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Roosh V - Game: How To Meet, Attract, And Date Women.

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Roosh V Game: How To Meet, Attract, And Date Women.
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Game: How To Meet, Attract, And Date Women.: summary, description and annotation

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Game teaches men how to meet and attract women in an age where smartphones, feminism, and anti-masculinity propaganda have made connecting with the opposite sex harder than ever before. It is the seminal work of a hyper-sexualized man who dedicated tens of thousands of hours into understanding women and attracting them, all while fending off defamatory attacks from mainstream feminists and fake news journalists who want to criminalize healthy masculinity.Whether your goal is to have fun in a big city with lots of women or fall in love with only one before getting married, Game will help you accomplish your goals in a way that keeps you safe from degrading cultural winds that continue to divide men and women.Its getting so hard that men who dont experience any intimacy are creating incel (involuntary celibate) communities within the United States, Canada, England, and Australia to complain about how awful things are. We will soon pass a tipping point where there will be more men who cant get a woman than those who can.

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Table of Contents Game Roosh Valizadeh 2018 by Roosh Valizadeh - photo 1

Table of Contents


Roosh Valizadeh

2018 by Roosh Valizadeh


All rights reserved


In early 2006, I started writing my first book Bang. I could not have predicted that it would become one of the preeminent resources to help men with their dating lives. Since then, Ive tried to surpass its popularity with more than fifteen other books, but with the exception of Day Bang, none of them have come remotely close. Parents are told not to show overt favoritism to one particular child, but if my books were my children, Bang would be my favorite.

Besides an update in 2010 to cover text messaging game and going out solo, I have not made any additional edits that address the massive changes weve seen in culture and technology. Many men believe that the most damaging change to society has been the widespread adoption of smartphones, which women treat as surrogate boyfriends, but even worse is the normalization of feminism and social justice. These leftist ideas have increased the hostility between the sexes by inventing myths such as rape culture, the wage gap, and gender fluidity. It would not be an exaggeration to state that relations between the sexes are the worst theyve ever been, with both women and men developing a genuine animosity for each other. Explaining the cause of this hostility, and why I believe its a deliberate agenda of the elites, is another subject entirelythis book instead provides men with non-political advice on how to connect with the opposite sex in an era when its become harder than ever to do so.

I am writing this book for many reasons. The first, to be honest, is pride. There is nothing more rewarding than creating something that elevates your esteem among your fellow man. Second, you have demanded it. A week doesnt pass without me being asked to share updated game advice. Bang has withstood the test of time more than I couldve expected, but I must admit that it is showing signs of age. My livelihood depends on satisfying the customerask and you shall receive.

Lastly, I want to protect you from danger. Women are being trained to believe they have been raped when they werent, and new laws are making it easier to ruin a mans life with dubious allegations that have zero physical evidence. This rape-obsessed climate did not exist when I wrote Bang, so I did not lay out protocols and defense mechanisms to minimize your chance of getting caught in the cultural snares that are elevating women to the status of eternal victims while redefining normal masculinity as toxic or even criminal. In this book, I will give you advice that I have given to my college-aged brother, who I have a strong interest in keeping safe.

Regrettably, the best era to be a player has passed. Between 1990 and 2010, sexual norms were loosest and there was no feminist or government persecution of men. During this time, feminism was a rising cultural force, but it mostly focused on issues such as abortion, domestic violence, and workplace sexual harassment. Once feminists had achieved their goals in those areas, they moved onto college campuses and promoted rape culture, which attempted to redefine sex and intimate relationships for everyone. With the help of the media, universities, police departments, courts, and governments, they have successfully given women a rape card to use anytime they feel regretful, sad, or depressed. The player era ended when these ideas started to infect the mainstream. There is now more downside than upside for sleeping with whomever you can.

What a great time it was in 2005 when sex was relatively easy, with zero chance of being accused of rape after a consensual sexual encounter that happened to involve alcohol. False accusations were barely heard of back then. I remember laughing at the crazy online rantings of beastly women claiming that all sex is rape, failing to see how such a preposterous notion would become a dystopian reality. As the years passed, I started hearing stories from friends about women acting weird after sex and making vague statements about being taken advantage of. Soon I received emails from worried men stating that girls were accusing them of rape outright and might go to the police. Then I got a panicked call from a close friend who needed advice on what to do after the police showed up at his door to investigate a rape claim. I believe that all these cases involved consensual sex, but those in power can change the definition of consensual sex. Laws can be altered to make illegal what was once legal, and I have no doubt that they will keep being changed until every single sexual encounter that a man has could be interpreted as rape by the judicial system. This will happen within my lifetime.

Since the judicial system is being subverted, we must rely on our behavior, intelligence, and knowledge to stay safe. The days of racking up notches and banging drunk girls have come to an end. You now have to say no to women who want to have sex with you if theyve shown signs of derangement or instability. Otherwise, I can almost guarantee that you will have problems if you try to live out a dream of sleeping with hundreds of women. The ideal game plan today is to find a mentally stable girl who has some resistance to feminist ideas, and entering at least a mini relationship with her.

I know that you bought this book to improve your sex life instead of worrying about crazy changes that are happening to the culture, but understand that we can no longer separate the two. Im confident this book will account for those changes so that you can stay out of harms way and enjoy pleasant relationships with women, whether for the short or the long term.

Reading Bang is not a prerequisite to getting the most out of this book. Game is not an advanced or upgraded version of Bang, but a rebooted game book based on ten years of additional experience. I purposefully did not look at Bang before writing Game, so if you read something here that you remember from Bang, its an idea or tactic that strongly correlates to sexual success. I will now teach you absolutely everything I know about game and women. Lets begin.

Chapter 1: Introduction To Game

Beautiful girls in big cities are now directly and indirectly offered sex more than 1,000 times a month from men on the internet, in bars, on the streets, and within their social circles. If a girl has a basic internet profile, spends time on social networking, and goes out twice a week, I guarantee that she is offered more cock than even the most famous women of the past. A girl is not interested in 99% of the men who offer her sex, but try to imagine the effect on your psychology if 1,000 women a month were trying to have sex with you. What kind of person would that make you?

I can tell you what I would be like if I were getting over 1,000 sex offers every month: Id be spoiled rotten, thinking that I deserved all those women just because I existed. Id be flakey, cancelling dates often, because Id constantly be unsure whether I was getting the best possible girl. Id be bitchy to women who didnt read my mind and failed to treat me exactly the way I wanted, because dont they know that I could sleep with hundreds of other women any time I wanted? Id be moody, always dependent on the reactions I get from women. If I received less attention one weekend than usual, Id throw a temper tantrum and demand immediate satisfaction. Id also get bored easily. With so many women constantly trying to entertain me, I wouldnt be able to tolerate five minutes with a boring girl who didnt jump through hoops to make me laugh. Lastly, Id be primed to value novelty more than stability. Id become addicted to experiencing one new girl after the next, and believe excitement and fun were worth more than stability and commitment. My attention span would morph into that of a small child.

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