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Anal Sex
By Jennifer S.
Copyright (C) 2014
Hardcopy ISBN-13: 978-1491216675
Hardcopy ISBN-10: 1491216670
Smashwords Edition
Erotic BDSM Books - Your Erotic BDSM BookPublisher
All rights reserved. No part of this work maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by anyinformation storage or retrieval system, without permission inwriting from its writer, except by reviewers, speakers and otherswho may quote brief passages.
This ebook comes with four additional bonus ebooks.Your ebooks are presented in this order:
eBook #1
The PS-Spot Orgasm: Don't Wait Any Longer
For This Kind of Pleasure
Michelle Tallia
Copyright (C) 2014
Anal stimulation runs the particularrisk of spread of disease and all anal activity/penetrationrequires a high degree of sanitation, before, during andafterward. Make sure fingernails are welltrimmed and hands are very clean before using them on/in abody.
Theres an online videoclip showinghow to find and stimulate the PS-Spot at (Orgasm Arts). Please note, it shows naked female genitalia,so only look at it in private. The writer and publisher of thisbook are not associated with this graphic but very informativevideoclip.
Many women know what Perineal Massage is. Womenoften do this (or have it done to them) to lessen the physicaltrauma of pushing their babies out of their vagina. Perinealmassage involves massaging the perineum (the area located betweenthe anus and the vagina.) This practice is most often done duringthe final weeks of pregnancy. It protects against tears to theperineal during childbirth.
This book however is about a different perinealrelated activity.
Learning how to stimulate thefemale Perineal Sponge (or PS-Spot as it's often called) could provide an amazingtreat for everybody involved. The PS-Spot can extend an orgasm,make orgasms happen quicker, make them more intense and/or createan orgasm on its own.
The PS-Spot is an often overlooked part of thefemale sexual anatomy and definitely worth investigating. If yourea man, knowing how to stimulate it (or even knowing of itsexistence) can really impress a woman. If youre a woman, as youhave one, congratulations! Now lets put it to work.
Connected to the truly amazingclitoris is a network of nerves and blood vessels that branch intovarious clitoral structures. These include the spongy erectilebodies: the Clitoral Bulbs, the UrethralSponge and the Perineal Sponge. The womansspongy erectile bodies aid intercourse by absorbing her blood likea sponge thus increasing their size and pushing on the vagina wallsto make her vagina a tighter fit for the penis. (If one or more ofa womans spongy erectile bodies arent working properly, it may benoticeable in intercourse as her vagina might not be as tight a fitas expected. This however is not thought to be a wide-spreadproblem.)
The Perineal Sponge (PS-Spot) is found in the lowergenital area of women. Via a wealth of nerves, its connected tothe clitoris. It lies a little ( to 1 inches) beneath theperineum (the area between the vaginal and the anus.)
Internally the shaft of theclitoral system divides into two 'legs' that curve downward andlook somewhat like a wishbone. These are called "crura", the Latinword for legs. You cannot see or feel these legs but the perinealsponge is connected to the clitoral system largely by these. Mainlybecause of this connection the UrethralSponge and the Perineal Sponge can provide sexualpleasure. (The urethral sponge (the U-spot) is discussed a bit morein depth later on and the author also has written a book on U-spot sexual pleasure .)
Both males and females havea Perineal . Inmales its located where the penis starts ( which is located above the scrotum and called the bulb ofthe penis ) and the anus. In females, it'sfound between the vagina and anus, roughly 1.25 centimeters fromthe anus if you start your measurement from the vagina. (Thatfigure can vary.)
As both sexes become sexually aroused, our bodiescreate substances that cause blood to rush to the genitals, wherethe blood expands specialized erectile tissue called "bulbs". Menhave a single bulb (the bulb of the penis) and women have two bulbsbeneath the inner lips of her vagina. If unaroused, normally youcant see or feel the bulbs, but as you're aroused they expand andthe genitals become puffed out, creating the female clitoralerection and of course the male erection.
The perineal sponge is internal andoften positioned an even distance between the vagina and anus. It'sjust beneath the perineum. As already noted the perineal sponge(the PS-spot) consists of female erectile tissue. When a woman issexually stimulated, it fills with blood and becomes enlarged justas a mans penis and a womans clitoris does during arousal. As itbecomes swollen with blood, it compressing the outer third of thevagina creating a tighter fit and thus additional stimulation forthe penis. (The Urethral Sponge does the same but at a different location of thevagina.)
The PS-spot can also be stimulated through the anus.If youre a fan of anal sex then its suggested you make aparticular effort to stimulate PS-spot during anal sex. Some ormore women who orgasm during anal sex may be doing so largely fromhaving their perineal sponge stimulated. These orgasms may beaccompanied with ejaculation and may feel similar to orgasms fromG-spot stimulation.
A description of the PS-spot comes from sexualityeducator Ashley Manta. "If you take your tongue and feel the skinon the roof of your mouth, right behind your {front} teeth, that'swhat the {stimulated} perineal sponge feels like. It's a littlefirm, with ridges."
One way to look at it is that if a women is sitting,she has the G-spot on the roof`(top) of her vaginal canal and thePS-spot on the floor (bottom) of her vaginal canal.
Note that the PS-Spot is not the same as theP-Spot as the P-spot is short for Prostate Spot and thusobviously associated only with men, (where the PS-Spot isassociated only with women.)
It has been reported that some Tantric sex followersrefer to the PS-Spot as the Cali spot.
How to Stimulate the PerinealSponge and Have a PS-Spot Orgasm
The PS-spot is innately erogenous tissue with alarge number of nerve endings. It can be stimulated via the vaginaor via the rectum (anus), or by stimulating it using both orificesat the same time.
A number of methods can be incorporated to achieve(or at least attempt to achieve) your PS-spot orgasm. You can usefingers (make sure to trim those finger nails down), a variety oftoys, particularly curved end vibrating toys, non-vibrating curvedend toys, a penis, or a combination. The PS-spot may also besensitive to massage/pressure when applied directly to the outerperineum (the skin between the vagina and anus.)
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