![Digital Wedding Photography Secrets Rick Sammon Wiley Publishing Inc - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/53972/images/img_0.jpg)
Digital Wedding Photography Secrets
Rick Sammon
![Picture 2](/uploads/posts/book/53972/images/wiley_colophon_fmt.jpg)
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Digital Wedding Photography Secrets
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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Copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-0-470-48109-7
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Cover photograph istockphoto.com.
About the Authors
Rick Sammon
![Rick Sammon lower tandem jumper falling to earth at 125 miles per hour - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/53972/images/img_2.jpg)
Rick Sammon (lower tandem jumper), falling to earth at 125 miles per hour, during one of the few times that he was not photographing, writing a book, leading a workshop or giving a seminar.
Rick Sammon has published 31 books, including his latest three: Rick Sammon's Secrets to Digital Photography, Face to Face and Exploring the Lightall published in 2008! His book, Flying Flowers won the coveted Golden Light Award, and his book Hide and See Under the Sea won the Ben Franklin Award.
Rick has photographed in nearly 100 different countries and gives more than two dozen photography workshops and presentations around the world each year. He also hosts five shows on kelbytraining.com and writes for PCPhoto, Layers magazine and photo.net.
Nominated for the Photoshop Hall of Fame in 2008, Rick Sammon is considered one of today's top digital-imaging experts. He is well-known for being able to cut through Photoshop speak to make it fun, easy and rewarding to work and play in the digital darkroom.
When asked about his photo specialty, Rick says, My specialty is not specializing.
You can catch Rick at Photoshop World, which he says is a blast. See www.ricksammon.com for more information.
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As you saw on the cover, I get credit for writing this book. Sure, I put a ton of work into it, but the truth is I had a lot of helpjust like every author. It's the same for all artists. Take Tom Cruise for example. He gets top billing, but he has a slew of peoplefrom make-up artists, lighting directors and set designers to acting coaches and styliststhat make him look good.
So I thought I'd take this opportunity to thank the folks who helped put together this work, as well as those who have helped me along the path to producing this book, which is my 32nd.
The guy who initially signed me up for this book is the same guy who made my Canon Digital Rebel and Basic Lighting DVDs happen: Barry Pruett, Vice President at Wiley. Barry has a quality that every author needs: faith in the author's belief that someone actually wants to hear what (s)he has to say!
Once I was signed up, Courtney Allen, a quite talented Acquisitions Editor at Wiley, took over the project and helped me big timewith everything you see between the front and back covers. Not an easy task...especially considering that the book was produced is just a few months.
More help was on the way! Alan Hess, my technical editor, also added his expertise. Thanks Alan!
I also want to thank Jenny Brown of Brown Ink for her excellent work as Copy Editor and Project Editor, Erik Powers of Creative Powers for his phenomenal job at designing and producing the book, and Mike Trent for his work on the front and back cover design. Thank you all for your eagle eyes and artistic flair - and for patience working with me!
Someone who has been helping me for 58 years also worked on this book. My dad, Robert M. Sammon, Sr., who is 90, actually read each and every word, using his wordsmith skills to improve my words! I could not have done it without you dad.
Two more Sammons get my heartfelt thanks: my wife, Susan, and son, Marco. For years, they both supported my efforts and helped with the photographs. Thanks Susan and Marco for all your help and love.
Julieanne Kost, Adobe Evangelist, gets a big thank you for inspiring me to get into Photoshop in 1999. Addy Roff at Adobe also gets my thanks. Addy has given me the opportunity to share my Photoshop techniques at trade shows around the country.
Some friends at Apple Computers also helped me during the production of this book by getting me up to speed with Aperture 2, the application I use most often to import and edit my photographs. So, more thank you notes go to Don Henderson, Fritz Ogden and Kirk Paulson.
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