
Social CRM For Dummies
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About the Authors
Kyle Lacy is Senior Manager of Marketing Research & Education at ExactTarget. In this role, Kyle leads an effort to build and distribute an ongoing research series that sets aside theories and assumptions about consumer online preferences. This series instead focuses on solid data collected through a combination of focus groups, experiential research, and online surveys.
Kyle is the author of three books, Twitter Marketing for Dummies,Branding Yourself, and Social CRM for Dummies. Prior to joining ExactTarget, Kyle co-founded a marketing technology company, helping over 350 clients build and deliver digital marketing experiences. You can follow him on Twitter at @kyleplacy
or visit his blog at KyleLacy.com
. He lives in Indianapolis, IN, with his wife, Rachel, and their dog-like cat, Harley.
Stephanie Diamond is a thought leader and management marketing professional with over 20 years of experience building profits in over 75 different industries. She has worked with solopreneurs, small business owners, and multibillion dollar corporations.
For eight years, Stephanie worked as a Marketing Director at AOL. During her tenure, subscriptions grew from fewer than 1 million to 36 million. She had a front row seat to learn how and why people buy online. While at AOL, she developed, from scratch, a highly successful line of multimedia products that brought in an annual $40 million dollars in incremental revenue.
In 2002, Stephanie founded Digital Media Works, Inc. ( MarketingMessageMindset.com
), an online marketing company that helps business owners discover the hidden profits in their business. She is passionate about guiding online companies to successfully generate more revenue and use social media to its full advantage.
As a strategic thinker, Stephanie uses all the current visual thinking techniques and brain research to help companies to get to the essence of their brand. She continues this work today with her proprietary system to help online business owners discover how social media can generate profits. You can read her blog at www.MarketingMessageBlog.com
Stephanies other books include Prezi For Dummies,Dragon Naturally Speaking For Dummies, and coauthor of Social Media Marketing For Dummies.
Stephanie received a BA in Psychology from Hofstra University and an MSW and MPH from the University of Hawaii. She lives in New York with her husband and her Maltese named Colby.
Jon Ferrara, a social entrepreneur at heart, founded GoldMine Software and lead the company until it was sold ten years later. GoldMine helped pioneer the Sales Force Automation (SFA) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) markets, and GoldMine was used by millions of companies.
After realizing that social media was going to forever reshape customer engagement, Ferrara entered the start up world again when he noticed a distinct lack of any products that effectively combined relationship management, social listening, and engagement with sales and marketing. Jon founded Nimble to create an social business platform to fill this gap.
Kyle Lacy: To my wife, Rachel, and to all the digital marketers of the world who are pushing to drive change in their organizations.
Stephanie Diamond: To Barry who makes all things possible. And to my family for their love and support.
Jon Ferrara: To the man who taught me the meaning of relationships, customer engagement and Social Selling, my father, Angelo Ferrara. He taught me the power of listening and engaging customers, nurturing relationships and staying top of mind with customers. To the woman who has taught me the importance of being present with family, friends and who teaches me on a daily basis the importance of art and soul development, my wife, Arleen Ferrara. To my children who on a daily basis teach me about myself and enable me to grow as a human being.