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Pedram Shojai - Exhausted : how to revitalize, restore, and renew your energy

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Pedram Shojai Exhausted : how to revitalize, restore, and renew your energy

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Praise for exhausted Were facing an unprecedented healthcare crisis and much - photo 1
Praise for

Were facing an unprecedented healthcare crisis, and much of it stems from the collapse of the energy production systems of our cells. Exhausted is a timely book that sheds light on the root of this epidemic. From toxins to diet to exercise to sleep, Shojai and Polizzi do an excellent job of bringing real solutions to the reader.

Mark Hyman, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Food; Eat Fat, Get Thin; and The Blood Sugar Solution

Exhausted presents the road map to refilling our drained energy reserves and helping to prevent the degenerative diseases that result from being in a state of sympathetic depletion. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to thrive in a sustainable way!

Tom OBryan, DC, CCN, DACBN, author of The Autoimmune Fix


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Copyright 2020 by Rising Tide Productions, LLC

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Polizzi, Nick, author. | Shojai, Pedram, author.

Title: Exhausted : how to revitalize, restore, and renew your energy / Nick Polizzi and Pedram Shojai.

Description: 1st edition. | Carlsbad : Hay House, Inc., 2020. | Includes bibliographical references.

Identifiers: LCCN 2020025767 | ISBN 9781401959005 (hardback) | ISBN 9781401959012 (ebook)

Classification: LCC HD69.T54 P645 2020 | DDC 650.1/1--dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020025767

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-5900-5

E-book ISBN: 978-1-4019-5901-2

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1st edition, August 2020

Printed in the United States of America

To the seeker, whos been given answers but
still feels exhausted, this is for you.

And to our wives, for being so patient,
understanding, and supportive of us.
We know how exhausting that can be.


Exhausted how to revitalize restore and renew your energy - image 2

We have an epidemic in the modern world. Millions of us are waking up each and every morning feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually drained. We simply dont have the energy we need to make it through our days.

Think of it this way. Imagine every morning when you open your eyes, youre given 100 units of energy to use. But before you even make it to the breakfast table, you burn 20 units off the top because of negative thought patterns, unresolved traumas, and stress in your environment (like a relationship that isnt working, or getting overstimulated by scary news headlines).

Now youre down to 80 units. Thats a big problem because you need 100120 units to get through your commitments for the day. You may have kids who need parenting, errands to run, work to do, bosses and co-workers to appease, a spouse or partner who needs connection, aging parents who need checking in on... the list goes on.

So what do you do? You start borrowing energy from tomorrow to get through today by guzzling pots of coffee, cranking on sugary foods, cheating sleep, skipping exercise, and never slowing down. Just to make ends meet. Just to try to keep up with all the energy demands for the day.

But every morning you wake up with one or two fewer bars of energy. Now rinse and repeat every day, year after year. You keep waking up with one or two fewer bars of energy, but your commitments remain at 100120.

You sink deeper into a pit of exhaustion. The anxiety that comes from having more to do than time to do it quickly becomes a heavy blanket of stress, weighing on you all the time. And as the stress overwhelms you, you become more sluggish.

We call this downward spiral Deficit Spending. Life has to be lived in balance, but you keep spending and depleting your energy without ever restoring it.

And you wind up exhausted.

The challenge with Deficit Spending is that the bill always comes due at some point. You may not feel the exhaustion in your twenties. Maybe you feel a little tired, but its nothing an extra cup of coffee cant fix.

But flash forward 10 or 20 years, and eventually, your adrenals collapse. Your nervous system misfires. You cant get an erection. You cant get pregnant. You break out in acne. You gain weight. Your gut lining gets destroyed. Youre bloated, gassy, or have weird bowel movements. You cant walk more than 10 minutes without wanting to keel over.

You live like this for a few years, and it doesnt take long before your immune system tanks, making you more susceptible to an opportunistic disease.

Exhaustion is often the gateway to bigger medical issues. Now your doctor runs some labs and pulls you aside, and regrets to inform you that you have diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, or something else terrifying and debilitating. Cue the drugs. Now you cant live without the expensive pharmaceuticals and the miserable side effects they cause.

This is life in the modern world.

It sucks.

The very currency of life itself is energy. Everything else is secondary to this core biological need. You could have all the money in the world, a life chock full of exciting opportunities, a beautiful family, and a priceless circle of friends, but if you dont have the raw life-force energy to power you through this world, it all means nothing.

When you lack energy, you lack life.

When you hit this point, no wonder life feels so hard, heavy, dark, and overwhelming.

Now that weve shared the bad news, lets give you some good news. You dont have to live in a state of exhaustion. There is another way to experience your world, and were going to show you how. In this book, were going to give you some tools, techniques, strategies, and new mindsets to help you reverse your exhaustion, restore your energy, and get you feeling alive again.

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