Copyright 2017 Doug Bennett Publishing Services by Doug Bennett
Year: 2017 All rights reserved. No reproduction, transmission or copy of this publication can be made without the written consent of the author in accordance with the provision of the Copyright Acts. Any person doing so will be liable to civil claims and criminal prosecution. BUILD IT is guaranteed the most complete meal-by-meal, day-by-day training program in the fitness market for guys over 30. Its going to show you how to get maximum results whether youre trying to get fighting fit, pack on muscle or just get into top shape without living in the gym!
Are you ready to pack on muscle, build strength, increase stamina, boost testosterone and feel healthy without living like a body builder?Are You 30 to 50 years old and fall into one of the 4 categories? The Busy Executive who needs a guaranteed get super fit plan to that is doable in between both work and family? The Single Guy who wants to pack on muscle and get the look the ladies are attracted too? The Ex-Athlete who was a star high school or college athlete who hates the gym, but wants to get into top shape to play the sport he once loved or simply wants to get into fighting shape? The Guy whos a combination of all 3 plus needs to lose belly fat and once to transform his fat ass? Then this book is for you. BUILD IT brings your goals to reality.
Youre going to get everything you need to get fit fast, feel healthy, lose belly fat, pack on muscle, boost testosterone and build confidence. This is not for bodybuilders. This is for guys who have a real life who dont want to live in the gym like an 18 year old who checks out his biceps, eats boiled carcass and protein bars. This book gives you diet options and workouts that will fit into your busy life and give you the results you desire. This isnt about eating grass and drinking green drinks. Nor is it about working out with a rubber band and telling you that youll look like a fitness model.
The diets and workouts are the real deal! Message
From Doug Bennett If youre going to just read this book without taking action (following the meal plans and most importantly, using the workouts) then spare me a review and dont buy this book. This is only for those who want to change the way they look and feel. This is an action taking book and not for those who think reading scientific shit is going to get them in shape. If you want all the science go take a fucking college class. Youve got to put in some intense effort to maximize results in less time. Ive taken out all the fluff and given just the stuff that works.
Doug Bennett One more thing: Yes, this book will allow you to pack on muscle, lose belly fat increase testosterone and build confidence without eating just salad and boiled chicken. Yet, you must use the workouts and give 100% effort. None of these workouts in this book have ever been seen. Its not about just putting 10 of this and 10 of that together just to fill pages No punching the air, no eating Lean cuisine, no performing tricep bench on a chair nor jumping around to a DVD in your underwear. Doug Bennett, one of Americas Top Trainers, has helped professional athletes, Olympic wrestlers and thousands of guys who just want to look and feel their best. Now, hes decided to share some of his knowledge on paper for less than a six pack.
Youll save thousands of dollars and wasted hours on trying to figure out what works by downloading The Build Your Body Blueprint today! All intellectual property created by Douglas Bennett including All material, protected by copyright, trademarks, service marks, diets, fitness programs, names: build it blueprint, are owned, registered and/or licensed by the Body studio corp. all content in this book including but not limited to text, designs and content is collective work under the copyright laws and in the proprietary property of the Body studio corp. you agree not to print, modify, copy, broadcast, distribute, sell or transmit any content written in the Build It Blueprint without the Body studio Corp. or Doug Bennetts prior written consent. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall be interpreted as granting any license of intellectual property rights to you. This will lead to court action.
All rights reserved. The Build It and/or doug Bennett, author, writes an exact diet and workout system that can get you into your best shape ever. However, you must use it to get your desired results. Always, consult a qualified medical professional before starting this or any other diet and fitness program. You are assuming all risk and liability by reading and using any of the material written in the Build It and/or created by Douglas Bennett. Always stop if you feel discomfort and seek medical help immediately.
Table of Contents Your busy Guide blueprint to a Buff and Fit body.. Let me start out by thanking you for taking the time and a Slither of belief that this book will actually help you get fit and muscular even if you have failed before or think you dont have the time to work out. Im hoping by the end of this book you will eliminate all chemicals and bad stuff from your diet and change the way you work out forever. Yes, I guarantee once you use my programs youll see what a pro-level training is like. I wont even make you jump up holding your crotch, perform squats on a chair or anything like that crap. All these workouts are original and arent like 99% of the copy cat training programs in the fitness market.
Lets face it, you need a program that gives you fastest results possible while letting you focus on the daily grind: a job, bills, kids, and everyday time sucking activities. Yet, before you go any further. Im telling you now. This is not a body-building program.I repeat: You will not be a meat-head from this plan. This plan is for those guys who want to live a healthy lifestyle, get super fit and be able to kick some ass if need be. Im going to show you everything a guy from 30-50 years old needs to pack on muscle, lose fat, live healthy, drop pounds and all the shit that goes with it.
About Me So, youre probably saying who is this guy? What does he know? Ive heard all this shit before! Well, Im not a so-called guru who was a fat, dumpy pussy (and still is) who has eaten fast food his whole life and all of the sudden has started to eat sub rolls and salads to lose weight or is a 20 year old trainer who lifts in the gym 2 hours a day and thinks hes tough because he cant lift his arms.
My dedication to intense training and eating right helped me land a spot on the Clemson University Wrestling Team, a top ranked Division 1A wrestling college at the time. Unfortunately, due to a major infection and a knee injury I was sidelined and was forced to only lift. Most guys thought I was on steroids at the time, but honestly I just knew what to do and how to put on mass. Guys noticed and I was writing programs for all the Top Athletes for Clemson back in the late eighties. in science/nutrition, own a very successful training center and have personally trained thousands of clients from Pro-Athletes, Olympic Wrestlers, UFC athletes, Division 1A College Teams, CEOS, just to name a few. in science/nutrition, own a very successful training center and have personally trained thousands of clients from Pro-Athletes, Olympic Wrestlers, UFC athletes, Division 1A College Teams, CEOS, just to name a few.
As a father of 2 boys at 47 years old. I train clients 60 to 70 hours a week, so believe me I know how hard it is to fit a workout into your day. So, youre not alone. Follow this book and youll see how to get fit fast. So, to summarize all this crap, Ive been a trainer for 27 years and know what works for guys of all levels of training. I promise once you try my training method, youll see what makes me different and why I get paid $125- $250 for just one private 30 minute training session.