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Ashwin Pajankar - GNU Octave by Example: A Fast and Practical Approach to Learning GNU Octave

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Ashwin Pajankar GNU Octave by Example: A Fast and Practical Approach to Learning GNU Octave

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Get a quick start to learn, understand, and apply GNU Octave using a math- and programming-friendly approach. This book focuses on an end-to-end track to teach mathematical programming, data science, signal processing, and image processing with GNU Octave.

GNU Octave by Example starts with an introduction to GNU Octave, a free and open-source alternative to MATLAB. Next, it explains the processes to install GNU Octave on popular operating systems such as Windows, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi, and other platforms. Further, it covers hands-on exercises with GNU Octave exploring the basic functionality and command line in interactive mode. This is followed by covering matrices and various operations including how to read and analyze data from various sources. Moving forward, it introduces commonly used programming constructs in data visualization. It explains 2D and 3D data visualization along with data analysis. It also demonstrates the concepts related to geometry and its application with GNU Octave. It concludes with coverage of signal processing followed by image, video, and audio processing techniques.

After reading this book, you will be able to write your own programs for scientific and numerical applications.

What You Will Learn

Understand the practical aspects of GNU Octave with math and programming-friendly abstractions

Install GNU Octave on multiple platforms including Windows, Raspberry Pi, and Ubuntu

Work with GNU Octave using the GUI, the command line, and Jupyter notebooks

Implement 2D and 3D data visualization and analysis with GNU Octave

Who This Book Is For

Software engineers, data engineers, data science enthusiasts, and computer vision professionals.

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Ashwin Pajankar and Sharvani Chandu GNU Octave by Example A Fast and - photo 1
Ashwin Pajankar and Sharvani Chandu
GNU Octave by Example
A Fast and Practical Approach to Learning GNU Octave
1st ed.
Ashwin Pajankar Nashik Maharashtra India Sharvani Chandu Pittsburgh PA - photo 2
Ashwin Pajankar
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Sharvani Chandu
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the author in this book is available to readers on GitHub via the books product page, located at www.apress.com/978-1-4842-6085-2 . For more detailed information, please visit www.apress.com/source-code .

ISBN 978-1-4842-6085-2 e-ISBN 978-1-4842-6086-9
Ashwin Pajankar and Sharvani Chandu 2020
Apress Standard
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Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer Science+Business Media New York, 233 Spring Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Phone 1-800-SPRINGER, fax (201) 348-4505, e-mail orders-ny@springer-sbm.com, or visit www.springeronline.com. Apress Media, LLC is a California LLC and the sole member (owner) is Springer Science + Business Media Finance Inc (SSBM Finance Inc). SSBM Finance Inc is a Delaware corporation.

I dedicate this book to

Srinivasa Ramanujan,

the great Indian Mathematician

Ashwin Pajankar

My parents and my sisters who have been my constant support

Sharvani Chandu


During my days studying as an undergraduate student, I used MATLAB for demonstrations in the areas of image and signal processing. MATLAB is indeed a good tool and a very convenient programming interface for people who want to focus on subject matters like image and signal processing because it provides excellent support in these areas for demonstrations. However, MATLAB is a paid and non-open source product.

GNU Octave is an open source alternative to MATLAB. It has a very high degree of compatibility with MATLAB in terms of programming. One of the most desired features of GNU Octave is that it can be used with Jupyter Notebook. This makes it easier for everyone to write interactive scripts and share them.

The GNU Octave project has an online repository called the Octaveforge that hosts many useful libraries for tasks in the areas of signal and image processing. You can create publication-quality visualizations for scientific datasets using GNU Octave.

We wrote this book in such a way that novices and beginners will find it easy to learn the important concepts. The step-by-step approach gradually increases in rigor and difficulty of concepts and demonstrations. People working in the areas of data science, signal and image processing, and scientific domains will find this book extremely useful to get introduced to GNU Octave and Jupyter Notebook.

While this book has been written for novices and beginners, it is recommended that you have had some exposure to computer programming and mathematics since a lot of the concepts in this book are related to mathematics.

We hope that this book serves you, the reader, well and that you will enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed writing it.


We want to express our gratitude to the technical reviewer and long-time acquaintance, Lentin Joseph, for helping us make this book better. We would also like to express our gratitude to the team from Apress. Aditee Mirashi helped us coordinate the entire book process and Shrikant Vishwakarma guided us through the editorial process. We are thankful to Celestin Suresh for giving us the opportunity to write this book.

Table of Contents
About the Authors
Ashwin Pajankar

holds a Master of Technology from IIIT Hyderabad. He started programming and tinkering with electronics at the tender age of seven, beginning with the BASIC programming language. He was gradually exposed to C programming, 8085, and x86 assembly programming during his higher secondary schooling. He is proficient in x86 assembly, C, Java, Python, and shell programming. He is also proficient with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other single-board computers and microcontrollers. Ashwin is passionate about training and mentoring. He has trained more than 60,000 students and professionals in live and online training courses. He has published more than a dozen books with many international and Indian publishers. He has also reviewed numerous books and educational video courses. This is his fourth book with Apress and he is working on more books. He regularly conducts programming bootcamps and hands-on training for software companies. He is also an avid YouTuber with more than 10,000 subscribers to his channel. You can find him on LinkedIn.

Sharvani Chandu

holds an MS in Computer Vision from CMU and a BTech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from IIIT Hyderabad. She has research experience in the areas of computer vision and machine learning. She currently works for Amazon; she also worked in Bangalore as a software engineer for a couple of years, focusing on machine learning and natural language processing. During her undergraduate and graduate studies, she worked as a research intern, teaching assistant, and research assistant. She has also published research papers related to her work. She is enthusiastic about working in the areas of mathematics, computer vision, and programming. You can find her on LinkedIn.

About the Technical Reviewer
Lentin Joseph
is an author roboticist and robotics entrepreneur from India He runs a - photo 3

is an author, roboticist, and robotics entrepreneur from India. He runs a robotics software company called Qbotics Labs in Kochi/Kerala. He has 10 years of experience in the robotics domain primarily in Robot Operating System (ROS), OpenCV, and PCL. He has authored eight books on ROS, including Learning Robotics Using Python, first and second editions, Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming, first and second editions; ROS Robotics Projects, first and second editions; and Robot Operating System for Absolute Beginners. He pursued his Masters in Robotics and Automation from India and has worked at the Robotics Institute, CMU, USA. He is also a TEDx speaker.

Ashwin Pajankar and Sharvani Chandu 2020
A. Pajankar, S. Chandu GNU Octave by Example https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6086-9_1
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