By David Zinczenko
Eat This, Not That! The No-Diet Weight-Loss Solution
Eat This, Not That! For Kids
Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide
Eat This, Not That! Restaurant Survival Guide
Eat This, Not That! Best (& Worst) Foods in America!
Cook This, Not That! Kitchen Survival Guide
Cook This, Not That! Skinny Comfort Food
Cook This, Not That! Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals
Grill This, Not That! Backyard Survival Guide
Drink This, Not That! Sip Your Way to a Flat Belly!
Eat This, Not That! No-Diet Diet
The 8-Hour Diet
The New Abs Diet
The New Abs Diet for Women
The New Abs Diet Cookbook
The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide
The Abs Diet Get Fit, Stay Fit Plan
The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook
The Abs Diet 6-Minute Meals for 6-Pack Abs
Men, Love & Sex: The Complete Users Guide for Women
Eat It to Beat It!
This book proposes a program of diet and exercise recommendations for the reader to follow. However, you should consult a qualified medical professional (and, if you are pregnant, your ob/gyn) before starting this or any other fitness program. Please seek your doctors advice before making any decisions that affect your health or extreme changes in your diet, particularly if you suffer from any medical condition or have any symptom that may require treatment. As with any diet or exercise program, if at any time you experience any discomfort, stop immediately and consult your physician.
Copyright 2014 by David Zinczenko
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin Random House Company, New York.
B ALLANTINE and the H OUSE colophon are registered trademarks of Random House LLC.
Some content adapted from the EAT THIS, NOT THAT! book series, by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Zinczenko, David.
Zero belly diet : the revolutionary new plan to turn off your fat genes and help keep you lean for life! / David Zinczenko
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-345-54795-8 (hardback)ISBN 978-0-345-54797-2 (ebook)
1. Reducing diets. 2. Weight loss. I. Title.
RM222.2.Z565 2014
Photography by Beth Bischoff
To the researchers, scientists,
medical doctors, and other professionals
working hard to solve the riddle of obesity.
Our understanding and hope grow
every year thanks to your dedication.
Why Beating Belly Fat Is Health Goal #1
Your Belly Isnt Just Sitting There, Looking Sloppy. Its Actively Trying to Harm Your Heart, Your Musclesand Even Your Brain!
Turn Off Your Fat Genes!
The Incredible New Science of How Fat Genes Get Turned On and the Magic Foods That Shut Them Off!
Win the Battle Inside Your Belly
How Balancing Your Digestive System in Just Three Days Can Take You from Fat to Flat
How Real Is YOUR Risk?
The New Gold Standard for Measuring Your Belly Fat Risk, and the Perfect Plan for Beating the Odds
The Power of the Zero Belly Foods
The Nine Super Nutrients that Target Belly Fat in Three Waysand Flatten Your Belly for Good!
The Zero Belly Meal Plan
How and When to Eat to Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle, 24/7/365
The Zero Belly Drinks
Fat-Melting, Muscle-Building, Gut-Healthy Drinks
Ready in Minutes!
The Zero Belly Recipes
How to Turn the Zero Belly Foods into Delicious, Easy-to-Make Meals
The Zero Belly Workouts
Full-Body Fitness Plans that Reveal Your AbsWithout Sit-ups!
Zero Belly in Seven Minutes a Day
Superfast Core Workouts for Days When Theres No Time to Work Out
The Zero Belly Seven-Day Cleanse
One Week to a Leaner, Cleaner, Healthier You
The Healthiest Foods on the Planet
Maximize Your Nutritional Intake with This At-a-Glance Guide to All Your Favorite Foods
I magine taking off your shirt, looking into the mirror, and seeing zero belly.
Not a little belly. Not a tiny bit of belly. Not a pooch or a muffin top or a spare tire or a gut.
Zero belly. A flat, rippled stomach where the softness used to be.
Most of us have long abandoned that ideal. Weve accepted belly fat as an inevitable albatross, a companion for life, just a normal part of being a normal human being.
Zero belly? Thats for the folks on the cover of People magazine, the ones with the personal trainers and the personal nutritionists and the personal liposuction machines in the basements of their Beverly Hills mansions. Ordinary folks like you and me? Well always suffer from self-consciousness when we have to strip down to our swimsuits, always feel a little dissatisfied with the paunch around our waists, always be a little more likely to suffer the health consequences of unwanted weight gain. Thats just the way it is.
But thats not true. We dont have to live that way.
As the nutrition and wellness editor for ABC News, the editorial director of Mens Fitness, and the former head of Mens Health, Womens Health, and Prevention magazines, Ive spent my entire career learning about belly fat: where it comes from, what it does to us, and how we can fight back. Ive literally traveled the globe reporting on fatfrom launching fitness and nutrition magazines in Europe and Africa to covering the habits of Olympic athletes in Beijing. So I might just know more about your belly than anyone else on the planet.
And what I know is this: there is no greater threat to you and your familyto your health, your happiness, even your financial futurethan the dumpy bit of fat that has climbed up onto your lap and nestled itself against your belly. Its a torpedo aimed at your torso, a missile fired at your midsection. It is a living, growing organism whose goal is to ruin your life.
And Ive designed the ultimate program for making it disappear.
Zero belly: thats the goal.
Heres the plan.
If I were a wise, grizzled guru sitting on the top of a mountain in the Himalayas, and you traveled halfway around the globe to seek my wisdom, youd probably be surprised by what I told you. My one secret for a better lifea healthier, wealthier, happier lifeisnt Spend more time with your friends, Do what you love, Find your higher power, or even Put more money in your 401(k). Its this: Lose your belly. Because when it comes to physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual well-being, belly fat is more damaging to you than you would ever think.
Belly fatwhat scientists call visceral fatis the most dangerous fat there is: dangerous to your heart, dangerous to your brain, dangerous to your love life, and even dangerous to your wallet. The billions of enemy cells in your belly are nastier than anything the conspirators on