The KamaSutra is known to be a detailed manual of sex positions that will elevate anycouples lovemaking to new heights. The root of its purpose, however, extendsdeeper than the physical act of lovemaking. According to Deepak Chopra, in theHindu belief system, sexual energy is a primal energy that continually creates.It is present and creates at all levels of our consciousness - physical,emotional and spiritual. The Kama Sutra is at work whenever we feel passionate,inspired, excited, creative, enthusiastic or, especially attracted or aroused.All of these emotions produce sensations and cravings that stoke our internalfires. The physical act of sex is an outward expression of these forces.
The KamaSutra (Formula of Desire) was developed to focus and heighten this physicalexpression to create and sustain sexual energy in a creative manner. Extendingits teaching outside the bedroom, we are guided towards building andmaintaining loving relationships with people and even things around us. Theserelationships are based on the tenets of love, respect, nurturing and giving.They also teach us to open ourselves up in order to expect and receive the samein return.
With this inmind, this book focuses on the physical aspects of the ancient book. This bookexplores and details the sexual positions of the Kama Sutra in simple languageand provides a detailed description of each position. It also includes somegeneral tips as well as suggestions of ways to enhance the experience beforeand after. I hope you enjoy exploring the ancient text with a modern twist!
Chapter1: Getting into the Mood
Arousal is a combination of themind and the body. Here are some ideas to get both of you hot and bothered andready for each other.
Click Click
Eroticphotograph doesnt always mean naked. Ask your lover to send you the most sensualphoto they can create without getting completely unclothed.
Splish Splash
Bathsand showers are some of the most sensual and erotic places you can find. Trysharing a scented bubble bath in a candlelit bathroom, or take a dark soapyshower together. Soap yourself up and use only your body to get your loverclean.
Massage Me into Oblivion
Ifyour love enjoys being touched all over, offer a full body massage. Take yourtime and touch them in all of those atypical erogenous zones. See how long youcan go before your hands find the center of their pleasure.
Commanding Commando
Feellike flirting in public? Many men like to see a wanton side of their lady. Picka day to wear a skirt or dress and leave your panties behind. Once youre inthe car or even out on the town, slide your lovers hand over your bum or upyour leg and watch his eyes light up with desire.
Steamy Fantasies
Everyonehas sexual fantasies. Trust in one of the most passion inspiring elements toany relationship. Trust your lover with your deepest fantasy. If you arentcomfortable telling them directly, write your lover a sexy story. I want youto take me behind a nightclub, push me against the wall
Sensual Scents
Cinnamon,vanilla, rose or cucumber these are the scents that stoke your passion.
Whisper in my ear
Nothing is hotter than a shared intimate moment when you arenot alone. Find a moment at a party or when youre waiting for a table at arestaurant to whisper in your lovers ear. Tell them exactly what you want todo to them when youre alone.
Sharing Is Caring
Shareyour favorite part of a piece of erotica with your lover. Read an erotic novelout loud, enjoy some classic erotic photography or watch a good old dirtymovie. Open yourself up to the beauty of others passions and you may besurprised how quickly the flames of desire grow.
Mighty Aphrodite
Darkchocolate, strawberries, oysters, champagne feast on these sensual and exoticfoods. Blindfold your lover, ask them to trust you, then feed them the foodsthat make you feel your sexiest.
Chapter 2: Spicing It Up
Lovemaking can take many different forms. Remember that you are not rushing towarda goal, but taking a beautiful journey over one anothers body. Enjoy the wholeride and dont be afraid to try a lot of new things. Remember, variety is thespice of life!
Pour Femme
Yourladys clitoris is the key to unlocking her passions. Find it and give it thegentle and loving attention it deserves. Ask your lover what feels good to her,then use all means at your disposal to titillate and excite this center of herdesire.
Figure 8
Use the slippery underside of your tongue and do a figure 8around your lovers sensitive nub. Dont forget to tell her how amazing shetastes.
Crosswise Craziness
Strokingyour ladys clit will excite and delight her, but show some imagination. Varythe pressure and direction. Dont get stuck in and up and down rut, stroke herfrom side to side and spin her world around.
Zoom Zoom
Fingers are sexy. Most women will enjoy yourfingers insider her almost as much as your cock. Alternate the stroking of hernub with a gentle penetration of a finger. As you increase the pressure andspeed of your caresses, add a second finger and press deeper. The rhythm ofyour clever digits will have your lady wet and begging for more.
Turning the Screw
Be imaginative with those fingers! Twist upyour lovers level of ecstasy by rotating your fingers face down to face up asthey slide in and out. This variation, along with the attention you are payingto her clit Caress the nub to trigger the eruption.
Pour Homme
Lip Play
Kissing is an incredibly intimate act and canbe very sensual. Give you mans lips some extra attention. Licking, sucking andnibbling on his lips will remind him of all the abilities you have to bring himpleasure with your mouth.