Windows 10:
The New 2019 -2020 Complete User Guide to Learn Microsoft Windows 10 with 55 latest tips&tricks.
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Rlsd on July 29, 2015, Wndows 10 s Mcrosoft's ltst oprtng systm, whch currntly runs on mor thn 300 mllon dvcs n th world. Th systm hs n ts rsnl mny nw, usful fturs, ncludng n updtd Strt mnu, Cortn, th dgtl ssstnt nd th Notfcton Cntr.
n ddton, to xpnd functonlty nd prformnc, th nw oprtng systm offrs sgnfcnt mprovmnts.
Th ltst Wndows 10 hs much n common wth th fmlr Wndows 7, but thr r mny mor dffrncs. W prsnt comprtv ovrvw of th two systms so tht you cn dcd whch on s bst for you.
Wndows 7 nd Wndows 10: Wht r th smlrts nd dffrncs?
Wndows 10 s n ttmpt by Mcrosoft to synchronz ll knds of dvcs runnng th sm OS. Ths ncluds computrs, lptops, tblts, Smrtphons, nd XBox gm consols. Wndows 7, n turn, s dsgnd xclusvly for PCs nd lptops. Wth ths n mnd, th "top tn" hs lot of fturs not found n th "svn", but thr r lso plnty of thngs n common.
Of cours, th mn dffrnc s th dsgn. Wndows 10 s optmzd for th montor nd for th touchscrn. Wndows 7 s dsgnd only for th prsnc of computr mous nd hs Strt mnu. Th nxt vrson, Wndows 8.1, rdclly pprochd chng n th usr ntrfc, drmtclly dprvng usrs of th Strt button nd rplcng t wth lv tls. n Wndows 10, th Strt mnu s rturnd, but t s combnd wth st of tls, whch mks th nw OS convnnt for usrs of ny dvc.
nothr dffrnc btwn Wndows 10 nd Wndows 7 s th srch functon. Srch n Wndows 7 llows you to srch for fls nd pplctons on your locl computr. n Wndows 10, th srch rng hs xpndd: th usr cn srch th ntrnt drctly from th dsktop, s wll s n th Wndows Stor pp stor. n ddton, th nw systm hs voc srch prformd usng th Cortn ssstnt.
nothr dffrnc s fl mngmnt. Both Wndows 7 nd Wndows 10 us xplorr, but n th nw systm t s much mor convnnt nd nformtv. xplorr n Wndows 10 hs "rbbon" of functons, lk th modrn Mcrosoft Offc, nd th copy nd pst wndows dsply th spd of th oprton n th form of grphs. ll ths Wndows 10 took from Wndows 8.1.
bg dffrnc btwn th two systms s th notfcton. n Wndows 7, ch pplcton throws ts pop-ups onto th scrn, plus thr s notfcton r n th lowr rght cornr of th scrn. n th "top tn", n turn, ll systm nd pplcton notfctons r collctd n on tp nd r ordrd by tm.
mjor nnovton comprd to Wndows 7 s md n trms of mngng workspc. Wndows 10 fnlly hs th knd of vrtul dsktops tht ndrod usrs r usd to, nd Mc OS usrs nd Lnux fns hv long bn ccustomd to. Thy r not yt n Wndows 7, lthough thr s lrdy support for multpl montors.
Wndows 7 s crzy populr wth computr gm nthussts. Wndows 10 ntnds to sz th plm. Th systm ncluds DrctX 12, whch provds sgnfcnt ncrs n gmng prformnc, s wll s comprhnsv ntgrton wth XBox through n ntgrtd pplcton wth conncton to XBox Lv.
Chapter 1 Microsoft Windows 10 review of version 1903

Rcntly, Mcrsft hs tund n wth Wndws 10 updts. Th prl 2018 Updt hd prblm nstllng n crtn dvcs, whch cusd blu scrns f dth. ftr tht, th M prtnrs stppd th dplymnt f th updt nd th rls tslf ws dlyd untl prl 30. ftr th ctbr 2018 Updt ws rlsd, mny usrs thught tht th cmpny drw ny cnclusns frm ths lrdy. But n. Nt nly dd th updt cm ut vry bruptly, t ls pssd th Rls Prvw tstng chnnl. By th wy, h hlpd wth th prl updt, but thn th Rdmnd tm dcdd t tk chnc. Ys, thy rskd tht th updt hd t b pstpnd fr mnth. Thn gn sm prblms strtd bng clrfd n th dvcs, nd gn th updt ws nt vlbl t mny. s rsult, nly t th nd f Dcmbr dd Mcrsft rsum th dplymnt f th nw updt, nd thn n mnul md. t culd b dwnldd nly by clckng n Chck fr Updts. nd n Jnury 2019, th updt bcm utmtclly vlbl t ll usrs. Tru, bcus f thr rputtn, mny rmnd sttng n th prl updt f Wndws 10. Wh knws, myb ths trdtn wll cntnu, nd usrs wll nw chs nly th sprng updt, snc ccrdng t unwrttn lws, nly thrugh n rls, vrythng s fn wth Wndws.
Hwvr, Mcrsft tk nt f ll ths nd tmd th xtr strng prblms wth systm tstng. nsdrs wr vn gvn dvnc tst bulds fr th nxt yr's 20H1 updt, snc th chngs thr shuld b lrg-scl. Updt 19H1, whn cmprd wth prvus updts, turnd ut t b nt s bg. lthugh f yu lk t my prvus rvws, yull s tht sy ths vrywhr; thr r fwr nd fwr chngs wth ch updt, nd ths tm t s n cncdnc. Mcrsft spcfclly tk such msurs t chv stblty nd hgh prfrmnc. t s clr tht ll prblms ths frst mnth wll stll b fxd by cumultv ptchs, but s fr, cn sy tht th 19H1 updt hs turnd ut t b qut stbl, lthugh nly tm wll tll hw tru ths s. Mrvr, th ffcl rls tk plc nly t th nd f My, th updt ws tstd fr 2 mnths nd t sms tht th cmpny hs chvd th ntndd rsult. gn, wnt thnk f nythng, thrws, suddnly smthng my g wrng. ky, lt's tk lk t wht th nw 1903 vrsn brught t us.
Th My updt f 2019 t th vrsn f Wndws 1903 brught numbr f bth purly csmtc nd rlly mprtnt nnvtns.
Systm dsgn sttngs nw llw yu t chs brght thm, nd kmj pprd n th mj st. Ths r Jpns mtcns md up f chrctrs frm sn lngugs. Th pnl wth mgs fr th rgnl xprssn f mtns cn b brught up by th ky cmbntn f wn + spc. Crtn Vc ssstnt s nw sprt pplctn frm Srch, nd ts cpblts hv xpndd. ls, t wll b pssbl t dsbl bth pplctns sprtly f th usr ds nt nd th functnlty f n f thm fr sm rsn.
n trms f scurty, Wndws functnlty ws supplmntd by spcl sndbx - th Sndbx runtm. f th usr f sm pplctn suspcts ts rlblty, runnng t n ths sltd nvrnmnt wll nsur t cnnt hrm th prtng systm undr ny crcumstncs. Fr ths wh r frd f unuthrzd wrtppng, Mcrsft hs ddd n cn nfrmng.
Th systm f updts hs bn substntlly rwrkd, th us f whch wll n lngr cus s much ngtvty n ppl. mchnsm hs pprd fr th ntllctul nlyss f th usr's ctvty tm, s nw thr wll b fwr nnyng rmndrs but th nd t rstrt th cmputr. f smthng gs wrng durng th upgrd prcss, th prtng systm wll utmtclly rmv th prblm ptch nd rstr th prvus vrsn f th fls.
ftr rbt, th systm n lngr wts fr prsn t uthntct, nstd, t rgstrs ndpndntly wth th usr wh nttd th updt, ppls th prt tht rqurd rbt nd thn wts fr usr ctns. Ths nnvtn ds nt ffct scurty snc th ccunt s nt ctully unblckd, but fr custmrs ts cnvnnt. Fr xmpl, yu dnt hv t wt ftr n vrnght updt - th cmputr s mmdtly rdy fr us.
Wndws Updt s n f th mst dus subsystms f th Mcrsft S. n th n hnd, ths s n xtrmly ncssry thng, n th thr - t t ftn spls th lvs f usrs by s cnstnt ntrruptns.
Nw ptns hv pprd tht r pplcbl fr css f cln nstlltn f th prtng systm: th Wndws utplt strt-up stup lgrthm hs bn mprvd, bckup strg hs bn ddd spcl dsk spc usd nly by th systm fr updt fls, cch nd tmprry fls. Ths ftur wll llw th cmputr t mntn hgh spd vn whn th systm dsk s full. Whn updtng n lrdy nstlld systm, Bckup strg s nt crtd, but th ptn cn b nbld ltr n th sttngs.
Mcrsft, fnlly, wll llw usrs t rmv mst f th bult-n pplctns - lmst 4 yrs ftr th rls, th cmpny lstnd t th pnns f custmrs nd nw thr s n nd t us dzns f cmmnds t rmv unncssry strt mnu tms. Wndws hs bult-n ptn t dsply th scrn f n ndrd Smrtphn n cmputr mntr s wll s numbr f ddtnl functns rltd t ntrctn wth prtbl dvcs.
Th Strt mnu hs chngd, s hs th ntrfc. nly slghtly, but fr th bttr.
ls, th cd tht cuntrctd th xplttn f th vulnrblts Mltdwn nd Spctr ws mprvd, thrby ncrsng th vrll systm prfrmnc. Th Strt Mnu hs bn ptmzd nd t s nw sr t rd, wth lss vsul grbg. Th systm f ccss t Lnux pplctns hs ls undrgn chngs - mng thr thngs, th "tr" f fls f * nx-systms cn b vwd drctly frm th "xplrr". Nt wthut prblms: th prbblty hs ncrsd tht n sm nn-ptmzd gms th usr wll s blu r grn "dth scrn", but thy prmsd t fx ths bug.