A practical introduction to the macrobiotic
lifestyle and how it can work for you
Julie S. Ong with Lorena Novak Bull, RD
Copyright 2010 by F+W Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
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An Everything Series Book.
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ISBN 10: 1-4405-0371-0
ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-0371-9
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I love this book! The integrity of the information is rock solid. The recipes are simple, practical, nourishing, and very satisfying. Learning to cook with the seasons is a great way to reconnect with nature and the pulse of life. I especially enjoyed the sea vegetable dishes that provide trace elements missing from the Western diet.
E DWARD B AUMAN , Med, PhD, Director, Bauman College: Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts, Penngrove, CA
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is as comprehensive as its title suggests. Julie's tips are easy to follow and put into practical use in one's daily regimen. It is especially useful for beginners, but also as a refresher for old-timers. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to live and eat in a healthy and happy macrobiotic way.
S ANAE S UZUKI , Author, Love, Sanae, Healing Vegan Macrobiotic Cooking, and Co-owner of Seed, Vegan Macrobiotic Kitchen in Venice, CA
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is the perfect book for anyone interested in enhancing their wellness naturally through preparing common healthy foods; it's easy to follow, yet offers new, innovative, and practical ideas for parents and people with busy lives. I highly recommend this valuable book.
M ICHAEL R EED G ACH , PhD, Producer and Bestselling Author of Acupressure's Potent Points and Acupressure for Emotional Healing
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is an easy-to-read, articulate macrobiotic primer with seasonal wisdom and delicious recipes from the friendly voice of Julie S. Ong. Definitely worth a good chew!
V ERNE V ARONA , Author, Macrobiotics for Dummies
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is a great tool for understanding the process of true healing. It is a wonderful read for beginners as well as advanced students interested in improving their health. Filled with yummy recipes, I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to take on the wellness challenge!
S HERI -L YNN D E M ARIS , Med, Macrobiotic Cooking Teacher, Author of Macro Magic for Kids and Parents, TV Host, and Producer of Tea with Sheri
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is simply excellent! It is well organized, easy to follow, and full of useful tips on everything from macrobiotic theory to inspirational recipes. A fabulous resource for everyone.
J ULIE F ERRE , Macrobiotic Expert and Bestselling Author of Basic Macrobiotic Cooking
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is the perfect book for anyone looking to get started in macrobiotics. It is easy to follow, yet offers new and innovative ideas! A must-read.
G ABRIELE F. K USHI , Expert on Macrobiotics, Author of Embracing Menopause Naturally: A Guide to Balancing Your Midlife Transition with Macrobiotics
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is the perfect book for anyone looking for a harmonic relationship with food. It is easy to follow, yet offers innovative and gentle ways to nourish your body along with your soul!
C AROLYN W ILSON -E LLIOTT , CEO, Quantum Spirit International, Global Center for Self-Coaching Skills
Dear Reader,
The Everything Guide to Macrobiotics is a cookbook that represents my macrobiotic and spiritual journey so far. Through macrobiotics, balance, and spirituality, I have changed my lifestyle, and it has changed me in return. I feel free, happy, and peaceful. To be connected to my source, my spirit, my inspiration, is to find my center, my balance with the universe. I am so happy, my heart wants to burst open and embrace the universe.
I want you to share the joy of finding your center. In this book, some foods may be more familiar to you than others. I encourage you to explore the energetic components of a wide range of foods. Include healing foods that are more aligned with your cultural traditions. This will help you connect to spirit through your food source.
I couldn't be more pleased to share this knowledge with you, and I hope you enjoy your journey into macrobiotics.
Happy cooking!
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