You Can Get Your Ex Back: Proven Plans to StopBreakup and Win Back the Hearts of Your Loved Ones
By: Gene Morris
Copyright 2013 by Gene Morris
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, or in any information storage andretrieval systems, without prior written permission of the authoror publisher, except where permitted by copyright law.
This book is intended solely for dispensing ofinformation of an educational value for the purpose of helpingthose who read it to restore a failed personal relationship.Application of the information within is recommended in line with arational and responsible approach to your individual circumstance.If you use the information within to assist with repairing yourdamaged relationship, the author and publisher assume noresponsibility for the results of your actions.
Break-ups are always hard. When a relationship ends,it can feel like your world is falling apart, especially if you andyour partner were very close.
When a relationship ends it is tough, but when youare not ready for it to be over, it is even harder. Humans makemistakes and nobody is infallible. Sometimes, when we are in arelationship we inadvertently make mistakes that end up causing theother person to leave.
When that happens, it is devastating and peoplehandle it one of two ways. They deflect their anger at themselvestowards their ex to anybody else who can be fingered as a scapegoatand the break-up will be blamed on everybody except themselves.
Handling it that way will guarantee that you will notget your ex back and that is not what you want, you want theopposite to happen, to get them back.
Other people are mature enough to realize that theymay have made a mistake or mistakes and just did not see it intime.
Perhaps they did not think that the issues were majorenough to warrant their partner leaving and now that they are gone,they are miserable, alone and blaming themselves. They want tochange and they are willing to change, but will their ex give thema chance?
This book is for those of you in the latter category.If you are reading this and you are thinking, I made no mistakes.The fault was all because she/he did this book is not foryou.
Relationships are about trust, understanding, andcompromise and if you cannot admit that you had a hand in thebreak-up, then your ex will not take you back and you have no rightto expect them too.
No break-ups are all one-sided. Was your ex at faultas well? Yes, both parties are a factor in a break-up but when youare the one reaching out for a second chance you will get nowhereif you begin to play the blame game.
Knowing that you want to fix a broken relationship isthe first step towards being able to fix it. This book will helpyou take an honest look at what went wrong and what you can do tofix.
You will need to be honest and earnest in yourattempts to get your ex back, but it is possible and we willhelp.
Keep Your Emotions in Check
You cannot fix a broken relationship if you do notknow why it ended in the first place. Not every breakup has adefined point in time where you can point and say, right therethat is why we broke up.
Sometimes it is that clear, such as if one or theother of you had cheated on the other but often you might not evenknow why a breakup happened. All you know is that they ended therelationship and you do not know why.
Let us be honest here, you must have a little bit ofa suspicion as to what the reason is. There are probably many cluesbut you just are not seeing them and that is normal.
Unless you know what clues to look for, it can behard to reason out where the relationship went wrong and until youknow why it went wrong, you cannot begin to get your ex back.
Breakups are a very emotional time. It isunderstandable that your emotions are all over the place after abreakup but a great deal of your chances of getting your ex backhinge upon how you act after the breakup.
For example, if you want your ex back but you lashout against them in hurt and anger, they will probably have troublegetting over that.
What you say and do after the breakup greatly affectsyour chances of getting back together and the excuse of I wasupset simply does not fly with many people. It is a cowardsexcuse and will just anger your ex. Why does that statement makepeople mad?
First of all, when you say that, it is as if you areexcepting to be forgiven for your bad behavior after the breakupsimply because you were upset. Being upset is not a valid reason toact out and everybody knows it.
Avoid using the excuse and better yet, avoid thecircumstances that might require you to have to use it! Keep atight lid on your emotions after a breakup and you will not have todo or say anything to have to get extra forgiveness for.
You are already fighting an uphill battle to get yourex back, do not make it any harder than you have to. Bottom line,the best defense in this case is no defense.
Do not argue or get angry with your ex because thatwill just kill your chances of getting them back. Put your emotionsin check and work on your plan to get them back. Channel youremotions into something positive.
The best tactic to take after a break up is to avoidyour ex. If you do not go where they go you will minimize yourchances of saying things that you do not mean, saying things thatyou know will make them angry, end up arguing with them, losingyour temper and insulting them or doing something that you willregret.
Give yourself time, and them time to cool off. If youcontinually beg them to listen to your side you will end up comingoff as more of a stalker or as being clingy; two things you do NOTwant to be associated with.
If you want to get them back, you need to give themtime to cool down and calm down. Your approach about a secondchance will be much smoother if you give them some time to cool offrather than engage them in an argument and then ask the next day toget back together.
It does not work that way. Resist the urge to callthem, text them, email them or to go by their house or where theywork. Also, do not bother mutual friends to find out what they aredoing, etc.
Speaking of mutual friends, do not slander, insult,or otherwise speak ill of your ex to mutual friends or to anybodybecause it will get back to them eventually and that will kill yourchances of getting back together with them.
That is why you need to have a cooling down periodand as tempted as you might be to bad-mouth them to make yourselffeel better, you will be shooting down your chances of getting themback while you are shooting off at the mouth and that is nogood.
If you run into your ex, simply smile and say hello.If a mutual friends says that your ex asked about you, tell themthat you are well and that you hope that your ex is doing okay aswell.
Keep it civil. If your ex contacts you just to checkin on your, do not use this as an opportunity to beg and plead forthem to take you back because it is not the time.
Be grateful that they are at least willing to contactyou because that improves your odds greatly so do not blow them byplaying the blame game or by begging for forgiveness. Talk aboutanything but your past relationship.
Use the time to spend on you. You cannot withdrawinto your own little world, go out with your friends, indulge inyour favorite hobbies, and/or throw yourself into your work.
Stay busy, stay occupied, and you will be betterprepared to get your ex back when the time is right.
Where Did it Go Wrong?
Okay, now comes the hard part. Where did it all gowrong? This is where you will have to take an honest look back overyour relationship and figure out what happened.
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