2019 Easy Guide for Beginners to Learn the Linux Operating System and Linux Command Line. 99 tips and tricks included.
I hope it will be useful for you.

To most popl, Lnux mans a whol lot of thngs: A horrbl systm wth complcatd commands or an opratng systm for th xprts but w lk to s Lnux as a basc opratng systm, just lk Wndows or macOS X. t allows you to work as you would undr Wndows. But t works dffrntly.
For svral yars, Wndows OS wr havly favourd than Lnux bcaus of thr as of us but ths s no longr th cas. Lnux now has a nc, comfortabl and asy-to-us graphcal systm that puts t on par wth Wndows opratng systm. Th commands ar mor smplfd and a lot of upgrads hav gon nto latst vrsons ( dstrbuton) to mprov usrs xprnc.
vn though most popl s Lnux as an ndpndnt opratng systm, n th ral sns, Lnux s prtty much vrythng. ts prsnc s flt vrywhr and almost all dvcs work wth Lnux. From your Androd phon to smart frdgs and vn rfl usd by th mltary.
Oftn rfrrd to as th krnl, Lnux prforms a whol of functon n th opratng systm. ts functon nvolvs takng car of drty work whch ncluds: mmory managmnt, accss to prphrals (hard dsk, CD-ROM radr, kyboard, mous, graphcs card ...), ntwork managmnt, tm sharng mcroprocssor btwn programs (mult-task), tc.
Unlk Wndows whos GU s mposd on you, thr ar dffrnt graphcal ntrfacs undr Lnux, th man ons bng Gnom, KD and XFC. t's vn possbl to run Lnux wthout a GU, or vn launch th GU only whn you want. Hnc, wth Lnux, you hav total control ovr th graphcal usr ntrfac whch s ntrstng for usrs who lk to twak thngs.
What s GNU
GNU s a projct that has brought lots of utlts to th Lnux krnl, such as th famous GCC complr, and thousands of utlts (tar, tal, man, bash ...). Ths utlts gv usrs th lcns to prform a whol lot of tasks whch ncluds copyng, formattng and rmovng fls from th systm by smply clckng on or two buttons wthout wrtng commands.
Ths GNU utlts, assocatd wth th Lnux krnl, mak up th GNU / Lnux opratng systm.
GNU / Lnux s fr, dffrnt compans took ovr and dcdd to forg an opratng systm to thr lkng. Ths ar calld dstrbutons. Among th bst known nclud RdHat, Fdora, Mandrva, Dban, Susa, Slackwar, Gntoo, Xandros, Lycors ...
n addton, ths platform gvs usrs th frdom to mak a choc of softwar. Ths ncluds makng a choc of commands as wll as graphcal ntrfac. Prdctably, ths fatur coms as a surprs to Wndows usrs who ar stuck wth a dfault command ln.
Fortunatly, Lnux coms wth a host of advantag wndows usrs should look to xplor. Frst, th possblty of t crashng s lss and supports multtaskng. Wth ths, you can run svral programs at th sam tm wthout ncountrng any problm.
Lnux Dstrbuton
Lnux Dstrbutons also calld dstros ar vrsons of Lnux opratng systm that coms wth nstallaton programs and managmnt utlts just as w hav Wndows 7,8 and 10 on Wndows OS.
Lnux dstrbutons whch ar dsgnd wth krnls ar oftn asr for usrs to oprat than opn-sourc Lnux whch most tms uss commands. Ths dstrbuton lmnats th nds for usrs to compl xstng cods bfor an acton s prformd.
As th yars roll by, mor dstrbuton ar dvlopd by vndor ach brngng a nw fatur to th tabl. Prsntly, thr ar thousands of dstrbutons to choos from and thy nclud Ubuntu, Dban, Fdora and Slackwar. Wth mllons of dstrbutons n th markt, on s bound to asly gt confusd on th typ of dstrbutons to choos For anyon just gttng startd wth Lnux, t's mportant to put prc and orntaton nto consdraton.
Orntaton: For xampl, th RdHat ar hghly orntd corporat srvrs (databass, wb srvrs ...), Mandrva and Ubuntu ar mor orntd towards offc usrs and ntrnt usrs, Flonx s dsgnd to start drctly at from a USB ky, tc.
Th way thy ar "fabrcatd": for xampl, th RdHat s dsgnd by a bg company, whl th Dban s dsgnd mor dmocratc (partcpaton of ntrnt usrs).
Th prc: Som ar pad ( RdHat, Mandrva ...), othrs fr ( Fdora, Dban ...). Not that you may hav to pay for fr dstrbutons, but th prc s only usd to covr th support (CD), shppng costs and any papr manuals. Nothng prvnts you from downloadng and burnng thm yourslf.
Whn t coms to choosng softwar, t's hard to say. t all dpnds on your lvl and what you want to do wth t. To know whch on s bttr, ncourag you to download varous dstrbutons to tst thm and fnd th on you lk th most.
f you do not know whr to start, rcommnd th followng:
Knoppx (f you do not want to nstall anythng on hard dsk). Ths vrson of Lnux starts drctly from th CD and wrts nothng to hard dsk. No nstallaton s ncssary on hard dsk. t s a way to dscovr Lnux safly.
Ubuntu s a grat dstrbuton, whch can thr b usd as Knoppx (wthout nstallng anythng) or nstalld on hard dsk. Th ntrfac s vry clan and smpl to us. Onc nstalld, you can accss hundrds of addtonal softwar n a fw clcks.
Ths s th dstrbuton rcommnd f you want to nstall Lnux on your computr. Somtms thr ar drvatvs of ths dstrbutons. For xampl, Knoppx s a dstrbuton drvd from Dban, and Morphx s drvd from Knoppx, tc. Ubuntu s th most popular Lnux dstrbuton.
Lnux and othr Unx
Lnux was cratd by Lnus Torvalds n rspons to th bg commrcal Unxs, whch wr mostly ovrprcd. Th GNU projct has also startd on a smlar motvaton ( GNU mans " G NU s Not U nx ").
Lnux s sad to b a fr opratng systm, whch mans that you ar fr to us, modfy and r-dstrbut t (whch s not th cas wth Unx, Wndows or MacOS X). Ths Unx stll xst today and ar stll sold: HP-UX (Hwltt-Packard Unx), AX (BM Unx), Solars (Sun Unx), RX (Unx of Slcon Graphcs) ...
Unx s a rgstrd tradmark, and any company that wants to crat a " Unx " opratng systm must follow a numbr of strct ruls. Wth ts fr, opn and prformanc, Lnux s ganng popularty compard to othr Unx. vn th bg compans that wr dong thr own Unx gt startd! (lk BM, Sun, HP, SG ...)
Lnux and Wndows
do not ntnd to rlaunch anothr dbat " my systm s bttr than yours ". Th rvalry btwn Lnux and Wndows Systm s just lk th dbat btwn Phons and Samsung Galaxy vrsons. Thy just can't go away and usrs ar nvr trd of askng for mor.
Ths comptton hav sn mprovd vrsons from vry manufacturr whch has rally shapd usrs xprnc. Hr, w do not ntnd to crtcs or crown on th wnnr. Bcaus n th actual sns, both hav thr own us. No vrson s prfct. All has t's own pros and cons. Th bst, howvr, dpnds on th usr and what you ntnd to us t for
On th othr hand, just want to gv som lmnts that can hlp you dcd btwn Lnux and Wndows.
" Dcd " s also a bg word, snc nothng prvnts you from nstallng th 2 on your computr and swtch from on to anothr!
Howvr, t must b mphaszd that Lnux rqur mor tm than Wndows, to mastr. f you ar not rady to spnd mor tm, do not go to Lnux.
n hs dfnc, mastrng Lnux s vry gratfyng, bcaus not only dos t allow you to undrstand what s gong on "nsd" (f you wsh), but abov all to do xactly what you want. Th larnng curv s stpr, but t gos furthr.
Not that wth rcnt dstrbutons lk Ubuntu, Mandrva or Xandros you do not hav to put your hands n th gras f you do not want t. Thy ar as asy to us as Wndows.
Chaptr 1 Lnux Fl Systm

Anyon who uss a computr must nvtably us th fls to do hs job; whthr h s a smpl usr of Word or xcl or that h s a programmr of softwar or systms. Ths s th most vsbl part of an opratng systm. Morovr, many popl judg th capablts of thr work nvronmnt on th qualty of thr fl systm, ntrfac, structur and rlablty.
Today, ntrfacs that ar mor and mor smlar to ach othr offr us a vry good ablty to manpulat fls, that s to say, to nam thm, to mov thm and to authorz all knds of opratons. Ths ntrfacs now hd th ntrnal structur of th fls and lt us thnk that thy ar all smlar, hddn bhnd smlar foldrs and cons.