Bang Poland
Roosh V
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2012 by Roosh V
All rights reserved.
Welcome To Poland
Poland is one of the best places in the worldfor thin, feminine women. There, I said it. The cat is out of thebag.
I originally planned on visiting the countryfor one month, but ended up staying for seven. It wasnt because Imade amazing friends or fell in love with the cities, culture, orfood. It also wasnt because I became enchanted with its mountainsor natural beauty.
It was because I simply couldnt get enoughof the women. Their personalities and vaginas fit me like a glove.What was supposed to be a little visit to get used to EasternEurope turned out to be one of the greatest discoveries of my adultlife. Besides Brazil, there is no place that I can confidently saymade me a better man and lover, and Im not ashamed to say that atear of sadness almost fell from my ocular region as I flew out ofthe country.
Now that Ive gotten the hype out of the way,I have to bring you back down to Earth. First, the weather isawful. Winters are bone-chillingly cold and the summers are rainyand mild without a lot of sun. Second, the cities are uninspiring.They are functional places that have little to offer besides atouristy old square, lacking the electricity and vibrancy of citieslike Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona, and Paris. Third,there is a mass exodus of women from the urban centers in July,August, and September (Polish people love to travel to beachesduring the summer).
If you consider that people hibernate duringthe winter, youre left with only four good months to visit: April,May, October, and November. If you visit outside of those months,you wont experience the best of what Poland has to offer. As youcan see, the country is only good 33% of the time, so its not aplace youd want to live in permanently.
The biggest problem youll face is that ittakes time to preheat a Polish girls oven. While Ill give youtips on getting one-night stands, for most of the guys Iveexchanged war stories with, it takes a couple dates to seal thedeal. Therefore, if you want to visit Poland to sleep with women,youll need to stay in one city for at least one month. Iunderstand this is probably impossible if you have a full-time job,but if you visit for two weeks or less, whatll end up happening isthat youll run out of time to bang the girls you meet.
Unless your game is above average, it willtake two weeks just to build a solid pipeline. If youre reallyshort on time and can only travel for two weeks or less, myrecommendation is to visit Scandinavia, where girls are as easy asthose youd find in America.
Many men come to Poland for a short period oftime and dont see its strengths, not understanding that it takestime for the country to release nectar from its fruit. While othercountries ripen in a couple days, like a banana, Poland is morelike an avocado. It takes time before you can enjoy the mushy greenflesh.
Polish Culture
History hasnt been kind to Poland.Strategically wedged in the center of Europe, it has been brutallyinvaded and raped by both Germany and Russia. The Germans sothoroughly destroyed Krakow during World War II that city plannershad to study artistic paintings of the city to reconstruct itsbuildings. To avoid a repeat of history, Poland has become anactive NATO member with a respectable military that should be ableto fend off any future blitzkriegs.
Even with the attacks the country hassuffered, you wont pick up a sense of anger or lament from thepeople. Polish people look forward. Theyre intensely serious aboutbuilding a strong nation with a skilled workforce that will berespected the world over. During the time I lived there,infrastructure was being frenetically upgraded for the 2012 EuroCup.
Education is taken seriously by the middleclass. Youll meet women studying to be doctors, lawyers,accountants, and translators. This isnt what youd expect if youbelieve the stereotype of Polish people being stupid. I found thatnon-Polish people, especially Europeans, consistently insult Polesfor their simple-mindedness. Even in America there is a Polishgenre of humor. Those negative stereotypes simply didnt pan out. Ifind Polish people, especially the women, to be kind, intelligent,outspoken, and more knowledgeable about the world than the averageAmerican.
The major downside to the culture is thatits basic, without much flourish. In my previous travel guides, Iusually included lots of notes about a countrys culture, but forPoland, I have almost nothing. The reason? Polands strength liesin its women, not its culture. If you take away the women, therearent enough positives to warrant a visit. There are many othercountries, particularly in South America, where the outgoing andunique nature of the culture make it worth more observation andstudy.
Having a tame culture isnt necessarily bad.It trains people to appreciate what they have instead of beingoverly materialistic. The Polish personality is about beingrespectful and humble instead of showing off. Its about showingcuriosity and interest in other people instead of feeling superior.Its about living a life where your basic needs are met instead ofkeeping up with the Joneses. Instead of calling Polish culturesimple, maybe its better to call it easygoing. Polish people aremore concerned about drinking with friends than with trying toincrease their status.
One of the most interesting parts of Polishculture is the language, which I consider a softer version ofRussian. If youre a lover of languages, youll be intrigued byPolish and want to take a stab at it. This will undoubtedly giveyou gray hair, however, because Polish is one of the hardestlanguages for English speakers to learn.
Besides the tough pronunciation, you have theissue of Polish noun cases. In English there are only two nouncases: singular and plural. The word cat either exists ascat or cats. In Polish, there are seven that depend on how youwant to use the word. If you want a cat, youd use a different casethan not wanting a cat. If you want to describe an orange cat, thatis yet another case. These cases are unique for every word, meaningthere is no universal pattern. If you also add in the fact thatthere are gendered nouns, a variety of hard-to-pronounce sh andzh sounds, non-phonetic reading of its spelling, and verbconjugations that change depending on whether youre male orfemale, the result is a language that your brain resistslearning.
To give you an idea how hard it is, lookingup a Polish word in the dictionary was useless, since that word wasalways in its case form, while the dictionary always showed theroot form, which was often completely different. After studyingmoderately hard for three months, I was only able to have the mostbasic conversations.
If you want to undertake the challenge ofstudying Polish, and I think you should if you want to make yourtrip more enjoyable, there are three main resources to use. Thefirst is the Pimsleur Polish audio course, which you can puton your MP3 player. The second is the Berlitz Phrasebook,which has English pronunciations of common phrases. Finally, thePolski Krok Po Kroku book has a fun program you can do witha Polish speaker (hire a tutor in the city you land in).
While most Polish girls speak English,uttering just a couple Polish words will increase her interestsince it shows that you respect her culture and arent an obvioussex tourist. Learning it also gives you an additional topic to talkabout when trying to build a connection (e.g., Why is Polish sohard?).
Not only did girls get a kick out of mespeaking in Polish, but they remarked on how cute I sounded whensaying words with an obvious American accent. The bad news is thehottest Polish girls never seemed to speak English, a phenomenonthat seems to hold true of any countrys women. A hot girl who canland the best men in her country doesnt have to undertake thearduous task of learning a foreign language.