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Sara Ramsay - Cooking Delicious Mexican Dishes at Home is Easy and Fast

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Do you want to be good at making delicious, tasty and authentic Mexican food?
The good news is that mastering Mexican cooking would not be so difficult anymore. This book Cooking Delicious Mexican Dishes at Home is Easy and Fast will make things easy for you. You would get an insight about the best recipes and the best part is that you would get to know the tips to make your dish shine on your dining table.
Some of the delicious recipes include:
*Mexican Rice
*Baked Texas Jalapeno Peppers
*Taco stuffed Pasta shells
*Fish Tacos
*Tres Leches Cake
Once you have gone through the recipes in this book Mexican cooking would definitely become fun and easy for you.
Click the Buy Now button now and enjoy the great tips and tricks in this book!
tags: mexican cooking, mexican food cooking

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Cooking Delicious Mexican Dishes at Home is Easy and Fast

Real Mexican Food Press

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Table of Contents

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Measurement Units The following are the measurement units used in this book - photo 1Measurement Units The following are the measurement units used in this book - photo 2Measurement Units The following are the measurement units used in this book - photo 3

Measurement Units

The following are the measurement units used in this book. Try to stick to the measurements to get the most accurate results.

t-> teaspoon

T-> tablespoon

C-> Cups

Readers Guide

The best way to make use of this book is to start with beginner recipes. This will help you grasping the rest with a lot more ease and you will enjoy cooking to the utmost. Make sure to go through the tips as well to decipher the secret to authentic Mexican cooking.


I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, Cooking Delicious Mexican Dishes at Home is Easy and fast.

This book will introduce you to the exciting world of Mexican dishes. The concept of complex cooking will be wiped from your mind once you complete the book. Once you go through the colorful pages, you will learn to cook Mexican dishes the easy way.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it and eat well!

Popular Mexican Dishes

Mexican food is always a delight for food lovers. The flavors are awesome and the ethnic dishes are a good break for those bored with your routine menus. The following are some of the epic Mexican dishes that will leave you and your guests craving for more.

Creamy Burrito Casserole

Preparation time 15 minutes Cooking time 20 minutes Servings 2 Serving - photo 4

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2

Serving size: 346 g

Calories: 251

Fats: 21.6 g

Carbohydrates: 12.1 g

Protein: 3.4 g

This dish is filling and gives you the real flavors of Mexico. The best thing about it is that you will be able to prepare it quickly. The recipe is quite straightforward.


  • lb ground beef ground
  • 1/8 medium chopped onion
  • 2 T green onions
  • 1 small green chilli minced
  • 1 package of taco seasoning (13 ounce)
  • 1 large tortillas
  • 1 can refried beans (4 ounce)
  • C taco cheese
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • C sour cream
  • 1 T olive oil

Steps to success

  1. Take a skillet and add the olive oil. Add the ground beef in the skillet and cook until it turns brown.
  2. A dd the taco seasoning to the beef and the refried beans in the skillet.
  3. Take a separate bowl and mix the sour cream and soup.
  4. Take a casserole dish and grease with oil spray.
  5. A dd half the soup cream mixture at the bottom of the casserole.
  6. The next step will be to add the tortillas.
  7. Layer half of the meat mixture in the casserole and top with spring onions and green chilli.
  8. Add the cheese layer. Repeat the layers till the cheese and the meat mixture are finished.
  9. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F and bake the casserole for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Mexican Rice

Preparation time 20 minutes Cooking time 35 minutes Servings 2 Serving - photo 5

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Servings: 2

Serving size: 124 g

Calories: 290

Fats: 13.3 g

Carbohydrates: 38 g

Protein: 4.7 g

Mexican rice is a very delicious dish. All rice lovers will definitely enjoy it. Make sure that you try out this wonderful recipe in your kitchen for many fine meals to come.


  • C tomatoes chopped
  • white onion chopped
  • C long grain white rice
  • 1/8 C olive oil
  • 1 garlic cloves minced
  • C chicken broth
  • T tomato paste
  • jalapenos
  • 3/8 t salt
  • t red chilli flakes
  • t black pepper
  • 1/8 C fresh minced cilantro
  • lime

Steps to success

  1. Start by pre-heating your oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Take a food processor and add the tomatoes and onions. You need to make a puree. Reserve two cups for this recipe.
  3. Remove the seeds from the jalapeno. Mince the flesh of the jalapeno and set aside.
  4. Take a mesh strainer and place the rice on it. Rinse the rice through cold water till it comes out clear for about one minute.
  5. Make sure that you shake the rice to remove any excess water. This step helps remove the starch from the rice.
  6. Now you need to heat the oil in a Dutch oven. The Dutch oven should have a tight-fitting lid. Place it on medium heat for 2 minutes. The oil needs to be heated properly. The best way to find out is to throw some grains of rice in; if they start to sizzle, the rice is ready.
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