![Cool Infographics Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/213420/image_fi/book_art/cover.png)
Cool Infographics: Effective Communication with Data Visualization and Design
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-118-58230-5
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ISBN: 978-1-118-83715-3 (ebk)
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For Dale, in whose eyes my company is at least as important as Googlebut maybe not as big a deal as Apple. Within a week of opening my company, he asked a random hairdresser, My dad has his own company, InfoNewt. Have you heard of it?
You're the reason I keep dreaming big.
About the Author
![Randy Krum is the founder and president of InfoNewt wwwinfonewtcom a - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/213420/image_fi/book_art/ffirsuf001.png)
Randy Krum is the founder and president of InfoNewt ( www.infonewt.com
), a data visualization and infographics design company. In 2007, he started the Cool Infographics blog ( www.coolinfographics.com
) as a hobby, which has since grown into one of the worlds most popular websites focused on infographics.
Randy is a designer of data visualizations and infographics for both online and internal use for clients. He is also a frequent speaker at conferences, professional organizations, MBA classes, corporate meetings, and government agencies. He was honored to be selected as the 2012 Central Intelligence Agency speaker series presenter. With a degree in mechanical engineering rather than graphic design and 15 years of prior experience working for consumer product companies, Randy focuses on telling visual stories with data.
Carol Long
Adaobi Obi Tulton
Nancy Gage
Christine Mugnolo
San Dee Philips
Mary Beth Wakefield
Rosemarie Graham
David Mayhew
Ashley Zurcher
Amy Knies
Richard Swadley
Neil Edde
Jim Minatel
Katie Crocker
Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama
Sarah Kaikini, Word One New York
Robert Swanson
Courtesy of Ray Vella
Randy Krum
I must first thank Carol Long from John Wiley & Sons whose first question, Have you considered writing a book? led ultimately to the one you are holding. I might have put it off indefinitely if not for Carols confidence in me.
At John Wiley & Sons I especially thank Adaobi Obi Tulton, my project editor, for her patience with this first-time author and her enthusiasm for the project. Thanks also to Nancy Gage ( www.coroflot.com/n-gage
), Ashley Zurcher, San Dee Phillips, Christine Mugnolo, Katie Wisor, and the many other people involved in bringing this book together.
Heartfelt appreciation to my good friend Penny Sansbury for acting as my personal editor. Penny not only brought her technical writing background to the table, but shes the kind of friend from whom I am guaranteed to get honest feedback.
Thanks to designer Ray Vella for adapting one of his infographics for use as the cover design.
Special thanks to all the companies and designers of the data visualizations and infographic designs included in this book. Your generosity helps us all learn to be better designers.
I owe a debt of gratitude to the thousands of visitors and subscribers to the Cool Infographics blog and to all the readers that have contributed comments and submitted infographics, and everyone that contacted me over the years to share their support.
I offer both thanks and encouragement for the thousands of infographic designers throughout the world. Your work has taught me, inspired me, and convinces me we will be doing this work for a long time to come.
I must also thank my parents, Sue and Bill, for always encouraging me to explore my interests and teaching me not to be afraid of going my own way.
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