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Gisbert Stoyan - Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers

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Gisbert Stoyan Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers
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This book covers the basics of numerical methods, while avoiding the definition-theorem-proof style and instead focusing on numerical examples and simple pseudo-codes.

The book is divided into ten chapters. Starting with floating number calculations and continuing up to ordinary differential equations, including Euler backwards. The final chapter discusses practical error estimations. Exercises (including several in MATLAB) are provided at the end of each chapter. Suitable for readers with minimal mathematical knowledge, the book not only offers an elementary introduction to numerical mathematics for programmers and engineers but also provides supporting material for students and teachers of mathematics.

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Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Gisbert Stoyan and Agnes Baran Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers Compact Textbooks in Mathematics 10.1007/978-3-319-44660-8_1
1. Floating Point Arithmetic
Gisbert Stoyan 1 and Agnes Baran 2
Faculty of Informatics, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary
Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
You know from secondary school: If the base of a power is a >0, then the following relations are valid:
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 1
If q 1
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 2
holds, moreover, if q =1, then Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 3
1.1 Integers
Integers are represented on a computer in the form of signed binary numbers. Often 2-, 4- and 8-byte integers are available where a byte possesses eight binary digits. In many computers 4 bytes are the smallest availableaddressableunit of the memory. It may turn out that we can work with one- and 16-byte integers, too.
The arithmetical operations performed with integers may be and often are faster than the operations performed with floating point numbers (which will be discussed in the following section), but this depends on their word length, the processor and the translator. Such operations can be considered as error-free, hence, using integers a given algorithm can be faster on the computer. However, all steps of a calculation with integers have to be carefully planned, because actually in this case we work in residue classes. As an example consider the addition of 1-byte integers:
The processing unit cuts offwithout any warningthe 1 which cannot be placed in - photo 4
The processing unit cuts offwithout any warning!the 1 which cannot be placed in the frame (it would produce an overflow ), and in this way the sum is replaced by its residual with respect to 28.
Thus, we move to the residue class of 28 and, e.g., in the case of two-byte numbers to the residue class of 216, etc.
1.2 Floating Point Numbers
This type of numbers is fundamental in the use of computers for numerical computations. The form of nonzero floating point numbers is
11 where a gt1 is the base of the representation of numbers or is the - photo 5
where a >1 is the base of the representation of numbers, + or is the sign, t >1 is the number of digits, k is the exponent. The digit m 1 is normalized, that is, it satisfies the inequality
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 6
This ensures the uniqueness of the representation and the full exploitation of the available digits. For the remaining digits
holds The number zero is not normalized in this case and its sign is - photo 7
holds. The number zero is not normalized: in this case and its sign is usually It often happens that the base a of the - photo 8 , and its sign is usually +.
It often happens that the base a of the representation of floating point numbers is not equal to 2. Instead of 2 it can be, e.g., 10 or 16. Some computers have a decimal CPU. However, usually the corresponding arithmetic is implemented by the programming language, and when, e.g., the main purpose is data processing, it can be more economical to use the decimal number system. We may view the computations as being done in the decimal number system and can count on about t =8 using single precision and about t =16 using double precision.
We can imagine the storage of floating point numbers in the following form (reality may be different from this, but here we do not describe these details of the technical implementation which do not affect our numerical calculations):
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 9
where the vector ( m 1,, m t )=: m is the mantissa (or significand ). The exponent k is also called the characteristic of the number. Depending on the machine and on the precision (single, double, quadruple precision) four, eight or 16 bytes are available to store m . Simultaneously, the range of k increases but, depending on the given precision,
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 10
where k ()<0, k (+)>0 and| k ()|| k (+)|(see Exercises ). Then the largest representable number is
while the smallest number is M The floating point numbers form a discrete - photo 11
while the smallest number is M . The floating point numbers form a discrete subset of the rational numbers from [ M , M ], and this subset is symmetric about zero.
We denote the positive floating point number nearest to zero by Thus besides zero there is no other normalized floating point number in - photo 12 ,
Thus besides zero there is no other normalized floating point number in the - photo 13
Thus, besides zero there is no other (normalized) floating point number in the interval Picture 14 . (Here we disregard the fact that on a computer denormalized nonzero numbers can also be used, but to ensure the uniqueness of the representation only in the case k = k (). Practically, this means that then the formula for changes to Fig 11 Floating point numbers on the real axis The - photo 15 changes to Fig 11 Floating point numbers on the real axis The interval - photo 16 .)
Fig 11 Floating point numbers on the real axis The interval appears as a - photo 17
Fig. 1.1
Floating point numbers on the real axis
The interval Picture 18 appears as a huge gap if we represent the floating point numbers on the real axis (see Fig..) since the positive floating point number nearest to Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 19 is
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers - image 20
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