Cardiac Imaging
A Core Review
Cardiac Imaging
A Core Review
Joe Y. Hsu , MD
Director of Cardiac CT/MR
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
Los Angeles, California
Amar Shah , MD
Assistant Professor
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York
Jean Jeudy , MD
Associate Professor
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Cardiothoracic Imaging
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
University of Maryland Medical Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Acquisitions Editor: Ryan Shaw
Product Development Editor: Lauren Pecarich
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Senior Manufacturing Coordinator: Beth Welsh
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Copyright 2016 by Wolters Kluwer
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Printed in China
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cardiac imaging (Hsu)
Cardiac imaging : a core review / editors, Joe Y. Hsu, Amar Shah, Jean Jeudy.
p. ; cm. (Core review series)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-4963-0061-4 (pbk)
I. Hsu, Joe Y., editor. II. Shah, Amar, editor. III. Jeudy, Jean, editor. IV. Title. V. Series: Core review series.
[DNLM: 1. Cardiac Imaging TechniquesmethodsProblems and Exercises. 2. Cardiovascular DiseasesProblems and Exercises. 3. Diagnostic Techniques, CardiovascularProblems and Exercises. WG 18.2]
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To my wife JenniferYou are the source of my inspiration! Thanks for your unwavering support.
To my children James, Katherine, and KiraYour smile and laughter give me the reason to keep trying.
To my teachersIf I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
To my residentsThanks for challenging me to be better.
J oe Y. H su
To my wife, I can not thank you enough for all that you say and do.
To the late Pragna Shah, thank you for everything you have done.
To my mentors and residents, thank you for everything you have done and continue to do to help me learn.
A mar S hah
Thank you to so many
To my beautiful wife and daughters for their love and support (and I love you just as deeply).
To my mentors for their inspiration; and to all my residents and fellows who have allowed me to inspire them.
J ean J eudy
John P. Fantauzzi, MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology
Albany Medical College/Albany Medical Center Hospital
Albany, New York
Ami Gokli, MD
Staten Island University Hospital
Staten Island, New York
Nikhil Goyal, MD
Section Chief, Cardiac Imaging
Department of Radiology
Staten Island University Hospital
Staten Island, New York
Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review is the fifth book added to the Core Review Series. This book covers the most important aspects of cardiac imaging in a manner that I am confident will serve as a useful guide for residents to assess their knowledge and review the material in a question-style format that is similar to the ABR Core examination.
Dr. Joe Hsu, Dr. Amar Shah, and Dr. Jean Jeudy have succeeded in producing a book that exemplifies the philosophy and goals of the Core Review Series. They have done an excellent job in covering key topics and providing quality images on a subject matter that many residents find most challenging. The multiple-choice questions have been divided logically into chapters so as to make it easy for learners to work on particular topics as needed. Each question has a corresponding answer with an explanation of not only why a particular option is correct but also why the other options are incorrect. There are also references provided for each question for those who want to delve more deeply into a specific subject. This format is also useful for radiologists preparing for the Maintenance of Certification (MOC).
The intent of the Core Review Series is to provide the resident, fellow, or practicing physician a review of the important conceptual, factual, and practical aspects of a subject by providing approximately 300 multiple-choice questions, in a format similar to the ABR Core examination. The Core Review Series is not intended to be exhaustive but to provide material likely to be tested on the ABR Core examination, and that would be required in clinical practice.
As the Series Editor of the Core Review Series, I have had the pleasure to work with many outstanding individuals across the country who contributed to the series. This series represents countless hours of work and involvement by many, and it would not have come together without their participation.