Cause Marketing For Dummies
by Joe Waters & Joanna MacDonald
Cause Marketing For Dummies
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About the Authors
Joe Waters: Joe Waters is a leading expert on cause marketing and social media for nonprofits. Hes the blogger behind the webs No. 1 cause marketing blog, Since 2004, he has shared his experiences and insights on how small companies and causes can raise money and awareness with cause marketing on a shoestring budget. Joes the director of cause marketing for a Boston hospital where he manages a team of sales, event, and marketing professionals that develop cause marketing programs with local and national companies. A sought-after commentator on the subject, Joe is a regular speaker at Cause Marketing Forums annual conference. Hes contributor to The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Care2.coms Trailblazers for Good and has been featured in the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy Journal,,, and the Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Joanna MacDonald: Joanna works alongside Joe and is a senior member of the cause marketing team at a Boston hospital where she focuses on cause marketing sales and operations. She specializes in third-party partnerships and cause marketing events and is the yang to Joes ying! Joannas long career in nonprofit and for-profit work include stints at the United Way, Cablevision, and Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. With Joe, she is the cofounder of, a training program for causes that want to launch effective and lucrative cause marketing campaigns.
This book is dedicated to all the causes from whom weve learned so much about cause marketing, and to all the companies that helped make our programs so successful. We are honored to have learned and worked with them.
Authors Acknowledgments
Were very thankful to Wiley Publishing for giving two new authors the chance to write a For Dummies book on such a great topic like cause marketing, which seems to be on every companys and nonprofits to-do list.
Amy Fandrei, our acquisition editor at Wiley, expertly guided us through the process of becoming Wiley authors. Throughout the writing of the book, she offered advice, insight, direction, and even comfort. She was always upbeat and only knew one direction: straight ahead. Thank you, Amy.
Kelly Ewing, our editor at Wiley, made writing this book a lot easier. And the prose youll find in it is much better because of her. Every writer needs a good editor. Ours was Kelly.
Kelly wasnt our only editor. We also needed a technical editor who knew and understood the topic as well as we did and could flag something that needed more explaining, tell us when we were incorrect, or just plain wrong! This heavy task fell to Portland-based cause marketer Megan Strand, a consultant with InCouraged Communication, who did an excellent job providing feedback and helping us produce a much better book.
We couldnt have written this book without access to some basic resources.
My friend and colleague David Hessekiel at Cause Marketing Forum was a wonderful resource. We found much of the information we needed right on his fantastic website (
Another tremendous resource was Cone LLC, a leading cause marketing agency based in our hometown of Boston. Its thought leadership on cause marketing is well known and respected. Its also reflected in the research and studies on cause marketing it frequently shares with the world. Having Cone to turn to was like having our own cause marketing research team a phone call or tweet away! We especially want to thank Sarah Kerkian from Cones Insights Group for all her help.
Finally, we want to thank our families for their support while we wrote this book. While they didnt contribute directly to the research, writing, or editing of the book, they nourished the project with their love, sacrifice, and encouragement. Their patience allowed us to harness passion to prose and produce the book you now hold in your hands.