About the Author
Melissa Tipton is a tarot reader, Reiki Master, licensed massage therapist, and witch. She has been practicing yoga for over a decade and discovered that it complements witchcraft very well.
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Living Reiki: Heal Yourself & Transform Your Life 2019 by Melissa Tipton.
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First e-book edition 2018
E-book ISBN: 9780738759883
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Tipton, Melissa, author.
Title: Living Reiki : heal yourself & transform your life / Melissa Tipton.
Description: First edition. | Woodbury, Minnesota : Llewellyn Publishing,
[2019] | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018042900 (print) | LCCN 2018044320 (ebook) | ISBN
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Subjects: LCSH: Reiki (Healing system)
Classification: LCC RZ403.R45 (ebook) | LCC RZ403.R45 T57 2019 (print) | DDC
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Welcome to the path of the healer. You are embarking on a journey that will take you deep into the mysteries of Reiki and self-transformation, blending the two in a potent elixir of healing, an elixir that, if taken with an open heart by the soul of the seeker, will unite you with your True Self. Amidst the busyness of our lives, its easy to forget that we live in a universe that is positively humming with magic. Were too busy paying the bills that we forget to pay attention to our soul. Were so wrapped up in the anxieties and worries of life that we no longer remember what it feels like to be wrapped up in the Divine. And yet, we dont have to quit our jobs, walk out on our families, or trek up a mountain to find something more, something deeper. We can find it right where we are, and indeed, we must find it where we are. As Doreen Valiente wrote in her poem The Charge of the Goddess, if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.
We are what we seek, and in the very stuff of our livesthe beautiful mess of it allwe find liberation and awakening. When we allow ourselves to spiral inward, it is here, deep in our core, that we understand why we came into this life, what we as a unique being are here to do, and a fire is sparked. A fire that will not allow us to be waylaid, a lantern amidst the distractions. With this light to guide the way, our lives are radically transformed, and we embrace our birthright as natural healers.
Your Healing Apprenticeship
Inside each and every one of us lies a vast store of untapped wisdom, seeds of potential waiting for the right conditions to germinate. It is time. The time is now. Our world is badly in need of healing, and we each must start with the only person we can ever truly change: our self. The more each of us shifts into our power, reclaiming our original wisdom and weaving a web of healing, the greater our communal strength becomes, the stronger the web, the deeper the healing, the bigger the ripples of change.
The form of Reiki I practice, Life Alchemy Reiki, is a path that emphasizes self -transformation. This is the foundation of the entire practice, for if you have forgotten your wholeness, how can you ever hope to remind others of theirs? This is not a path of fixing yourself or fixing other people, as that approach starts with a faulty assumption of brokenness. Instead, we seek to reinstill our trust in the unshakeable reality that we are already Whole. We are already enough. We have simply forgotten. So, let us remember. Lets embark on this journey together, learning the ways of the Reiki healer, blending them with the magic and power of self-transformation.
Who Is This Book For?
This path is open to all who feel called to learn the ways of the healer, whether you are just beginning or have walked the healing path for years and yearn to go deeper. In my practice as a massage therapist, Reiki Master, and tarot reader, I am privileged to front-row seats to my clients amazing spiritual, mental, and physical shifts, and it truly is a magical thing to behold. The number one block to these shifts, hands down, is the false belief that were not worthy, and Ive seen time and time again that once this belief is released, spontaneous self-healing can occur. Dis-ease can be thought of as existing out of alignment with who we truly arein other words, out of alignment with the truth that we are already whole, that we are already one with a state of health. When we are separated from this truth, we get stuck in seeing ourselves as broken, and we believe that the only way to earn our return to wholeness is by eating a certain way, exercising enough, getting another certification, landing the right job, finding the perfect partnerand the list goes on. And on . Were stuck in a loop of not enoughness, and in order to heal this dis-ease, in order to return to a state of ease , we must remember our True Self.
The tools and techniques presented in this course are designed to help you shed, layer by layer, the filters and obstructions created by the ego, which are obscuring your True Self from view. The more you release these obstructions, the more you are able to see how wonderfully unique, how incredibly magical you already are, and from this new vantage point youll have increased clarity on what you came into this life to do. Each and every one of us channels Divine energy uniquelyno two people will channel this energy in the same way, so you cannot be replaced in the unfolding of the cosmos. No one else can weave your magic for you. The world needs the gifts that you, and you alone, possess.