'So V eg an in 5 showcases fun and simple recip es and lots of i nspiration for Meat Fr ee Monday s!'
Paul McCartney
Here is a cookbook th at make s it ev en easier to make delicious ve gan food for someone who can t cook at all, like me!
Thank you, Roxy & Ben.
Chris Martin , Coldplay
Its a modern guide to vegan cooking, packed with fuss- free and irresist ibly tasty ve gan recipe s, each u sing only ve ingr edients.
Introduction 11
12 Introduction
Weve m ade it our mission to revol utionise the wa y w e all think about vegan f ood, p roving once and for all that cooking delicious plant -b ased meals at home can be fo r every one ( an d its good for the planet, too) .
Over the pa st three ye ars, we ve tak en ou r plant -p owered message to the masses . Our re cipes hav e reache d hundreds of millions of people all ov er the wo rld and eve ryth ing weve learned along the way i s right here in this book.
We want to debunk the com mon myt hs that vegan f ood is complicated or expensiv e, so we ve made it easier than ev er before f or peopl e to eat more plants. Whether you re a full-t ime vegan, a cu rious carnivor e or taking part in a growing mov ement like Me at Fr ee Monda y, let So Ve gan in 5 be your guid e to cooking easy, budget -f riendly recip es that don t require me at or dairy .
Were talking about go- to rec ipes you ll want to recreate again and again . Those all- time fav ourites that neve r get boring .
Were t alking about hear ty , home-cooke d meals that won t involve spending hours walking up and down su permarke t aisles, sea rching for a ne ver - ending list of ingr edients.
Were talking about clas sic recipes and winning av our combinations th at you can knoc k together in no time at all, afte r a long and stre ssful day at work.
This cookbook is a celebration of vegan f ood. Y o ull nd ov er 100 carefully create d recipes , includin g light and whol esome meals, heart y dinners, epic dessert s and nutritious nibb les, design ed to suit all occasions and deve loped fo r the eve ryd ay co ok.
Weve p ut our heart s and souls into this cookbook, and we really hope you en joy it as much as weve e njoye d creating it f or you.
Roxy and Ben, aka S o Ve gan
Introduction 13
Like mo st other kids, we neve r entert ained the idea that one day w e would actu ally be vegan.
In both our househ olds, meat and dairy took centre stage o n our plates, while the humble pla nts were pus hed to one si de. In fact, until only a fe w years ag o, we just ass umed vega n food was bland and boring .
At least that was until we tried this ve gan thing for ours elves. We decided we wanted to make a dierence and we realised that changing our diet wo uld hav e an immedia te and positi ve impact on the plan et, as we ll as eve ryth ing that lives on it. And thats when eve ryth ing changed.
As a result of g oing veg an, we fe ll in lov e with fo od all ov er ag ain and we wante d to share this pa ssion with as many people as we could. So Ve gan was born s hortly afte r, and eve r since then weve be en testing , dev eloping and lming recipes for the wor ld to see, all fro m our cosy at in So uth London.
Its unbelieva ble to think that w e now hav e ove r a million amaz ing followe rs all ov er the wo rld, and it s dic ult to put into words how proud we are to see so man y people recreating ou r recipes at home and sharin g our passion fo r vegan fo od.
This cookbook is dedicated to ev ery one who has supporte d us, believ es in our mes sage and i s passionate about creating a future po wered by plants.
Thanks to ev ery one who helpe d to make th is possible.
Introduction 15
Before we get going, there are a fe w import ant things y oull need to kno w about So V eg an in 5 which will help you along t he wa y. Think of th ese as our top tip s for g etting the most out of this cookbook.
16 The 5 things you need to know
18 The 5 things you need to know
Yo ull notice weve i ncluded symbo ls at the top of every recipe to highlight the prep time, cook time and th e cost of making the entire rec ipe, making it as easy as pos sible for you to ick through these pa ges and nd exactly what you nee d. The cost s are as fol lows: