The collected teachings of Alexander containthe most accessible explanations of the mechanics of health,illness and life on this planet that I have yet encountered. Theprocesses and techniques he first described 20 years ago are nowbeing validated by modern scientific research, and suggest that hehas presented a blueprint for How it works that can be utilizedby all of us.
Eric Leskowitz, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Over the decades of reading hundreds,probably thousands, of different examples of channeled material, Ifind Alexander's work to be among the very finest I have ever comeacross. I am struck by the exceptional clarity, integrity, andmeaningfulness of these communications.
JonKlimo, Ph.D. , author of Channeling: Investigations on ReceivingInformation from Paranormal Sources
Alexander gives fresh insights into what isprobably the oldest, most basic set of questions we mortalsstruggle with.
Robert F. Butts
Husband of Jane Roberts, author of the SethMaterial
Living Consciously in an
Age of Turmoil and Transformation
An Alexander Book
Ramon Stevens
Smashwords Edition
copyright 2011 Ramon Stevens
Cover design by Andy Hughes
This book is available in print at most onlineretailers.
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Table of Contents
We speak to humanity yet we are not human. Weare known by the name Alexander, yet this is a label affixed by ourhost, Ramon Stevens, to render us comfortably familiar. In truth weare beyond gender, beyond name, beyond human definition. We arespirit, a pool of consciousness beyond the space-time framework ofyour experience. Yet we carry vital memories of human life, of thestruggles and triumphs marking human experience, for within ourpool live the soul fragments of hundreds of human incarnations.These blended fragments form a rich treasury from which we drawwhen addressing ourselves to your personal and collective strugglestoward happiness and fulfillment.
One soul fragment was a young widow raisingher small children in an age of famine and ceaseless war, whoseyoungest child sprang from the seed of a brutal passing soldier.From this lifetime we learned tenacity: how an indomitable will,forged in fierce maternal love, stymied death's ceaseless threatsto snatch away her beloved brood; and how love conquered even theshame and loathing engendered by the savage genesis of her youngestchild.
Another fragment struggled inside theintellectual prison of the Dark Ages, as a brilliant theoreticianand experimenter whose investigations threatened the Church'sstranglehold on scientific truth. A loner, a lifelong bachelor, hefound family and friends a distraction from the volcanic ferment ofhis mind. From this we learned the thrill of intellectualdiscovery, of nourishing a mind's insatiable appetite with thefruits of hard-won knowledge, and the intolerable frustration ofgrinding against a fiercely irrational and repressiveauthority.
One fragment never lived beyond boyhood, yethis few precious years brought him the experience his soul sought:accepting tenderness, kindness, and sacrifice with grace anddignity. Sickly, weak, mostly confined to bed, the boy appreciatedthe kindly ministrations of his mother and family even as herefused to fall into self-pity or to debase his dignity withvictimhood. Following several lifetimes of haughty, even cruel,positions of power, the boy's soul found its balance inappreciation of loving touch and gentle succor, suffering debilitywith stoic endurance.
A volatile but loving marriage taught onefragment the value of compromise and the rewards of tenaciouslystruggling to synthesize two disparate souls into a lasting maritalunion. Dishes and furniture may have flown, but beneath the dailytumult lay an unshakable commitment to, and respect for, oneanother. This commitment has served us well, for the husband inthat lifetime is now the human host through whom we speak, whilethe wife remains a vital element of our pool of consciousness. Itis through this bond, forged millennia ago, that ourpresentadmittedly unusualrelationship has arisen.
We have long since completed our earthlycycles, the lessons to be gained through animating offshoots ofhuman, animal, and vegetative life. In our present environment weare both student and teacher. We study the larger systems of whichhuman life on planet Earth is but a small fraction; we explore thecreation and dynamics of entire universal systems, the one you knowand others beyond your imagination. We are a teacher in your realmand others, guiding the denizens of diverse systems to a deepercomprehension of their realities, urging them to transcend theself-imposed limits of their senses and conscious minds; to becomeactive creators of their experience. Our guidance ranges fromsubtle whispers echoing softly in the dream state to direct, opendelivery of lessons in written and verbal form.
We have taken the latter course in your timebecause the threats to continued viability of the earth'secosystems are so severe, while fragmentation and implosion of yoursociety intensifies, all leading toward a potentially dark andbrutish futurewhen that future could be so bright. For all yourawareness of the breakdown of cultural, familial and ecologicalsystems, few seem to grasp the underlying forces driving thejuggernaut of destruction; for as is true in any culture, thedeepest, most fundamental values of a society are invisible, beyondquestioning for they are never consciously recognized.
Our purpose in delivering the essayscontained in this book is to offer this understanding, to help yourecognize the deeper beliefs and values which have brought you tothis perilous point in your history and to point the way toward ahigher consciousness, a more evolved way of thinking and being.Naturally this sounds attractive, but the transition will not bepainless for upon the fissured foundation of Western culture restall your comfortably familiar, and ultimately destructive, socialsystems. Religion, politics, economics, science, education,entertainmentall arise from and reflect the Western worldview, amode of perception and thinking at sharp odds with natural law.All, therefore, must undergo radical transformation if humanity isto survive and prosper in the decades and centuries to come.
We speak with a deep respect for the struggleof being human. It is challenge enough simply to find personalfulfillment and happiness without worrying about the larger worldand its travails. Yet you have chosen to participate in theunfolding drama of a world struggling through the death throes ofan old culture and birth pangs of a new one, even as thattransition makes forging a life of stable comfort still moredifficult. We offer our words of guidance in the hope that theyassist you, on both individual and collective levels, to ease thetransition to a more conscious way of being.
Our blessings on your journey.
The Path of Spiritual and Cultural Evolution
Cultural evolution does not unfold inhaphazard, random steps toward a nebulous future. Instead, culturesevolve in specific, predictable patterns, reflecting humanity'sgrowing spiritual maturation. The past few decades have witnessedthe first steps toward forging a new, more spiritually evolvedculture. It will be useful to review these events as a guide towardwhere you are headed. Let us begin by examining the principlesgoverning humanity's spiritual evolution.
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