Raising Smart Kids For Dummies
by Marlene Targ Brill
Raising Smart Kids For Dummies
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About the Author
Marlene Targ Brill is an author, early childhood specialist, and special educator. More important, she is the mother of a great kid. Her background of multiple degrees in education, 13 years on the front lines of teaching and training other teachers, and practical experience on the home front contribute to the parenting focus and practical suggestions you find in this book.
Marlene has written 50 books and countless articles for readers of all ages. Her Keys to Parenting a Child with Autism has received a Parents Choice Award so she knows how to make raising smart kids a readable topic and how important a job parenting can be.
This book is dedicated to all parents who journey down the awesome parenting road, and to their smart children, who will grow up just fine. I also want to thank my hubby, Richard, and daughter, Alison, for giving me the wonderful and wacky family experiences that helped me write this book.
Authors Acknowledgments
Every book has a story, and this one involves lots of helpful people. I never would have embarked on this book without the professional guidance of my agent, Grace Freedson; prodding of my hubby, Richard; and support from my experienced writers group: Charlotte Herman, Carolyn Crimi, Mary Jane Miller, Fay Robinson, and Mary Monsell.
Once into the book, countless folks from various areas lent their expertise: Iris Gimbel, speech and language; Lucy Klocksin, reading; Janet Emmerman, science; Robin Campbell, physical fitness; and Arlene Erlbach, special education. Special thanks go to my teen consultants: Alison Brill (yep, my kid!), Rebecca Targ, and Scott Klocksin. Thanks to Tere Drenth, the editor who fine-tuned the manuscript. I am indebted to you all and to the parents, including my own, who gave me inspiration for this book.
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