
ISSN: 1793-1339
Vol. 1 High Energy ElectronPositron Physics ( eds. A. Ali and P. Sding )
Vol. 2 Hadronic Multiparticle Production ( ed. P. Carruthers )
Vol. 3 CP Violation ( ed. C. Jarlskog )
Vol. 4 ProtonAntiproton Collider Physics ( eds. G. Altarelli and L. Di Lella )
Vol. 5 Perturbative QCD ( ed. A. Mueller )
Vol. 6 QuarkGluon Plasma ( ed. R. C. Hwa )
Vol. 7 Quantum Electrodynamics ( ed. T. Kinoshita )
Vol. 9 Instrumentation in High Energy Physics ( ed. F. Sauli )
Vol. 10 Heavy Flavours ( eds. A. J. Buras and M. Lindner )
Vol. 11 Quantum Fields on the Computer ( ed. M. Creutz )
Vol. 12 Advances of Accelerator Physics and Technologies ( ed. H. Schopper )
Vol. 13 Perspectives on Higgs Physics ( ed. G. L. Kane )
Vol. 14 Precision Tests of the Standard Electroweak Model ( ed. P. Langacker )
Vol. 15 Heavy Flavours II ( eds. A. J. Buras and M. Lindner )
Vol. 16 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and New Physics at the TeV Scale
( eds. T. L. Barklow, S. Dawson, H. E. Haber and J. L. Siegrist )
Vol. 17 Perspectives on Higgs Physics II ( ed. G. L. Kane )
Vol. 18 Perspectives on Supersymmetry ( ed. G. L. Kane )
Vol. 19 Linear Collider Physics in the New Millennium ( eds. K. Fujii, D. J. Miller and A. Soni )
Vol. 20 Lepton Dipole Moments ( eds. B. Lee Roberts and William J. Marciano )
Vol. 21 Perspectives on Supersymmetry II ( ed. G. L. Kane )
Vol. 22 Perspectives on String Phenomenology ( eds. B. Acharya, G. L. Kane and P. Kumar )
Vol. 23 60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries ( eds. H. Schopper and L. Di Lella )
Vol. 24 The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider:
The New Machine for Illuminating the Mysteries of Universe
( eds. O. Brning and L. Rossi )
Vol. 25 Massive Neutrinos: Flavor Mixing of Leptons and Neutrino Oscillations
( ed. H. Fritzsch )
Vol. 26 The Standard Theory of Particle Physics:
Essays to Celebrate CERNs 60th Anniversary
( eds. L. Maiani and L. Rolandi )
Vol. 27 Technology Meets Research:
60 Years of CERN Technology: Selected Highlights
( eds. C. Fabjan, T. Taylor, D. Treille and H. Wenninger )
Vol. 8 Standard Model, Hadron Phenomenology and Weak Decays on the Lattice
( ed. G. Martinelli )
Published by
World Scientic Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Fabjan, C. W., editor. | Taylor, Thomas (Physicist), editor. | Treille, Daniel (Physicist), editor. |
Wenninger, Horst, editor. | European Organization for Nuclear Research, honouree.
Title: Technology meets research : 60 years of CERN technology : selected highlights / editors,
Christian Fabjan (Vienna University of Technology, Austria & Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria),
Thomas Taylor (CERN, Switzerland), Daniel Treille (CERN, Switzerland),
Horst Wenninger (CERN, Switzerland).
Other titles: Advanced series on directions in high energy physics ; v. 27.
Description: Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : World Scientic, [2017] | Series: Advanced series on directions
in high energy physics, ISSN 1793-1339 ; vol. 27 | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identiers: LCCN 2017014301| ISBN 9789814749138 (hardcover) | ISBN 9814749133 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Particles (Nuclear physics)--Research. | Particles (Nuclear physics)--
Technological innovations. | European Organization for Nuclear Research--History.
Classication: LCC QC776 .T43 2017 | DDC 539.7/3--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017014301
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Copyright 2017 Authors of individual chapters.
Open Access book published by World Scientic Publishing Company and distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) 4.0 License, which permits any non-commercial
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Printed in Singapore
Foreword by Fabiola Gianotti xi
Preface by the Editors xiii
List of Authors xv
Acronyms xvii
Boxes with Supplementary Information xxiii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Christine Sutton and Horst Wenninger
1.1 CERNs First 30 Years: From Fixed Targets to the First Coll iders 5
1.2 CERNs Second 30 Years: The LEP and LHC Story 8
Chapter 2 The 600 MeV Synchrocyclotron (SC):
Laying the Foundation 15
Brian Allardyce and Giuseppe Fidecaro
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 The Rotary Capacitor: Tuning Acceleration 27
Reinhold Hohbach and Kurt Hbner
2.3 Discovery of the e Decay: Rare and Precious 29
Giuseppe Fidecaro
2.4 Measuring the Muon ( g 2): Precision with Precession 32
Guido Petrucci
Chapter 3 The Proton Synchrotron (PS):
At the Core of the CERN Accelerators 39
Donald Cundy and Simone Gilardoni
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 Extraction: Getting the Beam to Leave the Accelerator 56
Massimo Giovannozzi and Charles Steinbach
3.3 Acceleration and Bunch Gymnastics 61
Heiko Damerau an d Steven Hancock
3.4 Boosting PS Beam Intensity 64
Karlheinz Schindl
vi Contents
3.5 Capacitive Energy Stora ge Replaces Flywheel 68
Jean-Paul Burnet
3.6 Taking the Neutrinos by the Horns 71
Alan Ball
3.7 OMEGA: Towards the Electronic Bubble Chamber 74
Werner Beusch and Emanuele Quercigh
3.8 ISOLDE: Targeting a New Era in Nuclear Physics 77
Helge Ravn
3.9 The CERN n_TOF Facility: Catching Neutrons on the Fly 81
Enrico Chiaveri
Chapter 4 The Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR):
The First Hadron Collider 87
Christian Fabjan and Kurt Hbner
4.1 Introduction 87
4.2 Vacuum Pumping by Freezing Molecules 99
Cristoforo Benvenuti
4.3 How to Measure Almost Nothing 101
Cristoforo Benvenuti
4.4 Superconducting Magnets: Squ eezing Beams to Extract More
Collisions 103
Romeo Perin
4.5 Cryogenics for the Superconducting High Luminosity Insertio n
Magnets 107
Philippe Lebrun
4.6 Van der Meer Scan: Proton Beam Tomography 111
Helmut Burkhardt
4.7 Roman Pots: Physics Next to the Accelerator Beam 112