Rebecca Sjonger
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Rebecca Sjonger
Publishing plan research and development
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Sjonger, Rebecca, author
On a mission for good nutrition! / Rebecca Sjonger.
(Healthy habits for a lifetime)
Includes index.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-0-7787-1880-2 (bound).--ISBN 978-0-7787-1884-0 (paperback).--
ISBN 978-1-4271-1625-3 (pdf).--ISBN 978-1-4271-1621-5 (html)
1. Nutrition--Juvenile literature. 2. Children--Nutrition--Juvenile
literature. I. Title.
RA784.S6 2015 j613.2 C2015-903937-1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sjonger, Rebecca, author.
On a mission for good nutrition! / Rebecca Sjonger.
pages cm. -- (Healthy habits for a lifetime)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7787-1880-2 (reinforced library binding) -- ISBN 978-0-7787-1884-0 (pbk.)
-- ISBN 978-1-4271-1625-3 (electronic pdf) -- ISBN 978-1-4271-1621-5 (electronic html)
1. Nutrition--Juvenile literature. 2. Diet--Juvenile literature. 3. Health--Juvenile
literature. I. Title.
TX355.S597 2016
Printed in Canada/102015/IH20150821
Synchred Read-Along Version by:
Triangle Interactive LLC
PO Box 573
Prior Lake, MN 55372
ISBN-13: 978-1-68444-591-2 (e-book)
Healthy eating ............................. 4
The food groups....................6
Vegetables and fruits.......8
Dairy and other
Water and oil.................16
Tips for eating healthy.....18
Make your own snack......20
Show what you know!....22
Learning more............23
Words to know
and Index....................24
Healthy eating
There are many great reasons to eat foods that are healthy
for you. The nutrients in them help your bones, muscles,
skin, and teeth grow. They also give your body the energy it
needs to be active throughout the day. Healthy eating helps you
to focus and learn. It even helps you avoid getting sick!
Did you know that eating nutritious
foods could help you live longer?
Different foods help your body in
different ways. That is why you
need to eat a variety of foods.
Eating a variety
of foods gives
you the energy to
move your body
in different ways.
Healthy eating is just one
important habit . You should also
be active for at least minutes
each day. Then aim to sleep at
least hours every night.
The food groups
Aim to eat a mix of foods from different food groups, to be
sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. Make
sure you eat vegetables and fruits, grains , proteins , and
dairy each day. Keep reading to learn more about each
of these groups.
Foods that are not part of these groups are usually
not nutritious. They may have sugar, salt, or solid fats
added to them, which are not good for you.
It is okay to have treats. Eat them in
small amounts and not very often. Want
a snack? Find something nutritious, such
as berries or plain popcorn.
Vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits are foods that
come from plants. They are a great
source of minerals and vitamins , which
help your body work at its best. They boost
your energy, too! There are different nutrients in different
colored fruits and vegetables. For example, orange ones have