, and knowing absolutely that you can satisfy yourpartner, not just physically but on every level of beingbody, heart, andsoul.
Imagine continuing to explore and create together fulfilling andprofound lovemaking experiences; continuing to grow and bond withgreater intimacy, loving feelings, and communication. Imagine feelingmore pleasure, with deeper, stronger orgasms, for you and your partner.
Lovemaking that will bring more love, joy, and pleasure into yourlife is possible.
Held within these pages are secrets and practices that will turn thisdream into reality, secrets you will treasure for a lifetime. The secrets Ishare in this book are not theoreticalthey are practices that my wife,Diane, and I have developed through actual experience of working successfullywith thousands of people over many years. I am not suggestingthat by reading this book youll never have another problem in yourrelationship. Diane and I have been married for more than twenty yearsand we have three children: I know that difficulties will continue toarise! Yet Ive also invested many years of my life finding out what ittakes to sustain love and sexual passion with the same woman. The old proverb Blessed is the man who has found his work and one womanto love rings as true in our lifetimes as it ever has.
This book is for any man of any age who desires to be an extraordinarylover. Any man who knows he can satisfy a woman feels ten feettall. Much of a mans self-image is tied up with how good he feels heis as a lover. Every man wants to be good in bed. For my fathers generationthat was relatively easy: you just moved in and out until you feltan explosion of energy. Thats all there was to it. The only challenge wasin finding a willing partner.
In the 1960s, my older brothers era, everything changed. Menbegan to realize that their pleasure in sex was magnified when theirpartner was also experiencing a great amount of pleasure. Men realizedthat in order to be good lovers they needed to warm up their partnerwith lots of foreplay. While men were suddenly challenged to bringwomen to orgasm, there wasnt a lot of pressure to succeed because,throughout the previous two thousand years, womens sexuality hadbeen suppressed. It was common for women to be uncomfortable withtheir sexuality and to have difficulty reaching orgasm. If orgasm happened,that was great, but if it didnt, it wasnt such a big deal becauseit was accepted that good girls dont do it anyway. Lovemaking continuedto be mostly about the mans pleasure.
Today, being a good lover is more challenging than it has ever been.Women are on the other side of a sexual revolution. Women today dontsimply want sex; they want great sex, which includes emotional as wellas physical nourishment. Many men go into lovemaking concerned thatthey wont be able to meet their partners needs.
I would suggest that what we must do as self-aware men is workwith our partners as teammates in continuing to support and nourishthis opening of womens sexuality. One of the best ways we can do thisis by becoming extraordinary lovers. The message of Tantric Secrets forMen is powerful and yet simpletruly great sex is much more than justphysical contact; it combines sexual pleasure with love and deep intimacy.This book will show you how you can reach heightened states ofecstasy and pleasure together. It contains information that can make any man not just a good lover, but a truly extraordinary and caring lover.And the truth is, that is what every woman yearns for in a man.
So often in lovemaking a woman doesnt ask for what she wants,either because shes not sure of what she wants or shes afraid she willhurt her partners feelings. Often the man doesnt ask because hes supposedto know. And we wonder why sexual loving loses its originalspark after several years, or even months, with the same partner! Sexuallove is the fuel for a passionate relationship. Without this its like havinga car without gas: you have the car but the engine doesnt spark and youcant go anywhere. We can all do with some new fuel in our love lives.
I believe that there is a new man in the world today, one whowants to experience sex at its full potential, who desires to make lovein such a way that it opens the door to the greatest joy for his loved oneand himself and fulfills his deepest yearnings. This new, aware man realizesthe importance of learning about love, sex, and relationship. He isstrongly conscious of the centrality of these matters in his life, and hewants to learn all there is about lovemaking. Yet there is very little goodeducation available on how to become a good lover. And contrary towhat the ego would have us men believe, we are not born naturallygreat at lovemaking.
I am not talking about intercourse here; anyone can do that. Imtalking about learning how to make love so that you can nourish awoman on every level of her beingbody, heart, and soul. I am speakingabout making love in such a way that your woman not only experienceslevels of physical pleasure beyond anything she has ever knownbefore, but also feels a deep love in her heart and experiences an ecstasythat transcends her sense of time, space, and thought.
The secrets in this book will give you the knowledge and skills tobe an extraordinary lover for your partner. Every woman wants herman to know these secrets. Once you know how to nourish a womanon this level your relationship will reach new depths of love and newheights of ecstasy. The benefits of knowing these secrets are not onlythat you nourish your partners sexuality better than any other man can,but that you learn how to access higher states of pleasure yourself.
Most men have neglected exploring many aspects of their sexualitywith their loved one. In recent years the general focus in sexual relationshas been so much on giving women an orgasm that the manspleasure is often determined by the womans orgasmic response. A lotof men dont realize this until they learn the secrets of sexual fulfillmentand begin to explore, with their partner, higher orgasmic states forthemselves. The secrets revealed here are not only about physical pleasure.They will also show you how to open up and feel the love that isin your heart much more deeply while you are making love. Once yourpartner experiences this heartfelt love she will be more open to makinglove, she will want to make love more often, and there will be moresexual energy available for both of you.
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