Copyright 2017 Sapiens Editorial
Published by Sapiens Editorial atSmashwords
Go Pro is a book that presents the keys tobecoming a Marketing or Networking professional. In the work, itsauthor, Eric Worre, lays down a guide for anyone wanting to engagein multilevel marketing, either to strengthen their company or as abusiness by itself. His ideas expand the usual range of action and help to understand that there is asure way to create a large and successful business with the freedomof self-management for both time and decisions.
The 7 steps outlined here summarize theauthor's observations on how to become an entrepreneur with amarketing network, being both a salesman and manager at the sametime, selling your own products or those of other companies,establishing your own working hours and working with whom youdecide to work, all with a significant income.
In these lines, we present the best of these ideas.
Its common to hear people complaining abouttheir jobs, showing dissatisfaction, restlessness, and moodinessfor some aspects of their jobs. Difficult schedules, problems withtheir bosses, discrimination form colleagues, and insufficientprofits are some of the conditions that people mention when askedwhat would change their places of employment.
From questions asked to his audience, Worre compiled a "List of thePerfect Profession", which brings together features that peoplewould like to have in their businesses or in an ideal employmentsituation. This list was built with contributions from people inmore than thirty countries. They started by naming what they didnot want, and then focused on what they do want:
Long transfers
Controlled schedules
Educational requirements
Significant income
Enjoyable work and people
Freedom of schedules
Growth opportunities
Low start-up costs
Sustainable, consistent work
Low risks
Surely you will agree with theseobservations; maybe you will even find some others that follow thesame theme.
Let's start by analysing the traditionalstructure of the working world.
According to their differentcharacteristics, Worre classifiesjobs that people usually occupy themselves with in five differentcategories:
1-Blue Collar Professions. Thiscategory includes workers who arrange, clean, construct, providesimple services, or perform manual labour. To the question ofwhether a "blue collar" profession can meet the Perfect ProfessionList, the answer is obviously not.Surely, such a job will not allow you to fulfil your dreams.
2-White Collar Professions. Includedin this group are people employed by others to perform varioustasks of a professional type, administration, or jobs other thanlabour or sales. They are usually done in an office. "White collarprofessions" are generally highly sought after, because they areseen as a safe option.
Worre distinguishes two groups of white collar workers: Winners andHidden Ones. The first are the ambitious, energetic, motivated,struggling for promotions and advancement. This attitude generatessome resistance between their colleagues and bosses, who will tryto weaken their achievements. Only by being good politicians andmanipulating the human relations can they manage to survive inlarge companies.
On the other hand, Hidden Ones keep a lowprofile. They do not speak nor they are manifested in the meetings.They do not contribute with new ideas for fear of being wrong andonly do what is necessary to not be criticised . Often, they survive for a long time.
If we look at the List of the PerfectProfession, we will see that white collarprofessionals do not match up either.
3-Sales. Some somewhat daring peoplechoose not to be an "employee", instead dedicate themselves tosales. While salespeople are paid well for the sales that theymake, it is a job with unstable results. In periods of good sales,everything seems good, and a lifestyle befitting the flourishingsituation can ensue: new cars, the best schools for children,houses for the holidays. But if and when there is a change, such asthe economy of the country dipping, companies change the conditionsof its sellers, or the product goes out of fashion, to name a fewexamples, family life can become harder from the addedpressure.
It is clear that the conditions of theperfect profession are not fulfilled here either.
4- Traditional Business Owners. It isthe great dream of many people to have their own business, to betheir own boss, in charge of decisions. To achieve this , they invest their savings and even takeloans. People become multitaskers since they have to take care of everything. They become small-timeaccountants, sales agents, producers, and sometimes they even takecare of the cleaning themselves .The task of selling, which is the one that started the venture inthe first place, ends up taking a back seat to these necessities.Some succeed, others fail. With a few exceptions, those who survivein this line of work begin to settle for discounting theirinvestments and no longer talk about profits, struggling day by dayand sometimes giving up and returning to their previous jobs. Thosewho fail are frustrated, conform, and then look for any job, nolonger trying to advance.
5-Investors. Investing is anoccupation for those who have a lot of money, but in order to todedicate a career to investments, it is not enough just to havecapital. It is necessary to have a great skill, knowledge,intuition for markets and trends, and luck. The owner of the moneyis not in control of the businesses, and this makes a guaranteedperformance difficult, since the most abrupt changes can happenovernight, and big businesses which you have invested heavily incan fail.
This too does not fit into the parameters ofthe Perfect Profession.
Economic standards have changed over time.For centuries, companies paid their employees hourly, weekly ormonthly, but this is changing globally. Performance compensation isbecoming the basis of employment. According to this modality, theemployee does not charge for the time that they put in, but fortheir performance.
Based on these structural changes, companieshave established reduced base salaries in favor of offering theirworkers the ability to double them or better by meeting certainweekly or monthly performance targets.
What is the reason for this change?Technological advances mean fewer people are needed, as machines domany tasks formerly done by humans perfectly. People buy online,watch movies on their personal devices, read e-books, all of theseinvolving the elimination of jobs. For positions that still needpeople, only the best performers will be hired to fill the limitednumber of positions available.
In this new economic model that has becomeour reality, whoever wants to survive must find something new.
The globalised world calls for new strategies to exploit tothe full the possibilities of the global network that has beenstrengthened by technology. From a chair located anywhere on the planet, you can reach peopleanywhere. From the comfort of your home, you can learn about andspread products or services, as well as buying or selling them.
A network marketer is someone who sellsproducts and recruits others to sell on their behalf in exchangefor a commission. For example, if you sell cell phones on theinternet, you will find customers for the phones and you will alsogenerate a network of sellers to sell them for you, giving you acommission on their sales. This is how a marketing networkworks.
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