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To Monica, Kyrstin, Zoe, and Gwendolyn
I would like to thank a number ofindividuals and institutions that have made this book possible. Special thanks to DVGarage and Arroway Textures for their contributions to the materials included in thebook. I would also like to thank Luxology for their continued support, wonderfulcustomer service, and a fantastic 3D application. There are many members of the 3D community who have been helpful throughout thisprocess, and I would like to thank them. Alex Lindsay, who has been a mentor andhero of mine for years, has been a great support throughout this process. Thanks, Alex! Jim Berton ( ), who is a greatcommunity activist and champion of all things 3D, has given me support andencouragement over the past months. I would also like to thank Andy Carr. Andy isone of my greatest colleagues and oldest friends. He has been available to talk andgive an extra push when I needed it. Thank you, Andy; your friendship has meant moreto me than I can express. Most of all, I wouldlike to thank my family. I thank my mom and dad for their support and encouragementas I dove into this field from an early age. I cannot give enough thanks to mybeautiful wife, Monica. Your help and loving support have made this work possible. Finally, I would like to thank my wonderful children: Kyrstin, Zoe, and Gwendolyn. They have given up time with Daddy and put up with me when I have drudged throughmornings after long nights. Thanks to all of you. Without you, I could not have madethis happen.
About the Author
Ellery Connell is a seasonedprofessional with well over a decade of experience in interactive media, film, television, web, print, and game design. His personal clients cover the UnitedStates, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Some of his notable credits include work forCBS Broadcasting, Inc., Simon & Schuster, Star Trek Magazine, the Utah Jazz, Caesars Palace, the Bellagio, and Ellery hascreated numerous professional training series and taught seminars (both live andweb-based) covering a wide variety of subjects related to motion graphics, visualeffects, 3D modeling, animation, and postproduction.