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Copyright 2018 Lahar Bhatnagar Singh
The views and opinions expressed in this book are the author's own and the facts are as reported by her. They have been verified to the extent possible, and the publishers are not in any way liable for the same.
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself which is your constitutional right the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
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ISBN 978-93-86832-53-5
ISBN 978-93-86832-64-1 (e-book)
All the moms across the world.
Thanks for being so selfless, unconditional, and loving.
100 ways to be a stress-free mom and raise happy kids is an essential guide to modern day parenting. I found the tips, techniques and narrative very informative and useful. I have always put my kids as top priority and tried to do the best that I can for them. Through this book I came across many simple tips that I can incorporate in my daily mothering despite my busy schedule.
Mothering has changed a lot nowadays. As mothers we have to juggle many roles on a daily basis. To handle our kids, house, job, relationships and commitments becomes overwhelming sometimes. This book puts a lot of mothering issues into perspective. It helps us to see these issues in a new light and come up with constructive approaches towards our mothering.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and loved its concepts. I wish Lahar a lot of success with this book.
I hope all the readers love and learn the tips she speaks about through this book.
MC Mary Kom
Boxer and a Mother
Every mothers ultimate goal is focused on raising good kids. Though there are innumerable books and resources available on the Internet that guide moms on raising smart and healthy children, they are all missing the formula that is actually the Holy Grail of mothering. This formula holds the secret for raising a kid who is happy, healthy, empathetic, and intelligent. If the mothers imbibe this formula with all their heart, every aspect of mothering will be taken care of. The simple yet ignored formula is:
Happy Mother = Happy Kids
Having met and interviewed several adults from all walks of life, I realised that adults who remember their mothers being truly happy are the ones who have grown up to be happy and successful individuals, and at peace with their success and even their shortcomings.
Hence, raise yourself to be a happy mother and you shall automatically have a happy, healthy, and smiling kid in your house.
To be happy you need to be calm and stress-free. Through this book, I bring you a compilation of 100 of my favourite ways to become a happy and stress-free mom, aka Nirvana-ma.
Some tips are from my personal experiences and some are from observations. But all of them are meant to make your personal journey as a mom, joyful and enjoyable.
Here is raising a toast to the most important job on this planetmothering!
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
Mothering is as much about nurturing the mom in you as it is about nurturing the child. It is also your journey of self-exploration, transformation, and enlightenment. But in todays society, mothering has become exclusively about the child who, in turn, serves as the yardstick for the mothers. The good mothers are those whose children are healthy, intelligent, well-behaved, excelling in studies, etc.
While in reality, mothering is really about how you bring up not one but two peopleyour child and yourself. Focusing only on your child means you are only completing half the journey of motherhood. Therefore, you should also focus on raising the mom in you. Focus on finding your happiness, your peace. The deeper you go on this journey of self-discovery, the more enjoyable and complete your motherhood will be.
So, always remember that the readout for good mothering is not only a happy child but also a happy mother. This is the first step to becoming a true Nirvana-ma.
This book has been compiled as a handbook for becoming a happy mother and has 100 small chapters. Each chapter describes a way to make the mom in you stress-free.
There is no particular order to read this book. Every time you open the book, you can read any chapter you want. Also, you dont have to get all the 100 ways mentioned right the first time! Incorporate each way one at a time in your life.
The other prerequisite for reading this book is to have an open and accepting mind. There are many preconceived notions and concepts about mothering which you will need to shed before you can set out on the path of blissful and stress-free mothering. If there are some topics that you find you don't agree with, please let them sit around in your mind for a while. Dont dismiss anything without trying.
Also, some of the tips and ways described might sound far-fetched at first, but dont let it deter you. I feel that acknowledging that something is tough ironically makes it half as easy!
And finally, some of the cases and scenarios mentioned in this book may seem to be about my own country, India, and its culture, but this book is not restricted to Indian moms. Mothering is universal. No matter from where we are, we all want the same things for our kidshappiness, security, success, and joy. That is why the basic principles behind each chapter apply to the whole spectrum of mothers whether expecting, new, or old, all across the world.
So, just dip into the elixir of motherhood and take the plunge towards this immensely satisfying journey of being a Nirvana-ma!
Don't look for happiness. Create it!
All great journeys start with the first step. And the first step to becoming a happy and stress-free mom, aka Nirvana-ma, is to consciously choose to be happy. It is not as simple as it sounds.